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The Afterlife

Deciding not to move ahead Agree: 7 divider Disagree: 3


Both Agreements and DisagreementsOne can finally say I am tired and I no longer choose to move from this place that I am in. I am happy right where I am. Oftentimes that means that you will have an entirely new spiritual family because many of your spirit family members do seek to move further ahead.

AgreeIn the spirit world we are not forced to reincarnate or participate in group projects. If souls want solitude they can have it. If they don't want to advance in their assignments, this too is honored. ...if we are not ready to leave Earth's astral plane after death, for a variety of personal reasons, our guides will allow us to stay around until such time as we are prepared to go home.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 7, 2003

Agree[after death] ... there are three main areas, though exceptions and extraordinary cases can take other roads. You may decide upon another reincarnation. You may decide to focus instead upon your past life, using it as the stuff of new experience, as mentioned previously creating variations of events as you have known them, making corrections as you choose. Or you may enter another system of probabilities entirely and this is quite apart from a reincarnational existence.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 148, 1994

AgreeNow there are some who resist the new existence, even though they chose it, as long as possible. To some extent they must be present at birth, but they can still escape any full identification with the born infant. They hover within and about the form, but half reluctantly. There are many reasons for such behavior. Some personalities simply prefer in-between-life existence and are much more concerned with the theoretical solving of problems than the practical application necessarily involved. Others have discovered that physical existence does not meet their needs as well as they thought it would, and they will progress much better in other fields of reality and existence.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 198, 1994

AgreeQuestion to Channeled [Valerie's] Higher Self: You mentioned earlier that a physical incarnation provides a way to learn that cannot be accomplished otherwise. As I understand it, there are many beings who choose never to incarnate. If incarnation is the only way to learn certain things, why do some beings choose not to have physical lifetimes? Ans: The human experience does not encompass every experience that is important for a being's growth. There are no words to explain some of the concepts that can be learned when a soul never incarnates on Earth or in a human personality.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 231, 2007

AgreeWhen people in trance speak of being part of a soul cluster group, they are talking about a small primary unit of entities who have direct and frequent contact, such as we would see in a human family. Peer members have a sensitivity to each other which is far beyond our conception on Earth...Members of the same cluster group are closely united for all eternity. These tightly-knit clusters are often composed of like-minded souls with common objectives which they continually work out with each other. Usually they choose lives together as relatives and close friends during their incarnations on Earth.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. , 1996

AgreeThe integrity of a soul's original cluster group remains intact in a timeless way. Regardless of who is graduating, they never lose their bond to old companions. Primary cluster groups began their existence together and remain closely associated through hundreds of incarnations.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. , 2003

AgreeI want to summarize what I have learned about the basic principles of soul group assignments: Once a new soul support group is formed, no new members are added in the future.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. , 1996 Source


Both Agreements and DisagreementsOne can ask permission to go and visit other spirit families, whether they are of a stronger spiritual evolution or one that is not as strong spiritually as you.

AgreeSecondary groups of souls are arranged in the form of a community support group which is much less initimate with one another. Larger secondary groups of entities are made up of giant sets of primary clusters as lily pads in one pond. I have never heard of a secondary group estimated at less than a thousand souls.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 87-88, 1996

AgreeI want to summarize what I have learned about the basic principles of soul group assignments: Irrespective of size, cluster groups do not directly intermix with each other's energy, but souls can communicate with one another across primary and secondary group boundaries.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 105-106, 1996

Agree...most souls don't wish to be involved in the middle of projects by other groups. I find that no two groups in a vicinity are at exactly the same level in all departments of study. So regardless of your developmental level, it is not all that easy to visit another classroom and gain something from a lesson in progress.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 287, 2003 Source

People do not grow old no matter how long we live. We never cease to stand like curious children before the great Mystery into which we were born.

—Albert Einstein