The Afterlife
Specialists in heaven Agree: 3 123 — Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton — Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts — Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton — The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec 124 — Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton Disagree: 2
Once a spirit has obtained the actual level of a spirit guide and teacher they no longer make the transitions to and from the nonspirit world.
In my work, guides are sometimes described as guardian angels, although our personal teachers are beings who have incarnated in physical form long before graduating to the level of guides. An intimate soulmate in discarnate form can also come to the gate to comfort us in times of need.
pg. 39, 2003Those who choose to leave this system, whose reincarnational cycles are finished, have many more decisions to make.
pg. 153, 1994Once the duties of a guide are fully established for the advancing soul, it is necessary for these entities to juggle two balls. Besides completing their own unfinished business with continued (though less frequent) incarnations, they must also help others while in a discarnated state.
pg. , 1996Question 516. Could a spirit guide incarnate itself in order to accompany us more closely in our earthly life? Answer: That sometimes happens. But more often they will entrust this mission to a trustworthy person on earth.
pg. , 2003A human involved in a creative process often will have teachers and guides who will be assisting the human's thought process on another consciousness level.
It is not uncommon to find guides working in pairs with people on Earth, each with their own approaches to teaching. In these cases one is dominant, although the more experienced senior guide may actually be less evident in day-to-day activities of their charges.
pg. 115, 1996