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The Afterlife

Communication with earthlings Agree: 28 divider Disagree: 1


Both Agreements and DisagreementsA spirit in heaven can communicate and/or induce effects on humans on earth in many ways. The spirit soul can make very definite contact with those left on earth, and occasionally can communicate through an object. Spirits can share a thought at the same time with the individual and the individual just knows that it has communicated with a loved one. Then there are those spirit souls who have not actually made the complete crossing over who will also make their presence known, often on a far more earthly level than any of the others.

AgreeSouls need not incarnate to serve in the physical realm...souls who are in the nonphysical provide tremendous assistance to us by sending love and inspiration. They communicate with us in dreams and touch us through our emotions when we are awake.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 122, 2007

AgreeIn many communications with those in these transitional states, messages through mediums can appear as highly contradictory. The experience of the 'dead' is not the same. The conditions and situations vary. An individual explaining his reality can only explain what he knows. Most individuals from these stages who communicate with 'living' relatives have not reached the time of choosing [between life state] as yet, and have not completed their training. They may still be perceiving reality in terms of their old beliefs. Almost all communications come from this level, particularly when there is a bond of relationship in an immediately previous life. Even at this level, however, such messages serve a purpose. The communicators can inform living relatives that existence continues and they can do it in terms that the living can understand. They can relate to the living, since often their beliefs are still the same in fortunate circumstances they can communicate their knowledge as they learn. Gradually, however, their own interests change. They take up relationships in their new existence.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 164, 1994

AgreeTo understand the illusion of loss while in body is to understand in an expanded way the impossibility of loss in spirit. We are never without our loved ones, and they are never without us. When her lifetime is complete, Valerie, having felt apparent loss and seeming impermanence to her very core, will return to spirit and share with Dustin and D.C. a new and more profound appreciation for the permanence of their lives and love.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 240, 2007

AgreeWe are certainly not infallible here in the spirit world, but by virtue of our altered state we can see just a little farther ahead than can you who are still incarnate. When we perceive that our friends on earth are about to make some mistake or other that will eventually be to their disadvantage, we are naturally anxious to offer a word of caution or advice, and so save them from the consequences. Alas, man is so often deaf to our promptings, and the false move is made. Eventually, when our friend arrives in the spirit world, he sees the mistakes he has made and how he could have prevented them had he but listened.

Here and Hereafter, Anthony Borgia
pg. Chap1, 1968

Agree[Denise to her friend Kelly] "Your mother is here, but first before we speak with her there is someone else here too. I cannot get around him so I would like to try and identify him and bring him through first...He is very insistent. He is a young man and good looking from what I can tell, with dark hair and my guess looks to be around twenty-two or twenty-four. He is just very clear to is almost like I am looking at him through static, like a TV screen. He is very upset and is telling me he was shot. Do you know who this is? He is still earthbound and has not crossed over yet like your mom has, he is here, standing right there...I feel like he has not been passed long, maybe a few weeks...He says his name is Walt...Walter?" [Neither could remember who he was]. He then vanished and I was able to move on to her mother. [week later]...William walked in..."Hey William, what's up? Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a while"...What he told me next was not something that I was at all prepared to hear..."well I have been out of town for awhile and I just got back this week. I have been in New York. Walter's (24 year old son) funeral was last week."..William turned and walked to the door...It was all making sense now, all coming back to me-the reading with Kelly and Walter (week before). He was trying to come through to Kelly and me. He knew I was going to see his dad and he wanted to get a message through to him. The lights flickering in the house, the light bulb exploding, the computers turning on and off, my feelings of being depressed, sad and overwhelmed all week, the nausea - it all made sense now. He was trying to get through to me and he was still earthbound, he had not yet crossed over.

