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Transformation from Human to Spirit

Events After being greeted by loved ones Agree: 35 divider Disagree: 0


Both Agreements and DisagreementsInitially after crossing over individuals still see themselves in the body that they had on earth and they see their individual loved ones as they remember them and see them in those bodies they had on earth.

AgreeSouls often use their capacity to project former life forms when communicating with each other.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 27, 1996

AgreeRegardless of the specific energy treatment received by the soul at the gateway to the spirit world, most all returning souls will continue on to some sort of healing station before finally joining their groups. Most recovery areas for the returning soul involve some kind of orientation back to the spirit world. This usually includes a preliminary debriefing of the life just completed. Much more in-depth counseling will take place later with guides in group conferences and with our Council of Elders.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 90, 2003

AgreeAfter physical death our spirit continues to carry all the fond memories of earthly is natural souls would want to maintain these planetary memories by re-creating their former bodies in the spirit world.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 290, 2003

AgreeYou will find yourself in another form, an image that will appear physical to you to a large degree, as long as you do not try to manipulate within the physical system with it. Then the differences between it and the physical body will become obvious.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 120, 1994

AgreeNow the new body is, of course, not a new one at all, but simply, a body not physical in your terms, one that you use in astral projections, one that give the vitality and strength to the physical body that you know...You flesh is embedded in it now. When you leave the physical body, the other body is quite real to you and seems as physical, although it has many more freedoms...

The Seth Material, Jane Roberts
pg. 143, 2001

AgreeYour consciousness leaves the physical organism in various ways, according to the conditions. In some cases the organism itself is still able to function to some degree, although without the leadership or organization that existed previously. The simple consciousness of atoms, cells, and organs continues to exist, after the main consciousness has left, for some time.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 123, 1994

AgreeHowever, after leaving the physical body, you will immediately find yourself in another. This is the same kind of form in which you travel in out-of-body projections...This form will seem physical. It will not be seen by those still in the physical body, however, generally speaking. It can do anything that you do now in your dreams. Therefore it flies, goes through solid objects, and is moved directly by your will, taking you, say, from one location to another as you may think of these locations...However, you cannot as a rule manipulate physical objects. You cannot pick up a lamp or throw a dish. This body is yours instantly, but it is not the only form that you will have. For that matter, this image is not a new one. It is interwound with your physical body now, but you do not perceive it. Following death, it will be the only body you are aware of for some time. For a certain period of time, therefore you can manipulate this form so that it takes any appearance that it had when it was connected with your physical form in the immediately previous physical life. You may die at eighty and after death think of the youth and vitality that you had at twenty, and find then that your form changes to correspond with this inner image.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 131, 1994

Agree"I had a sinking feeling. The daylight seemed to go. I swayed about in the dark and felt slightly giddy. Then the atmosphere became light and I heard the voices of my dear boys [who had 'passed on']. After a time of unconsciousness I suddenly became clearer...and saw my boys, my brothers and many others round me." (Rev. C. Drayton Thomas, In The Dawn Beyond Death, pg.20)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 14, 1974

AgreeA constant feature of the experiences described in natural death is the fact that the person concerned was 'met', aided and welcomed by friends and relatives who had 'gone before'. Many insisted that the act of dying involved no pain, and said they saw the Physical Body lying on the bed, reminding them of a discarded garment. Everything was so natural that the fact of transition was often unrealized at first. They found they could not be seen or heard by (non-psychic) friends still in the flesh. Meanwhile any undue grief on the part of the latter enveloped the newly-dead in gloom and despondency.

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 17, 1974

Agree... the Sadhu was told, "Death is like sleep. There is no pain in the passing, except in the case of a few bodily diseases and mental conditions...Many only with great difficulty realize that they have left the material world...They imagine that they are visiting some country of the physical world. It is only when they have been more fully instructed that they realize their 'passing'. Loved ones who have died before are permitted to attend the death-beds of believers. On entering the world of spirits they at once feel at home-their friends are about them and they had long been preparing themselves for that home while on earth". (Sadhu Sundar Singh, Visions of the Spiritual World, 1926)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 18, 1974

