Afterlife Sources Research List

This is a listing of sources currently included in, under consideration for, or excluded from the database. We welcome your recommendations for further investigation and consideration.

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A comprehensive book describing the afterlife has been prepared by spirit guides speaking through a medium. It provides a high quality and challenging look at the circle of spiritual evolution — death, life in the spirit world, reincarnation, life on earth, and death again. It defines failures of our earth's civilization today, and describes future earth changes which may occur.

The Spirits' Book

The Spirits' Book
by Allan Kardec

From the preface to the New English Edition: …clear exposition of our physical and non-physical realities…organized in over a thousand intriguing questions and answers, the book shows that the key to spiritual growth lies in a better understanding of the cause and effect relationships that govern our present lives…

Letters from a Living Dead Man

Letters from a Living Dead Man
by Elsa Barker

"Do not fear death; but stay on earth as long as you can. Not withstanding the companionship I have here, I sometimes regret my failure in holding on to the world. But regrets have less weight on this side - like our bodies. Everything is well with me. I will tell you things that have never been told." Letter 5, Letters From a Living Dead Man.

Elsa Barker, American author and poet, was born in 1869 in Leicester Vermont, USA. Throughout her life, Barker's poems and short stories were published in various books and magazines. Her debut novel, The Son of Mary Bethel, was published in 1909 and this was followed in 1910 by her first collection of poetry, The Frozen Grail and Other Poems.

Barker was a spiritual writer and in 1912 while in Paris, one evening she began automatic writing, the phenomenon where someone other than her own subconscious was writing using her hand. Much inspired writing over the years claims to have originated from discarnate beings and Barker was no exception.

The entity responsible for the writing claimed to be Judge David Patterson Hatch, a lawyer from Los Angeles. The judge explained that he had recently passed over and that he wanted to document his experiences on the other side in the form of letters that he would write through Elsa's hand.

Within a few days Barker received verification from a friend that the Judge had indeed died recently in Los Angeles. Over the next three years over 100 letters were 'dictated' and published as a trilogy debuting with Letters from a Living Dean Man, followed by War Letters from the Living Dead Man and Last Letters from the Living Dead Man.

Coming shortly after W.T. Stead's bestselling channeled work Letters from Julia, the letters are now considered an essential guide to the afterlife. All are fascinating, informative and inspirational and are required reading for anyone interested in life and death, the afterlife, and why we are here.

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Heaven and Earth

Heaven and Earth
by Anthony Borgia

From the chapter My Home Enlarged:...They know that neither we nor the lands wherein we live are static, that we are forever progressing and advancing, and that while we cannot undergo the vast upheavals that have so violently shaken and disturbed the earth world, bringing havoc and ruin, yet things must have altered with us in some measure, in some manner, since that time when I first 'broke the silence of the grave' in these writings. [afterlife communication from Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson]

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Here and Hereafter

Here and Hereafter
by Anthony Borgia

From the Introduction:...Would it not be a relief to many minds, then, if they knew something, even if only a little, about the possible or probable state of their being after they have made the change from this life to the next? In other words, what sort of place is the next world? The only way to find out is to ask someone who lives there, and to record what is said. And the latter is precisely what has been done in this present volume...[afterlife communication from Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson]

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Life in the World Unseen

Life in the World Unseen
by Anthony Borgia

Knowledge is the best antidote for fear, especially if that fear should be of the possible or probable state of existence after we have made the change from this life to the next

To discover what kind of place is the next world, we must inquire of someone who lives there, and record what is said. That is what has been done in the present volume

The communicator, whom I first came to know in 1909 -- five years before his passing into the spirit world -- was known on earth as Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, a son of Edward White Benson, former Archbishop of Canterbury

Until the present scripts were written he had never communicated with me directly, but I was once told (by another spirit friend) that there were certain matters he wished to set right. The difficulties of communication were explained to him by spirit friends and advisers, but he held to his purpose. And so when a suitable time was reached, he was told that he could communicate through a friend of his earthly days, and it has been my privilege to act as his recorder

The first script was composed under the title of Beyond This Life; the second under that of The World Unseen.

