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Transformation from Human to Spirit

Differences between spirit and soul Agree: 20 divider Disagree: 0


Both Agreements and DisagreementsThe spirit is the true essence, the true energy of who you are. The soul is like the connection between your spirit and your humanness. And your soul is with you in your human body, together with your spirit, and when you depart from your human body your soul moves into your spirit and that soul remains with your spirit.

AgreeI see the soul as intelligent light energy. This energy appears to function as vibrational waves similar to electromagnetic force but without the limitations of charged particles of matter.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 85, 2003

AgreeQuestion to [Valerie's] Higher Self: My understanding of the personality is that it consists of a permanent, eternal core that survives death and reunites with the soul after death, as well as certain temporary traits that exist only during the lifetime. Ans: That is accurate. Question to [Valerie's] Higher Self: So, when a personality dies in a particular lifetime - say when Valerie dies in this lifetime - then her permanent core will be reunited with you? Ans: At this point it is not separate. Do not consider reuniting, for that betokens a separation. There is never any separation. What the personality feels [after death], when it feels one with God and higher self, is simply the brushing away of cobwebs that obscure its view, but it does not mean that it has not been connected.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 223, 2007

AgreeIt is commonly understood that man is composed of body, soul, and spirit. The physical body he is fairly conversant with, but what of the soul and spirit? Of these two man knows little indeed. What he does not realize is that he is a spirit, first, last, and always. The physical body is merely a vehicle for his spirit body upon his journey through his earthly life. The mind belongs to the spirit body. Every human experience, every thought, word, and deed, that go to make up the sum of earthly human experience is infallibly and ineradicably recorded upon what is called the subconscious mind through the agency of the physical brain, and when the time comes for man to leave the earth, he discards the physical body for ever, leaves it behind him upon the earth, and passes into the realms of the spirit world. His spirit body he will find is a counterpart of the earthly body he has just left behind him. He will then find that what he called the subconscious mind when he was incarnate has now assumed its rightful place in his new scheme of existence. And it is not long before it begins to show its particular attributes to its owner. By its principal ability of ineffaceable and infallible recording, this mind reveals itself as a complete and perfect chronicle of its owner's life upon earth. The revelations, therefore, that are attendant upon the person newly arrived in the spirit world can be sufficiently startling. (from channeled spirit of Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson)

Here and Hereafter, Anthony Borgia
pg. Chapt1, 1968

AgreeAt the end of the reincarnational cycle you understand quite thoroughly that you, the basic identity, the inner core of your being, is more than the sum of your reincarnational personalities. You might say that the personalities then are but divisions of your self here. There is no competition between them. There never was any real division, but only a seeming one in which you played various roles, developed different abilities, learned to create in new and diverse ways. These reincarnational personalities continue to develop, but they also understand that their main identity is also yours.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 165, 1994

AgreeGradually I found that my real self was being separated from my body, until I was floating in the air above it. I tried to free myself from the cord [= the silver 'cord'] that still held me to my useless body, and it became gradually thinner until at last it snapped...I succeeded in assuming an erect position, floating in the air just above the ground. I spoke to a man but he did not hear me. Then I saw friends who had been dead some time. I lost consciousness and woke to find myself in hospital. I was puzzled, having no idea I had been killed. (Margaret Vivian, The Doorway, 1941, p 15)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 26, 1974 Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsThe soul of each incarnation carries the energy of every incarnation but is not necessarily predominant in the soul as it attaches to a new incarnation. For each incarnation has its own energy, its own personality, its own ego and that's what forms in the soul to help connect to the spirit of your humanness. Many times you have things that are happening to you in your current life which you have no understanding for why it is happening, and it can be a deep-seated carryover from a past life which could go back for many past lives.

AgreeMonroe: Let me get this straight. You've been helping me all my life? Higher Self: Certainly we have. Sometimes you appreciated it, sometimes you didn't. Monroe: How far back does this go? Higher Self: Before you were born. Monroe: You had better tell me. I don't remember. Higher Self: You wouldn't. You didn't exist. We made the decision to become human again. We selected the time and place and organized the DNA mix-elements from the physical and elements from us. We took those parts of us that seemed most appropriate, rolled them up into one, and sent them in. There you- and we-were! Monroe: What exactly did you send in? Higher Self: Personalities, memories. What else?

Ultimate Journey, Robert Monroe
pg. 166, 1994 say that all past life memory is actually genetic in origin, carried in our DNA cells from remote ancestors, is an argument that, for me, fails in several ways...Unconscious memories of past life trauma are capable of carrying a severely damaged physical imprint of that long-dead body into our new body, but this is not the result of DNA... The former bodies we had in prior lives are almost never genetically related to our current family...So-called genetic memory is actually soul memory emanating from the unconscious mind.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 136-137, 2003

AgreeThe fabric of the present self is interwoven with these reincarnational 'pasts,' and from them the present self draws unconsciously from its own bank of personality characteristics, activities, and insights. Often past-life memories come to the surface but are not recognized as such, since they appear in fantasy form, or are projected into art creations.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 188, 1994