Agree"There was a crash and a blackness. It was not really pain as most people think of pain-a rending crash and then gone...I lay quiet and pictures came before me of myself as a little boy...Then I saw a car coming. I saw it brake and push something along the road. I looked, and it was my body. I looked at myself and saw my own body [double] seeming quite real and solid...Suddenly I saw Grandpapa, standing smiling all lit up, and knew I was killed. I said at once, 'Then mother was right-I have got an etheric body!' I felt terribly muddled and confused. Then came the thought of I began to walk along the road...You opened the window and called, but did not see me. Yet I could see what you were thinking-how frightened you were! Suddenly I remembered what you said-that spirits can go through matter. I said, 'Here goes! and ran at the door-and passed right through it. I tried it two or three times...I shall be at the funeral tomorrow...I am still mixed up with the earth." (Alice Gilbert, Philip in Two Worlds, 1948, pg 89)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 24, 1974

AgreeGradually I found that my real self was being separated from my body, until I was floating in the air above it. I tried to free myself from the cord [= the silver 'cord'] that still held me to my useless body, and it became gradually thinner until at last it snapped...I succeeded in assuming an erect position, floating in the air just above the ground. I spoke to a man but he did not hear me. Then I saw friends who had been dead some time. I lost consciousness and woke to find myself in hospital. I was puzzled, having no idea I had been killed. (Margaret Vivian, The Doorway, 1941, p 15)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 26, 1974

AgreeI felt nothing, only a nasty knock, and turned to look for the fellow who had struck me. I knew no more. I fell asleep. Then I saw lots of my friends, all smiling at me. A brother officer stretched out his hand, saying, 'Come along, old chap!' I took his hand and knew that I had passed to where war is no more...Things seemed familiar. Many places I had often visited in my dreams... (Lilian Walbrook, The Case of Lester Coltman, 1924, p xiv)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 26, 1974

Agree"He says he wants you to know it was quick. He was out of his body before he even realized what had happened. He also wants you to know that your father, his grandpa came there to greet him."

The Messenger, Denise Lescano
pg. 74, 2014


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Both Agreements and DisagreementsA life review is not done with pain or with emotion. It is done with fact to see what your life experiences did in either helping you to evolve more consciously or putting hindrances in that energy flow and thus not allowing you to move into a more spiritual concept while on earth. You will see how every thought, every action, every experience you had on earth affected you and affected those around you.

AgreeThis place I have come to call the shower of healing is only a prelude for the rehabilitation of returning souls. The orientation stage which immediately follows (expecially with younger souls), involves a substation counseling session with one's guide. The newly refreshed soul arrives at this station to undergo a debriefing of the life just ended. Orientation is also designed as an intake interview to provide further emotional release and readjustment back into the spirit world.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 55, 1996

Agree...after souls arive back into their soul groups, they are summoned to appear before a Council of Elders. While the Council is not prosecutorial, they do engage in direct examination of a soul's activities before returning them to their groups.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 85, 1996

AgreeRegardless of the specific energy treatment received by the soul at the gateway to the spirit world, most all returning souls will continue on to some sort of healing station before finally joining their groups. Most recovery areas for the returning soul involve some kind of orientation back to the spirit world. This usually includes a preliminary debriefing of the life just completed. Much more in-depth counseling will take place later with guides in group conferences and with our Council of Elders.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 90, 2003

AgreeDuring this meeting, the major choices we made in the life just lived are reviewed with us. Behaviour and accountability for our actions at important forks in our karmic path are evaluated carefully. At the first conference we are acutely aware of our mistakes, especially if we have hurt others.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 204, 2003

AgreeThe council is looking to see if the inner immortal character of our soul maintained its integrity in terms of values, ideals and action duing incarnation. They want to know if we were submerged by our host body, or did we shine through? Did our soul effectively merge as a partner to the human brain as one harmonious outward human personality?

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 212, 2003

AgreeAs souls we do not judge one another. The only judgement in the realm of spirit is the self-judgement that may arise during the life review. We judge ourselves, and we are the only ones who do so. Our spirit guides sit with us as we review our lives and occasionally point out moments at which we could have expressed greater compassion, but even these remarks are made in a loving, nonjudgemental way. Only when we are in body and seemingly separate from one another do we express a lack of compassion through judgement. Those judgments, far from being the results of perceived separation, are actually the cause of it. To release judgement and to love with indiscriminate compassion is to remember who we really are.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 121, 2007

AgreeYou examine the fabric of the existence you have left, and you learn to understand how your experiences were the result of your own thoughts and emotions and how these affected others. Until this examination is through, you are not aware of the larger portions of your own identity. When you realize the significance and meaning of the life you have just left, then you are ready for conscious knowledge of your other existences.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 122, 1994

