Transformation from Human to Spirit
Revisiting pleasant earth experiences Agree: 2 62 — Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton — Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton Disagree: 0
Once an individual has gone through their life review they are given the opportunity to experience things from earth that they either enjoyed very much or hoped to enjoy. Those experiences that they are having in heaven now do not affect anyone upon earth. Also, if there were individuals upon earth at any time during this incarnation that an individual would have really liked to have known, they are given an opportunity to ask permission to meet with that life force energy that they saw.
I want to summarize what I have learned about the basic principles of soul group assignments: Irrespective of size, cluster groups do not directly intermix with each other's energy, but souls can communicate with one another across primary and secondary group boundaries.
pg. 105-106, 1996There are souls who come to Earth as invisible beings between lives so that they can re-experience former physical environments.
pg. 293, 2003