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Life on Earth

Christianity Agree: 18 divider Disagree: 0


Both Agreements and DisagreementsYou on earth tend to worship Christ the man instead of Christ the teachings. The whole point of Christ coming to earth was for his teachings. And He did not live a life of fear, He did not live a life of guilt, He did not live a life of anger. He lived a life of love and compassion and understanding and acceptance and as Christians that is what you should come to know and understand your Jesus to be.

AgreeQuestion 625: What is the most perfect example that God has offered to us as a guide and model? Answer: Jesus. Discussion: Jesus is the God-given model of moral perfection toward which we should all strive. Animated by the Divine Spirit, Jesus was the purest being who has ever appeared on Earth and the doctrine He taught is, accordingly, the purest expression of the Divine law.

The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec
pg. 245, 2003

AgreeOr we can pick up that cross and reclaim our birthright rescue Jesus from the Christians, bring him down from cloud nine, and find him reflected in our mirror see him in each and every face on the street as Whitman did, find him even in the least of our brethren behind bars. We too can risk ourselves throw ourselves to the winds as he did drop our fearful defenses, judgements, self-justification, shame, and guilt and embrace that life of greater gifts that he displayed, performing, as he promised, even greater works than his, and so rise and go beyond.

The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, Joseph Chilton Pearce
pg. 242, 2004

AgreeIf we project out the potential for any particular power, we may never find that such potential is within us. According to contemporary theology, Jesus tried to be transparent to his message, but theological overlay then made him the Christ and shuffled the projection a bit, which made Jesus a support of religion and culture and which ruled out the new mind, or Jesus's Eureka! revelation. As an analogy, suppose an event occurred on television that was plainly miraculous and could bail us out of our despair and we reacted by enshrining the television set on an altar and worshiping it. Mistaking medium and message can be a treacherous bog.

The Death of Religion and the Rebirth of Spirit: A Return to the Intelligence of the Heart, Joseph Chilton Pearce
pg. 177, 2007

AgreeBelieving in evils, you will of course perceive them. Your world has not tried the experiment as yet which would release you. Christianity was but a distortion of this main truth - that is, organized Christianity as you know it. I am not simply speaking here of the original precepts. They were hardly given a chance...

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 163, 1994 Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsThe bible should be viewed as a form of history that was written at the time that many of the events took place. It is a story of religious belief, religious belief that was created by man as well. Your spiritual or religious philosophy will determine what your belief is in such matters.

AgreeChristianity has believed in a heaven and a hell, a purgatory, and reckoning and so, at death, to those who so believe in these symbols, another ceremony is enacted, and the guides take on the guises of those beloved figures of Christian saints and heros. Then with this as framework, and in terms that they can understand, such individuals are told the true situation. Mass religious movements have for centuries fulfilled that purpose, in giving man some plan to be followed. It little mattered that later the plan was seen as a child's primer, a book of instructions complete with colorful tales, for the main purpose was served and there was little disorientation. In periods where no such mass ideas are held, there is more disorientation, and when life after death is completely denied, the problem is somewhat magnified.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 124, 1994

AgreeBelieving in evils, you will of course perceive them. Your world has not tried the experiment as yet which would release you. Christianity was but a distortion of this main truth - that is, organized Christianity as you know it. I am not simply speaking here of the original precepts. They were hardly given a chance...

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 163, 1994

AgreeGod was seen as cruel and powerful when man believed that these were desirable characteristics, needed particularly in his battle for physical survival. He projected these upon his idea of a god because he envied them and feared them. You have cast your idea of god, therefore, in your own image.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 203, 1994 Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsThere have been major spiritual teachers who preceded Jesus Christ on earth and there have been major spiritual teachers since Him who have returned to earth. None of these early spiritual teachers later reincarnated as Jesus.

AgreeQuestion 626: Did Jesus alone reveal the Divine laws that have been shown to us? Did we have no other way of knowing about them before His time except through intuition? Answer: As we have said, these laws are evident everywhere. All the teachers who have ever meditated on wisdom have been able to grasp and communicate them from the remotest times. Through their teachings these wise men and women prepared the ground for the sowing of the seed. The Divine laws you see, are written in the book of nature they can be read by anyone who searches after them. In every epoch, consequently you will find upright individuals who have proclaimed the highest moral principles. For this reason, too, these principles are found in the moral codes of every people, although in an incomplete state and often tainted by ignorance and superstition.

The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec
pg. 245-246, 2003

AgreeWhen the race is in deepest stress and faced with great problems, it will call forth someone like Christ. It will seek out and indeed from itself produce the very personalities necessary to give it strength...