In the former, the communicator gives, in a general survey, an account of his passing and his subsequent travels through various parts of spirit lands. In the latter script he deals at much greater length with a number of important and interesting facts and facets of spirit life, upon which previously he had touched only lightly or in passing

For example: in Beyond This Life he mentions the highest realms and the lowest. In The World Unseen he actually visits them and describes what he saw and what took place in both regions. Although each of the two scripts is complete in itself, the second greatly extends and amplifies the first, and together they form a composite whole

We are old friends, and his passing hence has not severed an earthly friendship; on the contrary, it has increased it, and provided many more opportunities of meeting than would have been possible had he remained on earth. He constantly expresses his delight upon his ability to return to earth in a natural, normal, healthy, and pleasant manner, and to give some account of his adventures and experiences in the spirit world, as one who 'being dead (as many would regard him), yet speaketh'.

A. B.

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More Light

More Light
by Anthony Borgia

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Between Death & Life: Conversations with a Spirit

Between Death & Life: Conversations with a Spirit
by Dolores Cannon

Dolores has accumulated information about the Death experience and what lies beyond through 16 years of hypnotic research and past-life therapy. While reliving past-life experiences hundreds of subjects reported the same memories when experiencing their death, the spirit realm, and their rebirth. Experience the sessions as they originally occurred. Recorded and dictated word for word, the subjects reveal enlightening wisdom that is hidden in the subconscious of all humankind.

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Afterlife Teaching From Stephen the Martyr

Afterlife Teaching From Stephen the Martyr
by Michael Cocks

Early in 1974, a small group of religious friends began gathering periodically at the modest home of Thomas and Olive Ashman in Christchurch, New Zealand. “We would reverently pray for protection, and be silent,” says the Rev. Michael Cocks, an Anglican priest from Christchurch. “Tom would sit upright in a chair, relaxed. After two or three minutes he would begin to pale and to breathe deeply. Then his body would give a slight jerk as Stephen seemed to take over.”

In effect, Tom Ashman was a trance medium and was entering an altered state of consciousness as his body was being “taken over” by the entity called Stephen, who would then speak to the group using Ashman’s vocal cords. Stephen would dialogue with the group, which, in addition to Cocks and Ashman’s wife, Olive, also included a Liberal Catholic priest, a Buddhist, and other curious observers. But this was not just any Stephen; it was Saint Stephen, the first Christian Martyr.

Cocks states that normally Stephen spoke through Ashman in a “rather curious English,” but that he twice spoke in an ancient Greek dialect, which apparently was for the purposes of confirming his identity.

“For myself, I do not speak [English] and I never have,” Stephen related in one of the sittings. “I activate these words that are in Thomas’s memory and are known to him. Occasionally there is a little ‘magic,’ when I join together sounds and symbols that are in Thomas’s mind so that words may be spoken that are not known to Thomas.”

After one of the early sittings in which Stephen spoke in Greek, Cocks consulted a lecturer in Greek at a University about Stephen’s Greek words. “She reported my request to the then bishop, who called me for a chat,” Cocks recalls. “To him, I denied being interested in spiritualism, as was definitely the case in those days.”

In one philosophical discussion during 1973, Stephen offered an analogy in explaining why humans do not fully comprehend the physical life. He likened God to a surgeon. “…think how a surgeon would act if, when he had to operate, he had to keep the patient conscious, adjust mirrors so the patient could see the operation that would be beyond his understanding in any case. Should he perhaps have each patient undertake advanced studies before an operation? Or would it perhaps not be better only to operate on a surgeon?” Stephen went on to say that the complexity is such that the patient must trust his surgeon.

Some of what Stephen had to say:

Purpose of life: “Remember, that in the beginning there was the coming away from the Source, for the correction of many disorders…Acquiring a physical body is only one stage in the corrections…It seems a contradiction in itself, unless you understand, that it is for this reason each and every one of you is in the position that you are, for the reason that you may develop; that disorder may be corrected. Each is in the situation where he must learn, develop and correct disorder.”

On the afterlife: “Think not that when you are without your body, you are going to be much different, for your needs are different. Except through feelings there is little association, for your tasks and your needs are no longer what they were, and the tasks and needs of them that are still in the body are different. These are the first things you learn.”