The Messenger, Denise Lescano
pg. pgs. 96-98, 2014

AgreeWalter was the first earthbound spirit that I had seen and spoke with...Until this point, I had only connected with spirits who were crossed over and on the spirit side of life, but Walter was still here in the physical world. He was sad, scared and distraught so his energy level was very low and on a very low frequency which explained why I was having a hard time getting a clear picture of him and why he seemed to be in "static"...His presence in my home all week and the intensity of his emotional state had been draining my own energy to the point of making me physically ill...I went home, focused and sat down to talk to Walter...Walter was very sad and feeling bad about the decision he had made....Something went wrong with the deal and he was shot in the street at point blank range...He could not get over what he had done to his parents, now that he could see how much they were suffering. He wanted to talk with his dad to tell him all the things he was telling me...

The Messenger, Denise Lescano
pg. pg. 99, 2014

AgreeAs Walter sat in a chair...his grandmother appeared standing behind him and the chair. She came to take him over to the spirit side although he had not wanted to go...After some coaxing, he did go into the light as we say, and home with his grandmother.

The Messenger, Denise Lescano
pg. pg. 99, 2014

AgreeI went out suddenly, in full strength, consequently it did not take long for me to awaken...The shock was terrible...I was at home in my father's house as much as ever I was. I heard every word uttered, saw the sadness, and, as it were, lived it. I could not make myself known. (Dr. Hereward Carrington, Psychical Phenomena and the War, 1918, p 23)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. , 1974 Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsSpirits occasionally make changes in electronic equipments or cause lights to flicker or some other mechanical or electrical effect because they are vibrating at such a different energy level it creates a disturbance within the electromagnetic field. Oftentimes individuals themselves who are experiencing the spirit souls can give off such an energy that they too can be the cause of electromagnet disturbances.

AgreeWalter was the first earthbound spirit that I had seen and spoke with...Until this point, I had only connected with spirits who were crossed over and on the spirit side of life, but Walter was still here in the physical world. He was sad, scared and distraught so his energy level was very low and on a very low frequency which explained why I was having a hard time getting a clear picture of him and why he seemed to be in "static"...His presence in my home all week and the intensity of his emotional state had been draining my own energy to the point of making me physically ill...I went home, focused and sat down to talk to Walter...Walter was very sad and feeling bad about the decision he had made....Something went wrong with the deal and he was shot in the street at point blank range...He could not get over what he had done to his parents, now that he could see how much they were suffering. He wanted to talk with his dad to tell him all the things he was telling me...

The Messenger, Denise Lescano
pg. pg. 99, 2014 Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsSpirits occasionally cause scents that humans can detect, such as cigar smoke or perfume. Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsSpirits can communicate with earthlings by means of tape recorded noise or even television or through telephone calls that seemingly do not originate from any place on earth. Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsSpirits have a great connection with their loved ones on earth from their most recent reincarnation. However, they do not sit and continuously watch the events taking place in the lives of each one of their loved ones. They have a very telepathic way of knowing when big events are taking place, when their loved ones are celebrating or in distress. They can have this telepathic connection with several family members throughout the world at the same time and are aware of what is taking place in each loved-one's life.

AgreeSurvivors must learn to function again without the physical presence of the person they loved by trusting the departed soul is still with them. Acceptance of loss comes one day at a time. Healing is a progression of mental steps that begins with having faith you are not truly alone.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 50, 2003

AgreeSouls need not incarnate to serve in the physical realm...souls who are in the nonphysical provide tremendous assistance to us by sending love and inspiration. They communicate with us in dreams and touch us through our emotions when we are awake.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 122, 2007

AgreeTo understand the illusion of loss while in body is to understand in an expanded way the impossibility of loss in spirit. We are never without our loved ones, and they are never without us. When her lifetime is complete, Valerie, having felt apparent loss and seeming impermanence to her very core, will return to spirit and share with Dustin and D.C. a new and more profound appreciation for the permanence of their lives and love.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 240, 2007

AgreeQuestion 328: Is a spirit ever present at meetings of its heirs? Answer: Almost always. Providence offers such occasions as learning experiences and for the spirit to reassess its views. The spirit is able then to determine what the declarations of affection and devotion it heard during life were really worth....

