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When reincarnation takes place Agree: 24 divider Disagree: 2 divider Open Issues Exist


Both Agreements and DisagreementsOftentimes those who have not reached higher spiritual consciousness do not return to life nearly as quickly as those who have reached higher levels of consciousness.

AgreeOlder souls incarnate less, regardless of the population demands of their assigned planets...Cycles of incarnation for the eternal soul seem to be regulated more by the internal desires of a particular soul, than by the urgency of host bodies evolving in a universe of planets.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. , 1996 Source

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Both Agreements and DisagreementsWhen a spirit does choose to return to earth, it is because they have had a very good understanding of the lessons that they were to have learned in their past life and what they did learn or what they did not learn and what they will go to earth to do in a new life.

AgreeQuestion 177. How can we explain, then, the numerous lives a spirit may live on the same planet? Answer: It may find itself, with each return, in very different situations that still allow it to acquire new experience.

The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec
pg. 102, 2003

AgreeOlder souls incarnate less, regardless of the population demands of their assigned planets...Cycles of incarnation for the eternal soul seem to be regulated more by the internal desires of a particular soul, than by the urgency of host bodies evolving in a universe of planets.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 202, 1996

AgreeWhen most people think of reincarnation, they think in terms of a one-line progression in which soul perfects itself in each succeeding life. This is a gross simplification. There are endless varieties of this one theme, individual variations. The process of reincarnation is used in many ways, therefore, and in this time of rest individuals must decide on the unique way in which reincarnation will be of use. Some, for example, choose to isolate various characteristics in a given life, and work on these almost exclusively, basing a given existence upon, say, one main theme...Specific creative abilities might be specialized in the same manner. If you looked at these lives as a series of progressions in usual terms, then you would be left with many questions unanswered...Some will choose progression at an easier rate and in a more balanced manner. They will keep all the strands of personality working at once, so to speak, and even meet again and again people they have known in other lives. They will work out problems at a rather easy rate, rather than in, say an explosive way.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 150, 1994

AgreeIn very many instances, the judgement of people around them helps those who are experiencing addiction with drugs to experience the full gamut of emotions they realized would be a part of this choice, part of this path. And so all things are useful. Nothing that is created in your realm is without worth. All things must be honored. Whether you are in agreement with them or have an understanding of them, they must be honored.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 170, 2007

AgreeThis creates limitations for them which they must overcome by deciding that they are worthy of love from themselves and others, despite the fact that there are those who place judgement on their action.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 170, 2007

AgreeQuestion: What determines the time between reincarnations? the minister asked. Answer: You. If you are very tired, then you rest. If you are wise, you take time to digest your knowledge and plan your next life, even as a writer plans his next book. If you have too many ties with this reality or if you are too impatient, or if you have not learned sufficiently, the you may return too quickly. It is always up to the individual. There is no predestination. The answers are within yourself then, as the answers are within you now.

The Seth Material, Jane Roberts
pg. 145, 2001

AgreeQuestion to [Valerie's] Higher Self: I then asked how much of what happens in a person's life is planned before birth. Ans: There is not just one way to do it. Certain souls at their level of growth need things completely planned. As a soul is older, it is more willing to leave many doors open for choice. You would not expect a soul going through its first incarnation on Earth to be able to leave as much to chance as a soul who has done this many, many times. Not all souls are equal in advancement. Not all methodologies for creating personalities and karma are the same.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 232, 2007 Source

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Both Agreements and DisagreementsThe learning process as a spirit being is quite slowed down for a spirit being that freely chooses not to incarnate.

AgreeQuestion 175. Wouldn't it be better to remain in the spirit-realm? Answer: No,No! Then you would remain stationary, and you want to advance toward God.

The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec
pg. 101, 2003

AgreeI have said souls do have the freedom to choose when, where, and who they would want to be in their physical lives. Certain souls spend less time in the spirit world in order to accelerate development, while others are very reluctant to leave. There is no question but what our guides exert great influence in this matter, just as we were given an intake interview in the orientation phase right after death, there are preparatory exit interviews by spiritual advisors to determine our readiness for rebirth.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 203, 1996

AgreeIn the spirit world we are not forced to reincarnate or participate in group projects. If souls want solitude they can have it. If they don't want to advance in their assignments, this too is honored. ...if we are not ready to leave Earth's astral plane after death, for a variety of personal reasons, our guides will allow us to stay around until such time as we are prepared to go home.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 7, 2003

AgreeQuestion to Channeled [Valerie's] Higher Self: You mentioned earlier that a physical incarnation provides a way to learn that cannot be accomplished otherwise. As I understand it, there are many beings who choose never to incarnate. If incarnation is the only way to learn certain things, why do some beings choose not to have physical lifetimes? Ans: The human experience does not encompass every experience that is important for a being's growth. There are no words to explain some of the concepts that can be learned when a soul never incarnates on Earth or in a human personality.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 231, 2007 Source

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Both Agreements and DisagreementsWhen a spirit would like to return it will often sit and talk with its spirit teacher about what it had lived in a past life and what it would like to live in a future life. And spirit teacher and spirit guides will help direct that spirit to the environment that will help it best continue its journey.