On reincarnation: “The answer is most difficult. The understanding of the phenomenon is sometimes beyond even myself, but hear me now. Even as I speak through this body, I am Stephen and reincarnate possibly a thousandfold. The confusion is not in the reality of this. It is on the concept of your conscious mind where it can but think of one body.”

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The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications
by Robert Crookall

From Front Flap: In this meticulously compiled volume, Dr. Robert Crookall, an eminent scientist who is also a student of psychical research, has brought together, from a great many different sources, what appear to be the personal testimonies of the experience of death and survival. Taken together they form an impressive body of evidence on a topic where opinion is frequently expressed but evidence seldom considered: we have here an entirely new kind of evidence. The success of the first edition of this book, published in 1961, has persuaded the publishers of the need for a new and revised edition.

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Life Here and Hereafter

Life Here and Hereafter
by Charlotte E. Dresser

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Life Beyond Death - What Should We Expect?

Life Beyond Death - What Should We Expect?
by David Fontana

Examines various evidential materials that have been accumulated about the afterlife. This title looks at communications through mediums and witness accounts such as Near Death and Out of Body Experiences and compares them with the descriptions given in such mystical texts as The Tibetan Book of the Dead and The Egyptian Book of the Dead.

Vanishing Night

Vanishing Night
by Juliet S. Goodenow

A series of letters given through telepathic correspondence to Juliet S. Goodenow by the late Frederic William Henry Myers, an eminent English author, scholar and scientist contemporary with the present time.

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Suicide: What Really Happens in the Afterlife

Suicide: What Really Happens in the Afterlife
by Pamela Rae Heath,Jon Klimo

"Suicide critically explores the evidence for an afterlife to pose a new set of questions: What happens after suicide? What advice do the departed offer to the living who are suicidal?" author, Dean Radin.

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The Book of the Soul: Rational Spirituality for the 21st Century

The Book of the Soul: Rational Spirituality for the 21st Century
by Ian Lawton

Piece by piece, this book uncovers startling evidence to support a scientific and rational belief in reincarnation and the interlife.It brings together a wide range of research – including the incredible insights of thousands of ordinary regression subjects – in a logical, objective way to produce a major breakthrough in our approach to spirituality.

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The Wisdom of the Soul: Profound Insights from the Life between Lives

The Wisdom of the Soul: Profound Insights from the Life between Lives
by Ian Lawton,Andy Tomlinson

[Quote from Edith Fiore on back cover]: ...provides much-needed information about everything from trapped spirits to demonic beings; from the purpose of incarnation to life on other planets; from legends of Atlantis to the future of humanity; and from multiple realities to the nature of time.

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The Messenger

The Messenger
by Denise Lescano

An inspiring & enlightening TRUE story that will change the way you think about your life.

Would you like to know why you are here? Who you really are? What happens when you die? Would you like the ability to send and receive direct messages to your loved ones on the other side? This is why you have been connected with this book, here and now.

Read this book! It was written for YOU!

Denise Lescano is a world renowned Professional Spirit Medium, Intuitive Consultant, Metaphysical Teacher and Author. She is well known and widely respected, for her groundbreaking and unprecedented work with non-profit Grief Support and Addiction Recovery groups. She specializes in working with those who have lost loved ones by sudden or accidental death and suicide. Denise is recognized and sought after for her highly developed intuitive gifts and her ability to deliver very detailed, personal and evidential messages from loved ones on the spirit side of life. Her penetrating insight and abilities are like no other.

"No one has ever attempted to use spirit communication to enhance recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction before, and it is exciting to witness these ground-breaking discoveries in rehabilitation. I consider myself fortunate indeed to be able to share this unique opportunity with someone that, unbeknownst to me, I was previously prepared to work with." - Very truly yours, Jerry D. Eddleman, Founder and President The Serenity Club of Naples, Twelve Step Groups


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Far Journeys

Far Journeys
by Robert Monroe

from back cover: ...presents an all-new, all-true mesmerizing odyssey that takes you even further beyond the known dimensions of the physical universe. Written with great insight and wit, Far Journeys offers a new awareness of the untapped resources and limitless possibilities of the human mind.

