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Reincarnation in humanoid or earthling form Agree: 9 divider Disagree: 0


Both Agreements and DisagreementsOftentimes a spirit who originated in a form other than an earth form will not reincarnate back to earth for their next lifetime but will decide they want to go to their original place of creation and will go back for maybe several lifetimes in that original place of creation in a humanoid type form.

Agree...a soul might ask to go to a physical planet other than Earth for a while.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 8, 2003 Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsThose individuals who originated from a world other than earth are very highly evolved beings and often find themselves very confused as earth beings but have made that choice to bring that wisdom, that knowledge and the ability to communicate other existences to earth in one way or another, to help the earth's spiritual evolution become so much more powerful than what it currently is.

AgreeA small percentage of my subjects, usually the older advanced souls, are able to recall being in strange, non-human intelligent life-forms on other worlds.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 189, 1996 Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsPeople who have always reincarnated on earth generally do not choose at some time to go to a planet other than earth for reincarnation.

Agree...a soul might ask to go to a physical planet other than Earth for a while.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 8, 2003

AgreeOn occasion, some personalities may be given an exception to the general rule and take a sabbatical (humorously) from reincarnations, a side trip so to speak, to another layer of reality, and then return.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 153, 1994 Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsInhabited planets are often found throughout the universe.

AgreeA small percentage of my subjects, usually the older advanced souls, are able to recall being in strange, non-human intelligent life-forms on other worlds.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 189, 1996

AgreeThose subjects who are able to discuss their experiences on other worlds tell me that before coming to Earth, souls are frequently placed in the bodies of creatures with less intelligence than human beings...However, once in a human body, souls are not sent back down the mental evolutionary ladder.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 193, 1996 Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsYou on earth are envied by many from the other worlds for you have in your humanness ability to still feel and express those feelings, to have a beauty upon your world that many other worlds in the universe do not have. Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsThe earth is a living entity and has a soul which was created to be highly spiritually evolved. Earth is quite dismayed at the amount of disrespect and destruction that is being done in the name of progress.

AgreeFrom the way the Earth is constructed, negatives for millennia have been most of the way personalities learn. Now that you are moving forward, time is speeding up, and vibrations are higher, inspirational conduct may be of more service.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. , 2007 do yourselves a grave injustice by limiting your conception of the self. Your sense of identity, freedom, power, and love would be immeasureably enhanced if you could understand that what you are does not end at the boundaries of your skin, but continues outward through the physical environment that seems to be impersonal, or not-self. Biologically it should be easy to understand that you are physically a part of earth and everything within it. You are made of the same elements, you breathe the same air. You cannot hold the air that you take within you and then say, 'This is myself, filled with this air. I will not let it go,' or you would find out very quickly that you were not nearly so independent. You are biologically connected, chemically connected with the earth that you know but since it is also formed naturally and spontaneously from your own projected psychic energy, since you and the seasons even have a psychic interaction, then the self must be understood in a far greater context. Such a context would allow you to share in life experiences of many other forms, to follow patterns of energy and emotion of which you barely conceive, and to sense a world-consciousness in which you have your own independent part.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 311, 1994

AgreeIllness and suffering are not thrust upon you by God, or by All That Is, or by an outside agency. They are by-products of the learning process, created by you, in themselves quite neutral. On the other hand, your existence itself, the reality and nature of your planet, the whole existence in which you have these experiences, are also created by you...

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 301-302, 1994 Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsBoth humans and extraterrestrials have much to offer and the creation of a hybrid form of these races in the future will be most beneficial to both the humans and ET's. This hybrid form will be more resistant to all forms of dis-ease including health, mind, and spiritually. Source

To observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.

—Jiddu Krishnamurti