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Death Experience for Adults

Crossing over as an individual Agree: 19 divider Disagree: 0


Both Agreements and DisagreementsAt the time of crossing over, individuals are generally thrown into an initial place of darkness and then are met by a very bright light. They enter a tunnel and move through this tunnel with the assistance of loved spirits and move into an area where earth loved ones in their most current incarnation have formed ahead of them. They find themselves immediately in a place of love and comfort and warmth, safety and release, and protection. It becomes like a large family reunion on the other side. is important we understand welcoming entities may not be part of our own particular learning group in the spirit world. This is because all the people who are close to us in our lives are not on the same developmental level. Simply because they choose to meet us right after death out of love and kindness does not mean they will all be part of our spiritual learning group when we arrive at the final destination of this journey.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 35, 1996

AgreeAs they move further away from Earth, souls experience an increasingly brilliant light around them. Some will briefly see a grayish darkness and will sense passing through a tunnel or portal. In the early stages of their exit all souls encounter a "wispy cloudiness" around them that soon becomes clear, enabling them to look off into a vast distance.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 1-2, 2003

Agree...the average soul sees a ghostly form of energy coming toward them. This figure may be a loving soulmate or two, but more often than not it is our guide. In circumstances where we are met by a spouse or friend who has passed on before us, our guide is also close by so they can take over the transition process.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 2, 2003

AgreeAll my research with subjects in a higher state of consciousness indicates to me that upon death we go directly from one astral plane around Earth through the gateway into the spirit world...Many describe a tunnel effect. All souls from Earth then quickly move into the bright light of the spirit world. This is a single ethereal space without zones or barriers around it.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 52, 2003

AgreeQuestion 160 Does the spirit immediately find itself in the company of the ones it knew on Earth who died before it? Answer: Yes, and more or less promptly depending on the strength of their mutual affection. Spirits will often come to meet a spirit on its return to the spirit-world and help to free it from the bonds of matter. Others, which a spirit knew but lost sight of on Earth will also come to meet it. Finally, it can both see those in the spirit-world and visit the ones who are still incarnated.

The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec
pg. 95, 2003

Agree"I had a sinking feeling. The daylight seemed to go. I swayed about in the dark and felt slightly giddy. Then the atmosphere became light and I heard the voices of my dear boys [who had 'passed on']. After a time of unconsciousness I suddenly became clearer...and saw my boys, my brothers and many others round me." (Rev. C. Drayton Thomas, In The Dawn Beyond Death, pg.20)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 14, 1974

Agree"I seemed to be lifted above the usual surroundings. I was not only with those who had passed over recently, but with my father and mother, whom I had not seen for a long time. I was not conscious of any change or of anything abrupt...Then I passed into a peaceful sleep. I head now that I slept for three or four days. I knew I was not on earth because of the long-lost people now around me again and the brilliancy of the atmosphere." (Rev. C. Drayton Thomas, In The Dawn Beyond Death, pg.66)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 15, 1974

AgreeMany communications experienced leaving the body as a coma, 'blackout', etc., and when this was more than momentary, described it as like passing through a 'tunnel', 'door','passage', etc.

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 15, 1974

Agree"I remember a curious opening, as if one had passed through subterranean passages and found oneself near the mouth of a cave...The light was much stronger outside." (Rev. C. Drayton Thomas, In The Dawn Beyond Death, pg.133)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 15, 1974

AgreeA communicator stated that he and his discarnate friends helped people who were in course of transition (i.e., that they operated as 'deliverers'): he said they tried "to make this passage through the tunnel as happy as possible." (Anon., Talks with Spirit Friends Bench and Bar, 1931, pg.79)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 15-16, 1974

Agree"A great darkness swooped down on me like a bird. Then there was relief, expansion, a sense of being freed from an intolerable weight. I came out into a strange clearness and could not believe that I had died." (Geraldine Cummins, They Survive, pg.49)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 16, 1974

Agree... the Sadhu was told, "Death is like sleep. There is no pain in the passing, except in the case of a few bodily diseases and mental conditions...Many only with great difficulty realize that they have left the material world...They imagine that they are visiting some country of the physical world. It is only when they have been more fully instructed that they realize their 'passing'. Loved ones who have died before are permitted to attend the death-beds of believers. On entering the world of spirits they at once feel at home-their friends are about them and they had long been preparing themselves for that home while on earth". (Sadhu Sundar Singh, Visions of the Spiritual World, 1926)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 18, 1974

Agree"Without dreaming, without delirium, I actually saw 'J.' and she spoke to me. It was a dreamy consciousness, for I was affected by the exhaustion of my Physical Body. I felt a connection with it [=the 'silver cord'], severed as I was. The mourners around my bed wept. I seemed to feel the force of their grief and I longed to assuage it. Unconsciousness then came. I awokd on a wonderful plain." (Anon. (King's Counsel'), Bear Witness)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 19, 1974

Agree'Heslop" affirmed: "The act of dying is absolutely painless. The contortions frequently witnessed are purely muscular: the dying man does not feel them as pain...The process begins at the feet and ... emerges from the head. Occasionally, the spiritual counterpart, when released, assumes a perpendicular position, but more generally floats horizontally above the dying form. It may remain some time in this position for it is attached to the body by a fine filmy cord. Death does not take place until this cord has been severed. In most cases...beloved arisen friends of the one who dies come about him at the last to break this cord and bear him away... (F. Heslop, Life Worth Living, pg 26)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 21, 1974

AgreeSome of the statements made by those whose death was enforced are similar to those made by men who died naturally (e.g. (1) they felt little, if any, physical pain; (2) the shedding of the body caused no more than a momentary coma, "blackout", etc.; (3) the fact that they had permanently vacated the body ('died') was often unrealized for some time; (4) many saw their own bodies; (5) they suffered from any undue grief on the part of still-embodied friends; (6) they could not make (non-psychic) mortals see or hear them and (7) some at first wondered if they might be dreaming.

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 21-22, 1974

Agree'Nigel', killed in a 'plane, had "no recollection of agonising pain". He saw "a blaze of light" and then "thought he was travelling down a dark tunnel." (Geraldine Cummins, Unseen Adventures, 1951, p 45)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 27, 1974


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AgreeI found myself in company with two old friends, one of them my father. He came to be with me, to help and generally show me round. It was like nothing else so much as merely arriving in a foreign country and having a chum to go around with. That was the principal sensation. The scene from which we had so lately come (1) was already well relegated to the past. Having accepted the change of death, all the horror of our late experience had gone. It might have been fifty years ago instead of, perhaps, only last night. Consequently our pleasure in the new land was not marred by grief at being parted from earth friends. I will not say that none were unhappy, many were; but that was because they did not understand the nearness of the two worlds; they did not know what was possible, but to those who understood the possibilities, it was in a sense the feeling, "Let us enjoy a little of this new land before mailing our news home"; therefore there was little grief on our arrival. (W.T. Stead, The Blue Island, Experiences of a New Arrival Behind the Veil. Estelle W. Stead and Pardoe Woodman, eds. London:Rider, 1922)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. , 1974


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Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.

—Albert Einstein