The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec
pg. 154, 2003

AgreeWe are certainly not infallible here in the spirit world, but by virtue of our altered state we can see just a little farther ahead than can you who are still incarnate. When we perceive that our friends on earth are about to make some mistake or other that will eventually be to their disadvantage, we are naturally anxious to offer a word of caution or advice, and so save them from the consequences. Alas, man is so often deaf to our promptings, and the false move is made. Eventually, when our friend arrives in the spirit world, he sees the mistakes he has made and how he could have prevented them had he but listened.

Here and Hereafter, Anthony Borgia
pg. Chap1, 1968

AgreeW.T. Stead, communicating, said, "In this land we are much more sensitive than whilst on earth and when thoughts are directed to us by mortals we have a direct call...and we are practically always able to come in close contact with the person who is thinking of us." (The Blue Island, 1922, pg.94)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 10, 1974

AgreePaul also proved to them that night that he was, in no uncertain terms, alive and well and still carried with him the same great charm and sense of humor he had in his life. He also showed them that he was still around them by bringing through the things they asked him too and talking about things that had happened with their business that occurred after his passing.

The Messenger, Denise Lescano
pg. 75, 2014 Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsAt the time of human death you are immediately and even in the state of human coma of human beings you are immediately removed from the state of pain and fear, discomfort, sadness. You are able to observe what you are experiencing without having to feel the physical and emotional state that your body was in just prior to crossing over.

AgreeThe whole process of leaving the earth?of dying?is a perfectly natural one. It is merely the operation of a natural law. But for thousands of years the generality of people have lived in entire ignorance of the truth of 'dying' and of the 'hereafter'. And in this, as in so many cases, ignorance, or lack of knowledge, means fear. It is fear of the future following upon 'death' that has surrounded the act of transition with so many mournful and morbid solemnities and doleful trappings. Sorrow is but natural in human hearts at the parting of loved ones and in their removal from physical sight, but sorrow is aggravated and increased by the lack of knowledge of what precisely has taken place. Orthodox religion is largely responsible for this state of affairs. The one who is mourned has gone to an unknown land where, presumably, an omnipotent God reigns supreme, ready to mete out judgment to all who enter that world. It behoves us, therefore, orthodoxy would urge in effect, that we should do all that we can to placate this Great Judge, that He may deal mercifully with our departed brother. Such a situation, it would be further urged, is no time for anything but the gravest demeanour, the most solemn behaviour. And how does the departed soul view all these adjuncts of ?death?? Sometimes with disgust, sometimes with amazement at their stupidity, sometimes, and especially with those whose sense of humour is well-developed, with undisguised mirth! And what of all the paraphernalia of ?death?? Has it availed the departed soul anything? No, nothing. Black garments, drawn blinds, ponderous solemnity, hushed voices, and countenances of exaggerated gloom are utterly worthless to help the soul upon its way. Indeed, the reverse can, in many cases, be the result. But of that I will speak to you later. For the moment I wish to show you that ?dying? is the operation of a simple and natural law that it is healthy and normal to consider the subject, and discuss it, and find out all about it. (from channeled spirit of Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson)

Here and Hereafter, Anthony Borgia
pg. Chapt1, 1968

AgreeA constant feature of the experiences described in natural death is the fact that the person concerned was 'met', aided and welcomed by friends and relatives who had 'gone before'. Many insisted that the act of dying involved no pain, and said they saw the Physical Body lying on the bed, reminding them of a discarded garment. Everything was so natural that the fact of transition was often unrealized at first. They found they could not be seen or heard by (non-psychic) friends still in the flesh. Meanwhile any undue grief on the part of the latter enveloped the newly-dead in gloom and despondency.

