Death Experience for Adults
Random murder with prior agreement Agree: 5 12 — The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec — Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz — Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz — Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz — Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz Disagree: 0
Other individuals experience a murder who have agreed upon this as a circumstance of their life prior to reincarnating, often in order to help many other people.
Question 856: Does a spirit know the kind of death it will have beforehand? Answer: The life the spirit chooses gives it a sense that one end is more likely than another. It also has a sense of the challenges its life will be exposed to and feels that it will prevail until its appointed time.
pg. 313, 2003You are assuming that we are the only one that made this decision. Think of the boy, the child. What if he decided that he was going to have an abbreviated life, wanted the benefits of having Valerie as the mother-personality for the time he was on Earth, and she agreed? Sometimes short lives are chosen when a soul wishes to accelerate its growth. We ask you to know that there are no simple answers. All lives are interconnected. This is a basic spiritual tenant. So, to ask A happen simply because of B - no, it happened because of B, B prime, C, and many other reasons. This is why planning is required before incarnation - to make sure that the life weavings benefit all for the reasons they wish to learn.
pg. 227, 2007Question to Channeled [Valerie's] Higher Self: Why did the deaths occur specifically when they did and the way they did? Ans: It was agreed among all three souls that this appeared to be the time when the most growth could be triggered in all involved. Question to Channeled [Valerie's] Higher Self: That makes it sound like the souls caused the deaths of the personalities. Is that an accurate understanding? Ans: It is not that we caused the deaths, Valerie's soul explained, As an example, someone is in an accident where beyond all reasonable doubt they have survived. While in that accident, the personality could not make a decision to live or die. The soul looked and decided now is not the time. Remember, the soul and the personality, while they may feel separate, one does not fight the other. The soul does not argue with the personality, 'It's time to go,' 'No, it isn't'. You must understand that the personality is a construct.
pg. 229-230, 2007Many accidents are planned before birth for the purposes of spiritual growth, service to others, awakening, and deeper self-knowing. Profound growth is possible not only for the person who experiences the accident but also for everyone that person touches. Ultimately, because all lives are interconnected, everyone is touched.
pg. 247, 2007Question to Channeled being: For what other reasons do souls plan to have accidents? Ans: Balancing karma is a major factor. If someone has grievously injured somebody else in another lifetime, they will often make plans to be in the right place at the right time to suffer at the hands of that person. Many times there is a need for greater insight. The accident force the person to change their viewpoint, thus enabling them to have insight that had eluded them on the physical level for many lifetimes.
pg. 259, 2007