Afterlife & Related Links

We have compiled numerous links that we feel might be of interest to you. Please enjoy visiting these sites and what they have to offer.

Afterlife Information

This is an excellent book that will become a classic!

Ancient Mysteries

Apparitions, Ghosts and Poltergeists

Astral Projection

Between Life Regression

Earth News

Electronic Voice Phenomena

Energy Healing

General Information

God, Philosophy and Religion

Grief Counseling

Grief Resources

Life Coaching


A Voices Across The Veil Medium

A Voices Across The Veil Medium

A Voices Across The Veil Medium

A Voices Across The Veil Medium

Near Death Experiences

New Age Stuff

Paranormal Research

This is an excellent book that will soon become a classic!

Past Life Regression


This is an excellent book that will become a classic!


Remote Viewing

Spirit Communication

Spiritual Radio



Yoga and Meditation

Be near me when my light is low... And all the wheels of being slow.

—Alfred Lord Tennyson