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Death Experience for Adults

Death as an advanced soul Agree: 2 divider Disagree: 0


Both Agreements and DisagreementsSome individuals are highly evolved spirits who have had many different lifetimes, often as different types of beings, and when they cross over again, have a very specific place in heaven. They have, so to speak, jobs that they know they are going to come home to--a place in heaven--and have an abbreviated crossing-over process.

AgreeThe mark of an advanced spirit is one who has patience with society and shows extraordinary coping skills. Most prominent is their exceptional insight....They may be found in all walks of life, but are frequently in the helping professions or combating social injustice in some fashion. The advanced soul radiates composure, kindness, and understanding toward others. Not being motivated by self-interest, they may disregard their own physical needs and live in reduced circumstances.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 170, 1996

AgreeDeath is but an incident. Parting is only for a moment. And heaven is right at hand. If only this could be comprehended, we feel that life there would be more nearly one of contentment and happiness. (Unnamed spirit in Life Here and Hereafter, Fred Rafferty, ed. Charlotte E. Dresser, medium,1927 p.97)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. , 1974 Source

You live on earth only for a few short years which you call an incarnation, and then you leave your body as an outworn dress and go for refreshment to your true home in the spirit.

—White Eagle