AgreeEach inner self, adopting a new body, imposes upon it and upon its entire genetic makeup, memory of the past physical forms in which it has been involved. Now the present characteristics usually overshadow the past ones. They are dominant, but the other characteristics are latent and present, built into the pattern. The physical pattern of the present body, therefore, is a genetic memory of the self's past physical forms, and of their strengths and weaknesses.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 187, 1994

AgreePredetermination is never involved, for the challenge and circumstances are chosen. Some problems may be put off, for example, for several existences. Some personalities want to solve their strongest problems and get them over with, perhaps in a series of rather trying existences and exaggerated circumstances.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 183, 1994

AgreeAt the end of the reincarnational cycle you understand quite thoroughly that you, the basic identity, the inner core of your being, is more than the sum of your reincarnational personalities. You might say that the personalities then are but divisions of your self here. There is no competition between them. There never was any real division, but only a seeming one in which you played various roles, developed different abilities, learned to create in new and diverse ways. These reincarnational personalities continue to develop, but they also understand that their main identity is also yours.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 165, 1994 Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsThe higher self is your spirit that continues to live through all three-dimensional lifetimes and is always there.

AgreeI-There: We are what is meant by "the total is greater than the sum of the parts." Monroe: Then you are the total of what I have been, whatever or however that was. I-There (Higher Self): The focal point, the tip of the pyramid of you and more, including you as you are now. Monroe: It must be rather a mess! I-There: Not at all. We are highly organized. You know the memory layer when you moved in? Monroe: I do. I-There: It's neatly set up in serial form, and also by category. So are all the other existence patterns we've been through. You can look up what you want immediately.

Ultimate Journey, Robert Monroe
pg. , 1994

AgreeQuestion to [Valerie's] Higher Self: My understanding of the personality is that it consists of a permanent, eternal core that survives death and reunites with the soul after death, as well as certain temporary traits that exist only during the lifetime. Ans: That is accurate. Question to [Valerie's] Higher Self: So, when a personality dies in a particular lifetime - say when Valerie dies in this lifetime - then her permanent core will be reunited with you? Ans: At this point it is not separate. Do not consider reuniting, for that betokens a separation. There is never any separation. What the personality feels [after death], when it feels one with God and higher self, is simply the brushing away of cobwebs that obscure its view, but it does not mean that it has not been connected.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 223, 2007

AgreeIf you think, however, that the self as you know it is the end or summation of yourself, then you also imagine your soul to be a limited entity bounded by its present ventures in one life alone, to be judged accordingly after death on the performance of a few paltry years. The soul stands both within and without the fabric of physical life as you know it. You are not separated from the animals and the rest of existence by virtue of possessing an eternal inner consciousness. Such a consciousness is present within all living beings, and in all forms.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 364, 1994

AgreeGradually I found that my real self was being separated from my body, until I was floating in the air above it. I tried to free myself from the cord [= the silver 'cord'] that still held me to my useless body, and it became gradually thinner until at last it snapped...I succeeded in assuming an erect position, floating in the air just above the ground. I spoke to a man but he did not hear me. Then I saw friends who had been dead some time. I lost consciousness and woke to find myself in hospital. I was puzzled, having no idea I had been killed. (Margaret Vivian, The Doorway, 1941, p 15)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 26, 1974 Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsEvery individual upon earth has a spirit guide to help them in their consciousness evolution at all times. You have many, many other spirits who are around, spirit guides who are teachers or who have become more highly evolved than you are, and they are there. They are your teachers. You can call upon any spirit guide of any level at any time.

AgreeI want to summarize what I have learned about the basic principles of soul group assignments: Irrespective of size, cluster groups do not directly intermix with each other's energy, but souls can communicate with one another across primary and secondary group boundaries.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 105-106, 1996

AgreeGuides are complex entities, especially when they are master guides. The awareness level of the soul determines to some extent the degree of advancement of the guide assigned to them. In fact, the maturity of a particular guide also has a bearing on whether these teachers have only one student or many under their direrction. Guides at the senior level of ability and above usually work with an entire group of souls in the spirit world and on Earth. These guides have other entities who assist them. From what I can see, every soul group usually has one or more rather new teachers in training. As a result, some people may have more than one guide helping them.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 107, 1996

AgreeIt is not uncommon to find guides working in pairs with people on Earth, each with their own approaches to teaching. In these cases one is dominant, although the more experienced senior guide may actually be less evident in day-to-day activities of their charges.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 115, 1996

AgreeBased on my practice, I am convinced that everyone on this planet has a personal spiritual guide. Spirit guides speak to our inner mind if we are receptive. While some guides are more easily reached than others, each of us has the ability to call upon and be heard by these guides.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 400, 2003

AgreeKardec discussion: The spirit guide,also guardian angel, is one whose mission is to follow each person throughout his or her incarnate life and to help that person progress.

The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec
pg. 208, 2003 Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsMany times when you think you are calling upon a spirit guide, when you are looking at earth situations, you are really calling upon the earth angels and they are there to help you for what you on earth consider mundane energy help, other-dimensional help. Oftentimes you call upon your angels for protection and many times the protection is needed--more than an angel, a spirit guide is needed. Source

Mission is an energy that flows through you--a drive, voice, or passion that you cannot ignore... It's what you know in your heart you must live if you are to experience inner peace and harmony.

—Alan Seale