Death Experience for Children
Abortion Agree: 3 Disagree: 1
Souls who are aborted by the mother are often sad souls for being returned because they see many times the love and the support that the mother could be, but the mother feels so overwhelmed by earth conditions that she doesn't feel capable of handling a child for whatever reason. There are times when a spirit soul will agree to that happening because they know that they are part of that mother's evolution and spiritual lessons and it is for the spiritual growth of both that mother and that spirit to have that experience.
Question 358:Is induced abortion a crime, no matter at what stage of gestation it is induced? Answer: Every transgression of God's laws is a crime. The mother, or anyone else, who takes the life of an unborn child is committing a crime. Why? Because an abortion prevents the soul from undergoing the trial of which the destroyed body was to have been the instrument.
— The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec
pg. 161, 2003
Abortion is not considered a spiritual crime.
Question 359: In cases where the birth of the child would endanger the life of the mother, is it a crime to sacrifice the child to save the mother? Answer: No. It is better to save the mother.
— The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec
pg. 160, 2003
Cannon: So what you are saying is that we would not be able to define at what point life really begins. Spirit: That is accurate. And so abortion should not be criticized in the sense of killing a soul because it is not possible to gauge at what point that physical life form had indeed taken a soul. D: If I understand what you are saying, in all probability an abortion would not actually take a life. Is that true? S: It perhaps might be best understood to know that in deciding whether to carry out an abortion this responsibility is shared by, not only the mother, but by that life force which would inhabit the vehicle which is aborted. It is done on a somewhat deeper level of awareness than subsconscious but not completely on the inner realms. There is some conscious communication which is inherent in this decision making process. It is of a level that is somewhat inner and yet somewhat outer at the same time or simultaneously.
— Between Death & Life: Conversations with a Spirit, Dolores Cannon
pg. 226, 1993
Question 358:Is induced abortion a crime, no matter at what stage of gestation it is induced? Answer: Every transgression of God's laws is a crime. The mother, or anyone else, who takes the life of an unborn child is committing a crime. Why? Because an abortion prevents the soul from undergoing the trial of which the destroyed body was to have been the instrument.
— The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec
pg. , 2003