Life on Earth
Evolution of Spirit Guides Agree: 9 Disagree: 2
Spirit guides are highly evolved forms of energy. Generally, as with everything, spirit guides are all created by one Creator. There are essentially two forms of highly evolved spirits, those that are energies that have been created by the Creator and are never in a humanoid form and those who come from many evolutions of a humanoid spirit and were put on these various planets by the Creator in these advanced forms to help those who are not so advanced become more evolved.
Question 507: Do all spirit guardians belong to the higher classes of spirits, or can they be found among those of average advancement, too.? Can a parent, for example, become the spirit guardian of a child? Answer: A parent might, but guardianship presupposes a certain degree of elevation, and, in addition, a power or virtue granted by God. A parent who watches over a child may, accordingly, be assisted by a more advanced spirit.
— The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec
pg. 206-207, 2003
Guides are complex entities, especially when they are master guides. The awareness level of the soul determines to some extent the degree of advancement of the guide assigned to them. In fact, the maturity of a particular guide also has a bearing on whether these teachers have only one student or many under their direrction. Guides at the senior level of ability and above usually work with an entire group of souls in the spirit world and on Earth. These guides have other entities who assist them. From what I can see, every soul group usually has one or more rather new teachers in training. As a result, some people may have more than one guide helping them.
— Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 107, 1996
In my work, guides are sometimes described as guardian angels, although our personal teachers are beings who have incarnated in physical form long before graduating to the level of guides. An intimate soulmate in discarnate form can also come to the gate to comfort us in times of need.
— Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 39, 2003
The teachers, for example, are themselves within a cycle. The more advanced ones have already encountered the systems of reincarnation and probabilities, and are themselves deciding upon the 'future' nature of their own experience. Their choices, however, are not your choices.
— Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 156, 1994
Generally, angels or spirit guides do not reincarnate in a physical body on earth. There have been a few individuals that have come from spirit guides, such as Buddha or Jesus, but the sole purpose in their lifetime was for those teachings to follow through for centuries and centuries.
In my work, guides are sometimes described as guardian angels, although our personal teachers are beings who have incarnated in physical form long before graduating to the level of guides. An intimate soulmate in discarnate form can also come to the gate to comfort us in times of need.
— Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 39, 2003
When the [reincarnational] cycle is finished, therefore, you have complete knowledge of your past lives. The information, experience, and abilities are at your fingertips. When the time of choosing comes, therefore, the choices available are far more diverse than those offered or possible to personalities who must still reincarnate. There is always the opportunity to teach if you have the inclination and the capabilities, but multidimensional teaching is far different than teaching as you know it now, and it demands rigorous training.
— Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 165-166, 1994
The teachers, for example, are themselves within a cycle. The more advanced ones have already encountered the systems of reincarnation and probabilities, and are themselves deciding upon the 'future' nature of their own experience. Their choices, however, are not your choices.
— Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 156, 1994
Some, finished with reincarnation, may choose to reenter the cycle acting as teachers, and in such cases some recognition of higher identity is always present.
— Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 149, 1994
With any lesson, it is one thing for you to learn, but it is like reading a book and keeping the information to yourself. What we souls learn, we teach others by being guardian angels and spirit guides for them. In the personality, what is learned must be left to others, be it one person or a book that reaches the whole world.
— Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 225, 2007
Once the duties of a guide are fully established for the advancing soul, it is necessary for these entities to juggle two balls. Besides completing their own unfinished business with continued (though less frequent) incarnations, they must also help others while in a discarnated state.
— Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. , 1996
Question 516. Could a spirit guide incarnate itself in order to accompany us more closely in our earthly life? Answer: That sometimes happens. But more often they will entrust this mission to a trustworthy person on earth.
— The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec
pg. , 2003