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 17, 1974

Agree... the Sadhu was told, "Death is like sleep. There is no pain in the passing, except in the case of a few bodily diseases and mental conditions...Many only with great difficulty realize that they have left the material world...They imagine that they are visiting some country of the physical world. It is only when they have been more fully instructed that they realize their 'passing'. Loved ones who have died before are permitted to attend the death-beds of believers. On entering the world of spirits they at once feel at home-their friends are about them and they had long been preparing themselves for that home while on earth". (Sadhu Sundar Singh, Visions of the Spiritual World, 1926)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 18, 1974

AgreeSome of the statements made by those whose death was enforced are similar to those made by men who died naturally (e.g. (1) they felt little, if any, physical pain; (2) the shedding of the body caused no more than a momentary coma, "blackout", etc.; (3) the fact that they had permanently vacated the body ('died') was often unrealized for some time; (4) many saw their own bodies; (5) they suffered from any undue grief on the part of still-embodied friends; (6) they could not make (non-psychic) mortals see or hear them and (7) some at first wondered if they might be dreaming.

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 21-22, 1974

AgreeThe following are typical statements by those whose death was enforced. (1) "I awoke from a deep sleep. Bewildered, I got to my feet, and, looking down, saw my body among many others on the ground. I remembered the battle, but did not realize I had been shot. I was apart from, yet I still seemed held in some way to the body. My condition was one of terrible unrest; how was it that I was alive and had a body and was not yet apart from the covering I had thought constituted my body? I looked about. Others of the seeming dead moved. Then many of them stood up and, like me, seemed to emerge from their Physical Bodies, for their forms still lay upon the field. Soon I found myself among thousands in a similar mental state: none knew just what had happened. I did not know then, as I know now, that I always possessed a Spirit Body and that the Physical Body was only the garment it wore in earth-life. While the passing-out from this old body is without pain, it is a terrible thing to drive a strong spirit from a healthy body, to tear it from its covering. It is unnatural, and the sensation following re-adjustment is awful. In a short time I became easier, but I was still bewildered. It was neither night nor day; about us all was gloom. Something like an atmosphere, dark and red, enveloped us all. We seemed to hear one another think. Soon there was a ray of light that grew brighter each moment and then a great concourse of men with kindly faces came and, with comforting words, told us not to fear-that we had made the great change, that the war for us was over...I will not tell you of the sorrow that came with such realization, sorrow for wife. Her great grief, when she learned what had happened, bound me to her condition. We sorrowed together. I could not progress, or find happiness, until time had healed her sorrow. (Edward C. Randall, Frontiers of the After Life, 1922)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 22-23, 1974

Agree"I overtook [Lieutenant] Wells. 'What is the matter with me, with us all?' I asked. He said, 'Bob, we're dead!" I didn't believe it at first. I felt all right...The soul leave the body as a boy jumps out of a school-door, that is, suddenly and with joy. But there is a period of confusion when a fellow needs a friend...the easiest thing in life is death." (L.M. Geldert, Thy Son Liveth, 1944, pg 12)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 23-24, 1974

Agree"There was a crash and a blackness. It was not really pain as most people think of pain-a rending crash and then gone...I lay quiet and pictures came before me of myself as a little boy...Then I saw a car coming. I saw it brake and push something along the road. I looked, and it was my body. I looked at myself and saw my own body [double] seeming quite real and solid...Suddenly I saw Grandpapa, standing smiling all lit up, and knew I was killed. I said at once, 'Then mother was right-I have got an etheric body!' I felt terribly muddled and confused. Then came the thought of I began to walk along the road...You opened the window and called, but did not see me. Yet I could see what you were thinking-how frightened you were! Suddenly I remembered what you said-that spirits can go through matter. I said, 'Here goes! and ran at the door-and passed right through it. I tried it two or three times...I shall be at the funeral tomorrow...I am still mixed up with the earth." (Alice Gilbert, Philip in Two Worlds, 1948, pg 89)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 24, 1974

