The Afterlife
Gender of spirits Agree: 3 Disagree: 0
149 Spirits have no gender. Every individual upon earth has been both male and female but generally incarnates in most lives as one or the other gender. Most of my subjects select the bodies of one gender over another 75 percent of the time. This pattern is true of all but the advanced souls, who maintain more of a balance in choosing to be men and women. — Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton ...each person lives both male and female lives. As a rule, conscious memory of these is not retained. To prevent an overidentification of the individual with his present sex, within the male there resides an inner personification of femaleness. This personification of femaleness in the male is the true meaning of what Jung called the 'anima'...However, the women do not need to be reminded of their femaleness, but again, so that they do not overidentify with their present sex, there is what Jung called the 'animus,' or the hidden male within the woman. — Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts Reincarnational goals also vary greatly. I want to stress that reincarnation is a tool used by personalities. They each use it in their own way. Some enjoy female existences, or have greater fondness for male lives. While both must be encountered, there is a great range of choice and activity. — Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 66, 1996
pg. 185-186, 1994
pg. 183, 1994