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Ultimate Journey

Ultimate Journey
by Robert Monroe

Ultimate Journey charts the area that lies "over the edge," beyond the limits of the physical world...It is a journey that reveals the basic truths about the meaning and purpose of life-and of what lies beyond.

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Strangers Among Us

Strangers Among Us
by Ruth Montgomery

You may know a walk-in. You may even be one. They are high-minded entities permitted to take over the bodies of human beings who wish to depart this life. Their mission is to lead us into an astonishing new age. They are walk-ins, and there are tens of thousands of them on this planet.

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Life Between Lives: Hypnotherapy for Spiritual Regression

Life Between Lives: Hypnotherapy for Spiritual Regression
by Michael Newton

Dr. Newton reveals his step-by-step methods for regression therapy. His experiential approach to the spiritual realms sheds light on the age-old questions of who we are, where we came from, and why we are here.

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Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives
by Michael Newton

This remarkable book uncovers-for the first time-the mystery of life in the spirit world after death on earth. After reading Journey of Souls, you will gain a better understanding of the immortality of the human soul. While in a state of deep hypnosis, twenty-nine people recall their experiences between lives as eternal spirits.

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Destiny of Souls

Destiny of Souls
by Michael Newton

In Destiny of Souls, 67 people just like you recall their life between lives through Dr. Newton's personal work in spiritual hypnotherapy. Based on his groundbreaking research into the afterlife, this book is designed both for the first-time venturers into the subject and for readers of Dr. Newton's best-selling first volume, Journey of Souls.

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The Death of Religion and the Rebirth of Spirit: A Return to the Intelligence of the Heart

The Death of Religion and the Rebirth of Spirit: A Return to the Intelligence of the Heart
by Joseph Chilton Pearce

[from back cover]: Pearce explains that, beneath our awareness, our culture imprints a negative force-field that blocks the natural rise of our spirit toward our true, innate nature of love and altruism. Further, he identifies religion as the primary cultural force behind this negative imprinting...Pearce shows us that if we allow the intelligence of the heart to take hold and flourish, we can reverse this unconscious loss of our true nature.

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The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit

The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit
by Joseph Chilton Pearce

In The Biology of Transcendance Joseph Chilton Pearce examines the current biological understanding of our neural organization to address how we can transcend our current evolutionary capacities and limitations...As Pearce shows us, it is the dynamic interaction of our head brain (intellect) and heart brain (intelligence) that allows transcendance from one evolutionary place to the next-we are, quite literally, made to transcend.

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Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
by Jane Roberts

One of the most powerful of the Seth books. Seth speaks is an essential guide to conscious living. It clearly and powerfully articulates the furthest reaches of human potential and presents the concept that we are independent of our physical image and have access to intuitional knowledge and other dimensions of reality.

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The Seth Material

The Seth Material
by Jane Roberts

This is a great introduction to learning about Seth's teachings. It covers Seth's first contacts with Jane, which were not only insightful, but often funny. Topics covered include: afterdeath, between lives, how to get rid of illness, reincarnation, why people are born into different circumstances, God, All That Is, Dreams, exercises to develop the inner senses, and more.

The acclaimed classic containing spiritual wisdom and practical knowledge from the greatest metaphysical teacher of our time.


The bulk of the book will deal with Seth's ideas on various subjects, such as life after death, reincarnation, health, the nature of physical reality, the God concept, dreams, time, identity, and perception.

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Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?
by Robert Schwartz

In Robert Schawartz's own words - To RESEARCH THE PRE-BIRTH PLANNING of life challenges, I collaborated with four extraordinarily gifted mediums and channels. Together we obtained information about the pre-incarnation plans of dozens of individuals, ten of whom share their stories in this book.

Through these remarkable stories of pre-birth planning, you can:

  • Learn why each of us decides to experience such challenges as illness, the death of a loved one, and accidents
  • Understand how you as a soul create your life blueprint
  • Replace anger, guilt, and blame with forgiveness, acceptance, and peace
  • Deepen your appreciation of and gratitude for life as a soul-expanding, evolutionary process

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The readiness to initiate the journey cannot be forced nor can people be faulted if it has not occurred in them as yet. The level of consciousness has to have advanced to the stage where such an intention would be meaningful and attractive.

—David R. Hawkins