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The Afterlife

Learning in heaven Agree: 4 divider Disagree: 3 divider Open Issues Exist


Both Agreements and DisagreementsA spirit does not learn from the experiences of other spirits and does not become involved in the viewing of each spirit's past lives. Its lessons are for it and it alone.

AgreeEither as part of our initial healing, or not long afterwards, we will usually participate in some kind of review of the life just passed. We may do this alone we may be aided by our spirit guide, who is a more experienced soul available to help us both in incarnation and during the interlife or we may be aided by our elders, a group of still-wiser souls who help us to plot a path through our successions of lives.

The Wisdom of the Soul: Profound Insights from the Life between Lives, Ian Lawton
pg. 7, 2007

AgreeWhen people in trance speak of being part of a soul cluster group, they are talking about a small primary unit of entities who have direct and frequent contact, such as we would see in a human family. Peer members have a sensitivity to each other which is far beyond our conception on Earth...Members of the same cluster group are closely united for all eternity. These tightly-knit clusters are often composed of like-minded souls with common objectives which they continually work out with each other. Usually they choose lives together as relatives and close friends during their incarnations on Earth.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. , 1996

AgreeCan a soul experience the complete past life of another soul? The idea being explored here is that a soul can tap into any past-life memory of any other soul in the light realms, usually if there is something it can experience from it that will contribute to its learning and growth....our sources unanimously confirmed that it is indeed possible for souls to share all past-life memories.

The Wisdom of the Soul: Profound Insights from the Life between Lives, Ian Lawton
pg. , 2007

AgreeQuestion 285: Do spirits who have lived together on Earth recognize each other? How do they know each other in the spirit-world? Answer: We see our past lives, which we can read as if they were books. When we see the past of our friends and enemies, we also see their complete journey from life to death.

The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec
pg. , 2003 Source

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Both Agreements and DisagreementsWithin a spirit group there is a communication and a sharing of telepathic love and support to all of those within its group. It is not direct conversations such as you share on earth. Love is the biggest experience that spirits share together.

AgreeWhen people in trance speak of being part of a soul cluster group, they are talking about a small primary unit of entities who have direct and frequent contact, such as we would see in a human family. Peer members have a sensitivity to each other which is far beyond our conception on Earth...Members of the same cluster group are closely united for all eternity. These tightly-knit clusters are often composed of like-minded souls with common objectives which they continually work out with each other. Usually they choose lives together as relatives and close friends during their incarnations on Earth.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 87-88, 1996

AgreeHomecoming is a joyous interlude, especially following a physical life where there might not have been much karmic contact with our intimate soulmates.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 4, 2003

AgreeNow in this time of choosing [between life state] all of these matters are considered, and suitable preparations made, but the planning itself is all a part of experience and of development. The in-between existence, therefore, is every bit as important as the period that is chosen. You learn to plan your existence, in other words. You also make friends and acquaintances in these rest periods whom you meet again and again - and only, perhaps, during in-between existences. With them you may discuss your experience during reincarnational cycles. These are like old friends.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 155-156, 1994 Source

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Why is it that when we talk to God we're said to be praying, but when God talks to us we're schizophrenic?

—Lily Tomlin