The Seth Material, Jane Roberts
pg. 246, 2001

AgreeThe Christ entity had many reincarnations before the emergence of the Christ 'personality' as known as did the Buddha.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 293, 1994

Agree...he [Christ] is an entity who appears time and time again within your physical system, but he has been recognized on only two occasions. Once in Atlantis, and once in the Christ story as it has come down to you in all of its distortions. He appears and reappears therefore, sometimes making himself known and sometimes not. He was not one personality, as I have told you, but a highly developed entity, sometimes appearing as a fragment of himself. In your terms he eternally weaves himself within the fabric of your time and space, born again and again into the world of flesh, being a part of it while also independent of it, even as you are all a part of it but independent of it.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 408, 1994 Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsThe spirit world does not view the many organized religions of the world in any manner whatsoever. This is strictly a human form of organization looking at religion and many times forgetting the actual spiritual connection. We are connected to the individuals and their connection to us and to God.

AgreeChristianity has believed in a heaven and a hell, a purgatory, and reckoning and so, at death, to those who so believe in these symbols, another ceremony is enacted, and the guides take on the guises of those beloved figures of Christian saints and heros. Then with this as framework, and in terms that they can understand, such individuals are told the true situation. Mass religious movements have for centuries fulfilled that purpose, in giving man some plan to be followed. It little mattered that later the plan was seen as a child's primer, a book of instructions complete with colorful tales, for the main purpose was served and there was little disorientation. In periods where no such mass ideas are held, there is more disorientation, and when life after death is completely denied, the problem is somewhat magnified.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 124, 1994

AgreeBelieving in evils, you will of course perceive them. Your world has not tried the experiment as yet which would release you. Christianity was but a distortion of this main truth - that is, organized Christianity as you know it. I am not simply speaking here of the original precepts. They were hardly given a chance...

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 163, 1994

AgreeThe whole crude conception of being damned for all eternity arises from a totally wrong conception of the Father of the Universe, a grotesque conception that has found its supporters throughout the centuries, and that has, in consequence, put fear into the hearts of mankind. It is a man-made belief without the slightest foundation in fact. And it is not long before a newcomer to the spirit world finds out that the whole idea of eternal damnation is an utterly impossible one. They see at once that the whole spirit world lies before them in equal right with their fellow human beings, and that the God of whom they were always rather frightened when on earth is a Father of unlimited and illimitable benevolence, and One, moreover, who could never breathe vengeance upon any one of His children. That in itself is an illuminating discovery which is of great service to the newcomer to spirit lands, since it at once opens his mind to the truth. (from channeled spirit of Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson)

Here and Hereafter, Anthony Borgia
pg. Chapt1, 1968

Agree What we in the spirit world, who are actively associated with newly-arrived people, would like to see, is the complete abolition of all attendance at burial grounds and similar places of all relatives and friends, leaving the physical body to be disposed of in a hygienic manner by those who are properly constituted to do so, and entirely unattended by anyone else. If it is felt that a religious service is right and becoming, by all means let there be one, but wholly purged of all erroneous doctrines and beliefs concerning the afterlife. No gloomy dwelling upon inappropriate themes from the minds of writers of hundreds of years ago. Dies irae, dies illa has most emphatically no place in the spirit world, and still less has the outrageous idea, embodied in the customary prayers, of asking for 'eternal rest' to be granted to the departed soul. We shudder at the very thought of what our state in the spirit world would be in if the prayers of others had been granted! The very thought of doing positively nothing but 'rest' for all eternity fills us all with horror at such a 'soul-destroying' prospect. If it were possible to destroy the soul, one would be disposed to imagine that this would be the quickest and easiest way of doing it! Let there be prayers for the departed one, by all means, but let them be free from all suggestion of gloom and doom. The minds of those present want to be elevated, not depressed, and nothing could be more depressing than the calamitous forebodings that are voiced in so many of the prayers on these occasions. (from channeled spirit of Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson)

Here and Hereafter, Anthony Borgia
pg. Chapt1, 1968

Agree... the fact that beneath these developments there are the eternal aspects and creative characteristics of a force that is both undeniable and intimate. All That Is, in other words, represents the reality from which all of us spring. All That Is, by its nature transcends all dimensions of activity, consciousness, or reality, while being a part of each...The journeys of the gods, therefore, represent the journeys of man's own consciousness projected outward. All That Is, however, within each such adventure. Its consciousness, and its reality, is within each man, and within the gods he has created. That last is in small letters, and gods shall always be in small letters. All That Is is capitalized.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 341, 1994

AgreeMen believe that the gods live forever. Men live forever, but having forgotton this, they remember only to endow their gods with this characteristic.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 327, 1994

AgreeGod was seen as cruel and powerful when man believed that these were desirable characteristics, needed particularly in his battle for physical survival. He projected these upon his idea of a god because he envied them and feared them. You have cast your idea of god, therefore, in your own image.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 203, 1994 Source

That which is part of our souls is eternal. . . Those lives are countless, but the soul or spirit that animates us throughout these myriads of existences is the same;

—Helena Blavatsky