AgreeI have said souls do have the freedom to choose when, where, and who they would want to be in their physical lives. Certain souls spend less time in the spirit world in order to accelerate development, while others are very reluctant to leave. There is no question but what our guides exert great influence in this matter, just as we were given an intake interview in the orientation phase right after death, there are preparatory exit interviews by spiritual advisors to determine our readiness for rebirth.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 203, 1996

AgreeYou become aware, then, of an expanded awareness. What you are begins to include what you have been in other lives, and you begin to make plans for your next physical existence, if you decide upon one. You can instead enter another level of reality, and then return to a physical existence if you choose.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 122, 1994

AgreeIn each case the individual is the judge, not only of each succeeding life, its time, environment, and historical date, but also its overall character and methods of accomplishment. There are as many different ways to reincarnate, therefore, as there are inner selves, and each inner self will choose its own characteristic methods.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 177, 1994

AgreeWhen most people think of reincarnation, they think in terms of a one-line progression in which soul perfects itself in each succeeding life. This is a gross simplification. There are endless varieties of this one theme, individual variations. The process of reincarnation is used in many ways, therefore, and in this time of rest individuals must decide on the unique way in which reincarnation will be of use. Some, for example, choose to isolate various characteristics in a given life, and work on these almost exclusively, basing a given existence upon, say, one main theme...Specific creative abilities might be specialized in the same manner. If you looked at these lives as a series of progressions in usual terms, then you would be left with many questions unanswered...Some will choose progression at an easier rate and in a more balanced manner. They will keep all the strands of personality working at once, so to speak, and even meet again and again people they have known in other lives. They will work out problems at a rather easy rate, rather than in, say an explosive way.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 150, 1994

Agree...each of you choose those life conditions that you have for your own purpose, knowing ahead of time where your weaknesses and strengths lie.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 359, 1994

AgreeQuestion to [Valerie's] Higher Self: I then asked how much of what happens in a person's life is planned before birth. Ans: There is not just one way to do it. Certain souls at their level of growth need things completely planned. As a soul is older, it is more willing to leave many doors open for choice. You would not expect a soul going through its first incarnation on Earth to be able to leave as much to chance as a soul who has done this many, many times. Not all souls are equal in advancement. Not all methodologies for creating personalities and karma are the same.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 232, 2007 Source

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Both Agreements and DisagreementsYou always return to earth at a later date than when you left earth. Source

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Both Agreements and DisagreementsIn the past the typical times between death in one life and birth on earth in another life could have been centuries. Because earth is evolving so much quicker and manifesting events almost instantaneously, those who had made great progress in their most recent past life are given an opportunity to return much sooner than had been the case in the past to help those who are struggling with their spiritual evolution.

AgreeOlder souls incarnate less, regardless of the population demands of their assigned planets...Cycles of incarnation for the eternal soul seem to be regulated more by the internal desires of a particular soul, than by the urgency of host bodies evolving in a universe of planets.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 202, 1996

AgreeAt the time of choosing, therefore, the personality is already preparing itself to leave for another existence. In your terms of time this in-between period can last for centuries. It can last only a few years. Again, however, there are exceptions. There are cases in which a personality goes very quickly into another physical life, in perhaps a matter of hours. This is usually unfortunate, and is caused by an obsessive desire to return to physical life. Such a quick return, however, can also be taken by a personality who is charged with a great purpose, who disregards or discards an old physical body, and is reborn almost immediately into a new one in order to finish an important and necessary project already begun.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 164, 1994

AgreeIn this time of rest and choosing [between life state], all counsel is given. Some personalities do reincarnate before they are advised to, for many reasons. This is usually unfortunate in the short run, for the necessary planning has not taken place. But in the long run great lessons will still be learned from the 'error'. There is no time schedule, and yet it is very unusual for an individual to wait for anything over three centuries between lives, for this makes the orientation very difficult, and the emotional ties with earth have become weak.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 151-152, 1994

AgreeThere are many opportunities for them to experience their own limitations, as well as to expand awareness, both for themselves and others around them. This is a time for exponential growth in your realm. Many who have chosen to incarnate at this time are finishing the reincarnation cycles and becoming ready to move on to other realms.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 168, 2007

AgreeThe planet is experiencing a systems breakdown. At those points in time when old systems break down, chaos is created. Chaos is a component - a very necessary component - of limitation and growth. It is perhaps the most fertile space in which to learn.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 169, 2007

AgreeThey have chosen their paths with a true purpose in mind, the angel responded. There are times in life in your realm that true purpose becomes clouded with values and judgements thrust upon you from those around you. The pressures of the culture and family contribute to that. There is movement now in the lives of young people to move beyond the generational values and allow those old systems of religion, education, science, politics - those things that are rulers in your realm - to either expand or collapse completely to be rebuilt anew.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 169-170, 2007

AgreeFrom the way the Earth is constructed, negatives for millennia have been most of the way personalities learn. Now that you are moving forward, time is speeding up, and vibrations are higher, inspirational conduct may be of more service.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. , 2007

AgreeOnce our souls advance past Level II into the intermediate ranges of development, group cluster activity is considerably reduced. This does not mean we return to the kind of isolation we saw with the novice soul. Souls evolving into the middle development levels have less association with primary groups because they have acquired the maturity and experience for operating more independently. These souls are also reducing the number of their incarnations.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. , 1996 Source

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Everything you see happening is the consequence of that which you are.

—David R. Hawkins