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The Afterlife

Vision in heaven Agree: 4 divider Disagree: 0


Both Agreements and DisagreementsEverything in heaven is done telepathically and so as a spirit chooses to visualize what it is they wish to be a part of, it is done telepathically and in a far deeper dimension. It vibrates at a much higher level and is felt more than seen.

AgreeIn the spirit world, seeing a temple is not a literal record of stone blocks but rather a visualization of the meaning the temple has to that soul.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 134, 2003

AgreeThe human body vibrates at very low frequencies. At higher frequencies a revelation of truth commences. The body is incapable of accomodating higher frequencies at a fast rate. So, people allow themselves only glimpses into the higher frequencies and in that way acclimate the body in tiny increments, making it possible for the cells to accumulate light and bring about higher frequencies in a very gradual way.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 43, 2007

AgreeTelepathy operates without distortion in this after-death period, so you must deal with the true relationships that exist between yourself and all relatives and friends who await you.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 122, 1994

AgreeSo many processes and procedures become as second nature to us here in the course of our lives that we scarcely stop to ponder just when this condition first exerted itself so to speak, and became part of our lives. Some things, of course, are very apparent. For instance, the first occasion upon which Ruth and I made the attempt to move ourselves by the thought process instead of using our legs in the old method of locomotion, which we had employed hitherto. That we shall never forget. It was such a revolutionary event in our lives. I fancy that there are not many of us who will forget an experience of that nature for it made us realise very early the immense power of our minds. The most I can say, then, with regard to our absolute knowledge that we are free to possess some particular thing or another, whatever it may be, is that we are conscious that we lack that object, and that we have a strong, deep desire for it. Then we are aware that our desire has passed out from our minds, and in place of the desire there is the unmistakable certainty that we are at liberty to possess. So that the procedure comes to this, first one has the desire to possess, and that thought leaves us. Whence it goes, I am unable to say. If, after the wish to possess has been projected from our minds, we are entitled to possess, the desire will no longer be as a yearning, for in its place will come the knowledge that nothing debars us from becoming owner of what we want. We are, ipso facto, virtual possessors. We have then only to take the necessary steps towards actual ownership. But if we have not yet earned the right to possess, then the desire will remain with us as an unfulfilled desire until such time as we have advanced spiritually. We shall be aware of a positive barrier. In saying that a knowledge of the right to posses takes the place of the former desire to possess, I would not have you understand that our interest wanes. That is not so. Our interest, in good truth, actually increases. But there is a vast difference between a desire that is only a desire and which must remain unfulfilled and a desire that can be transformed into an immediate fulfilment. Your own unhappy experiences during an earthly life will speak with sufficient eloquence upon that point! This is, I am afraid, a very unsatisfactory account of a very natural process in these lands, but you will understand that there are so many matters upon which we are as yet uninformed. (from channeled spirit of Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson)

Heaven and Earth, Anthony Borgia
pg. Chapt1, 1948 Source

A person doesn't die when he should but when he can.

—Gabriel Garcéa Márquez