Life on Earth
Importance of love to an infant Agree: 13 202 — The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, Joseph Chilton Pearce — The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, Joseph Chilton Pearce — The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, Joseph Chilton Pearce — The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, Joseph Chilton Pearce — The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, Joseph Chilton Pearce — The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, Joseph Chilton Pearce — The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, Joseph Chilton Pearce — The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, Joseph Chilton Pearce — The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, Joseph Chilton Pearce — The Death of Religion and the Rebirth of Spirit: A Return to the Intelligence of the Heart, Joseph Chilton Pearce — The Death of Religion and the Rebirth of Spirit: A Return to the Intelligence of the Heart, Joseph Chilton Pearce — Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts — The Seth Material, Jane Roberts Disagree: 0
We cannot express enough how important the initial connection between the mother and the spirit soul who is going to be coming to earth--how important the acceptance of caring for that child is and the love that is being given to it as it is being carried. This bond of love is so vital and so important to the evolution of that spirit soul and will help determine how quickly its lessons and challenges on earth are often met.
Even in the middle of pregnancy, if there is a change from negative to positive in the mother's emotional life, the direction in fetal brain growth changes accordingly.
pg. 116, 2004That a mother in a safe space produces a strikingly different brain and child physiology than one who is anxious clearly illustrates nature's model imperative. The mother is the model of the eventual child on every level and a new life must shape according to the general models life itself affords. For, as is true in all cases of nature's model imperative, the character, nature, and quality of the model determine to an indeterminable extent the character, nature, and quality of the new intelligence that manifests.
pg. 116, 2004...research of 1998 showing how a mother who is emotionally mature, stable, loved, and feels secure gives birth to a child with an advanced forebrain, and Allen Schore's work showing that an infant protected and nurtured has a larger prefrontal growth after birth and maintains that growth during the toddler period if nurturing is unbroken.
pg. 251, 2004Through this dynamic, the mother's developed heart furnishes the model frequencies that the infant's heart must have for its own development in the critical first months after birth. In a state of full frequency match, the body, brain, and heart produce a single coherent frequency pulse or wave form, and a similar resonance occurs between infant and mother.
pg. 61, 2004Subsequently, in the early 1970s, Boston University's William Condon and Lewis Sander discovered that at birth the newborn responds with a precise muscle or muscle group to each of the phonemes used in the mother's speech...They could analyze this synchrony between phoneme and movement and accurately predict the infant's muscular response to any word spoken in the infant's immediate presence. The stimulus of this dynamic is the mother's speech, the response is the infant's muscular movement. Because this imprint begins in the late part of the second trimester of gestation and is largely established by birth, the capacity is clearly "hardwired" as a genetic potential. Genetic hardwiring is only half the story, however. If there is no speech stimulus from the mother, there is no development of phonetic response in utero, no matter how powerful or selfish the genes for this might be.
pg. , 2004...the crucial six-to-twelve-inch distance of the adult face from the infant's is that it keeps the infant's heart within the nearest radius of the mother's heart, as it was in utero. This is critical for development of the primary functions and intelligence of the infant heart in those early months. While in utero, the infant's heart responds to the electrical, hormonal, neural, and sound patterns of the mother's heart, which stimulate and stablize the infant's heart on all its levels. Completion of this basic heart stabilization follows birth and for some nine months requires frequent periods of close proximity of the infant's heart to the mother's...heart-brain entrainment between mother and infant takes place only when they are in close proximity.
pg. , 2004Abandonment by the mother is the greatest of all a child's fears, tantamount, even, to death.
pg. , 2004...the growth of the prefrontals is determined by mother-infant interactions in the first eighteen or so months after birth, and...the prefrontals are critical to all higher intelligence and to transcendence itself.
pg. 134, 2004For a child in the first year and a half after birth, that environment is the mother. 'Interactions with the mother directly influence the growth and assembly of the brain's structural systems that perform self-regulatory functions in the child... and mediate the individual's interpersonal and intra-personal processes for life'[Allan Schore].
pg. 134, 2004A major discovery of late-twentieth-century science was that the cellular growth and potential capacity of this triune system[reptilian,old & new mammalian brain], as well as all subsequent developments, is critically dependent on the mother's positive emotional state. The "molecules of emotion" as neuroscientist Candace Pert calls this state, have a profound impact on the DNA involved in cellular structures right from the beginning of a fetus's development.
pg. 107, 2007It is important, then, to take care of a pregnant mother, to allow a mother to birth her infant with care, to take care of a nursing mother, and to take care of both mother and infant thereafter. Any form of emotional disturbance in either the lifegiver herself or the new life she gives can throw a monkey wrench into nature's plan. Those "molecules of emotion" are critical ingredients for growth when positive and can pack a destructive wallop when negative.
pg. 107-108, 2007At birth, all of this is suddenly over, and [new] stimuli [are] introduced with a rapidity that the body consciousness has never to that point experienced. It greatly needs a stabilizing factor. Previously the body consciousness has been enriched and supported by deep biological and telepathic identification with the mother.
pg. 196, 1994There is, at his time, however a very strong connection between the two [mother & fetus].
pg. 290, 2001