The Afterlife
Appearance of spirits Agree: 6 127 — Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton — Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton — Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton — Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton — Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton Disagree: 0
Spirits appear to each other as forms of light and different shades of light. As souls begin to advance in their spiritual consciousness, their light becomes different colors but, unlike on earth, one is not judged by the color that they are as a spirit soul in heaven. So there is no judgment or no sense of achievement when one moves from one vibrational level to another.
Familiar beings are clustered together in undulating masses of bright light.
pg. 85, 1996(A table of soul color related to the level of spiritual development of a spirit:) Soul Development Levels: Level I- Beginner (White) Level II- Lower Intermediate (Off-White) Level III- Intermediate (Yellow) Level IV- Upper Intermediate (Dark Yellow) Level V-Advanced (Light Blue) Level VI- Highly Advanced (Dark Bluish-Purple).
pg. 103, 1996I tend to think of souls as intelligent light forms of energy. Right after death, souls suddenly feel different because they are no longer encumbered by a temporary host body with a brain and central nervous system. Some take longer than others.
pg. 2, 2003One very meaningful aspect of my research has been the discovery of energy colors displayed by souls in the spirit world. These colors relate to a soul's state of advancement....I found that typically, pure white denotes a younger soul and with advancement soul energy becomes more dense, moving into orange, yellow, green and finally the blue ranges.
pg. 5, 2003Besides the primary core colors indicating the stage of overall development, certain souls carry secondary colors. These have been called halo colors because they usually appear to the observer to be outside the core center of a soul's energy mass.
pg. 172, 2003