AgreeIt is commonly understood that man is composed of body, soul, and spirit. The physical body he is fairly conversant with, but what of the soul and spirit? Of these two man knows little indeed. What he does not realize is that he is a spirit, first, last, and always. The physical body is merely a vehicle for his spirit body upon his journey through his earthly life. The mind belongs to the spirit body. Every human experience, every thought, word, and deed, that go to make up the sum of earthly human experience is infallibly and ineradicably recorded upon what is called the subconscious mind through the agency of the physical brain, and when the time comes for man to leave the earth, he discards the physical body for ever, leaves it behind him upon the earth, and passes into the realms of the spirit world. His spirit body he will find is a counterpart of the earthly body he has just left behind him. He will then find that what he called the subconscious mind when he was incarnate has now assumed its rightful place in his new scheme of existence. And it is not long before it begins to show its particular attributes to its owner. By its principal ability of ineffaceable and infallible recording, this mind reveals itself as a complete and perfect chronicle of its owner's life upon earth. The revelations, therefore, that are attendant upon the person newly arrived in the spirit world can be sufficiently startling. (from channeled spirit of Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson)

Here and Hereafter, Anthony Borgia
pg. Chapt1, 1968

AgreeFindlay was told: "The scenes of the past life are...often revealed to those who are just passing, at the last moment." (J. Arthur Findlay, Where Two Worlds Meet, 1951, pg.599)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 12, 1974

AgreeCommunicators often declare that, in the early stages of transition, they experienced a panoramic review of their past earth-lives. This applies to both natural and enforced transition. It was impersonal and non-emotional in nature.

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 12, 1974

Agree"The first thing they find when they come here is the record of their past life." (F. Heslop, Speaking Across the Border Line, 1912)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 12, 1974

Agree"I saw my life unfold before me in a procession of images" (A.L.E.H., Fragments from my Message, Women's Printing Society, 1929, pg.198)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 12, 1974

Agree"I saw clearer and clearer the events of my past life pass, in a long procession, before me... (Franchezzo, op. cit., 1910, pg. 76)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 12, 1974

AgreeSimilar statements were made by 'Myers' through Geraldine Cummins. "In the life after death he enters an intermediate stage, and...his soul perceives, at intervals, the episodes of the past experience...I seemed to be...seeing pictures of my life... (Geraldine Cummins, Beyond Human Personality, pg.29 and They Survive, pg.42)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 12-13, 1974

AgreeW.T. Stead, communicating, said:"My memory of earth functioned at this time...I felt for the moment all the joys and griefs of a lifetime." (Life Eternal, 1933, pg.73)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 13, 1974

Agree'Scott" told Jane Sherwood that his thoughts "raced over the record of a whole long lifetime". He continued: "I reviewed it as though I had no responsibility for it." (The Psychic Bridge, pg. 48)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 13, 1974

Agree'Major P.', communicating to W.T. Pole while he was in process of transition, said: "I have been laid up a long time. I seem to be standing in an open doorway. All the events of my life are portrayed before me in symbolic form. I can see myself as a child, as a boy, as a man." (Private Dowding, 1943, pg.107)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 13, 1974

Agree"As consciousness returned, the scenes of my whole life moved before me like a panorama. So rapidly did it pass that I had little time for reflection. (From Matter to Spirit, 1863, pg 142)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 20, 1974

Agree"There was a crash and a blackness. It was not really pain as most people think of pain-a rending crash and then gone...I lay quiet and pictures came before me of myself as a little boy...Then I saw a car coming. I saw it brake and push something along the road. I looked, and it was my body. I looked at myself and saw my own body [double] seeming quite real and solid...Suddenly I saw Grandpapa, standing smiling all lit up, and knew I was killed. I said at once, 'Then mother was right-I have got an etheric body!' I felt terribly muddled and confused. Then came the thought of I began to walk along the road...You opened the window and called, but did not see me. Yet I could see what you were thinking-how frightened you were! Suddenly I remembered what you said-that spirits can go through matter. I said, 'Here goes! and ran at the door-and passed right through it. I tried it two or three times...I shall be at the funeral tomorrow...I am still mixed up with the earth." (Alice Gilbert, Philip in Two Worlds, 1948, pg 89)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 24, 1974 Source

We know where most of the creativity, the innovation, the stuff that drives productivity lies - in the minds of those

—Jack Welch