Agree"I felt a terrible blow on my head, a sensation of dizziness and of falling, then nothing more...Consciousness returned...A kindly doctor came to my bedside and said, 'I want to have a talk with you...You have passed out of the physical body and are in the state you used to know as having died' I could not believe him...Then a gentleman came to speak to me who, I was told, was my grandfather. But I had never seen him before and was not convinced. I felt as if I were living in a dream...The doctor promised that I should be sent to you [his incarnate mother], that the truth might be proved to me...Two friends guided me through the astral plane to the earth. As we came nearer the earth the atmosphere became thicker and misty and the houses and everything seemed indistinct. The view disappeared. I found myself standing in your room...I called, 'Mummy, I'm here! Can't you see or hear me? You made no reply...You have only to concentrate your thoughts on me and they will reach me." (Mrs. L. Kelway, Claude's Book, 1918, pg 2)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 25-26, 1974

AgreeGradually I found that my real self was being separated from my body, until I was floating in the air above it. I tried to free myself from the cord [= the silver 'cord'] that still held me to my useless body, and it became gradually thinner until at last it snapped...I succeeded in assuming an erect position, floating in the air just above the ground. I spoke to a man but he did not hear me. Then I saw friends who had been dead some time. I lost consciousness and woke to find myself in hospital. I was puzzled, having no idea I had been killed. (Margaret Vivian, The Doorway, 1941, p 15)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 26, 1974

Agree...Her daughter then told me she was with her daddy and then I saw him appear standing next to her holding her hand. Nathan, the little girl's Dad, appeared to me to be in his early 40's when he died. He proceeded to tell that he was addicted to prescription pain pills and had accidentally overdosed on them which had resulted in a brain aneurism. "Is this correct, is her father's name Nathan?" Cindy was speechless and could barely get the words out of her mouth, "Yes, her father is Nathan. He did overdoes on pills, but he is not dead. He is in a coma right now as we speak and has been for the past three days."...I had assumed he was dead since I saw him on the spirit side and he was speaking to me. But I had had similar experiences in prior readings with Alzheimer's patients. I have found it not uncommon for people...with advanced stages of Alzheimer's, dementia, brain cancer, a stroke or sometimes even patients in drug induced unresponsive states, to literally step out of their bodies.

The Messenger, Denise Lescano
pg. 114, 2014

AgreeAs long as the body is alive, even if sustained by life support, we cannot completely separate from it. We can however, go out of our bodies and move around in spirit form and we often do...say a loved one with Alzheimer's...quite literally are out of their body many times and are actually beginning their transition to the spirit side of life by going back and forth for a time.

The Messenger, Denise Lescano
pg. pg.114-115, 2014


pg. ,

AgreeI found myself in company with two old friends, one of them my father. He came to be with me, to help and generally show me round. It was like nothing else so much as merely arriving in a foreign country and having a chum to go around with. That was the principal sensation. The scene from which we had so lately come (1) was already well relegated to the past. Having accepted the change of death, all the horror of our late experience had gone. It might have been fifty years ago instead of, perhaps, only last night. Consequently our pleasure in the new land was not marred by grief at being parted from earth friends. I will not say that none were unhappy, many were; but that was because they did not understand the nearness of the two worlds; they did not know what was possible, but to those who understood the possibilities, it was in a sense the feeling, "Let us enjoy a little of this new land before mailing our news home"; therefore there was little grief on our arrival. (W.T. Stead, The Blue Island, Experiences of a New Arrival Behind the Veil. Estelle W. Stead and Pardoe Woodman, eds. London:Rider, 1922)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. , 1974 Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsSome spirits monitor events on earth that may not be related to their immediate loved ones. Unless they have a loved one involved in it, though they may have an awareness of what is taking place, they do not connect to that event. Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsWar is a man-made event and spirit guides and angels do not interfere with such events on a global issue. They do go and protect individuals but are not a part of the outcome of any war. Source

"When the thunder roars, do you not hear your Self? When the lightening cracks, do you not see your Self? When clouds float quietly across the sky, is this not your very own limitless Being, waving back at you?"

—Ken Wilber