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Purpose of reincarnation Agree: 14 divider Disagree: 0


Both Agreements and DisagreementsSpirits reincarnate on earth because they are being given the opportunity to accelerate their learning process to achieve higher consciousness levels. This occurs because they become involved with so many more experiences in the physical world.

AgreeQuestion 166 How can a soul start life anew? Are you referring to the changes it experiences in a new life in the realm of spirit? Answer: Purification does require change. But, in order to bring about true inner transformation, the soul needs the trials of a new physical life.

The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec
pg. 99, 2003

AgreeQuestion 167-What is the purpose of reincarnation? Answer: Purification, to redress previous mistakes, and to effect human progress. Otherwise, there would be no justice.

The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec
pg. 99, 2003

AgreeI have said souls do have the freedom to choose when, where, and who they would want to be in their physical lives. Certain souls spend less time in the spirit world in order to accelerate development, while others are very reluctant to leave. There is no question but what our guides exert great influence in this matter, just as we were given an intake interview in the orientation phase right after death, there are preparatory exit interviews by spiritual advisors to determine our readiness for rebirth.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 203, 1996

AgreeYou who are in that realm believe that that is you, that you are fear, that you are hatred and nonacceptance. And so you are able to murder one another. You are able to abuse and exploit one another. You act on baser frequencies. As the soul enters the body, the clarity for the most part disappears, and as a human, you begin to believe that you are the body. You cease to remember that you are the soul. This is part of the plan, because to forget your divinity and through many trials remember the truth brings about great power, solidifies beliefs, and uplifts that frequency to higher levels

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 42, 2007

AgreeKnowing your reincarnational background, but not knowing the true nature of your present self, is useless. You cannot justify or rationalize present circumstances by saying, 'This is because of something I did in a past life', for within yourself now is the ability to change negative influences. You may have brought negative influences into your life for a given reason, but the reason always has to do with understanding, and understanding removes those influences.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 181, 1994

AgreeIf you examine your own life now carefully, the challenges that you have set for yourself will become apparent. This is not easy to do, but it is within the grasp of each individual. If you release yourself from hatred, then you automatically release yourself from any such relationships in the future - or any experiences that are based upon hatred.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 181, 1994

AgreeWhen you get to the point that you realize you are forming your day-to-day existence and the life that you know, then you can begin to alter your own mental and psychic patterns, and therefore change your daily environment. This realization, however, should go hand in hand with a deep intuitional knowledge of the capabilities of the inner self. These two factors together can release you from any difficulties that have arisen in past lives. The entire structure of your existence will begin to change with these realizations, and an acceleration of spiritual and psychic growth will develop.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 179, 1994

AgreeWhen most people think of reincarnation, they think in terms of a one-line progression in which soul perfects itself in each succeeding life. This is a gross simplification. There are endless varieties of this one theme, individual variations. The process of reincarnation is used in many ways, therefore, and in this time of rest individuals must decide on the unique way in which reincarnation will be of use. Some, for example, choose to isolate various characteristics in a given life, and work on these almost exclusively, basing a given existence upon, say, one main theme...Specific creative abilities might be specialized in the same manner. If you looked at these lives as a series of progressions in usual terms, then you would be left with many questions unanswered...Some will choose progression at an easier rate and in a more balanced manner. They will keep all the strands of personality working at once, so to speak, and even meet again and again people they have known in other lives. They will work out problems at a rather easy rate, rather than in, say an explosive way.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 150, 1994

AgreeThis creates limitations for them which they must overcome by deciding that they are worthy of love from themselves and others, despite the fact that there are those who place judgement on their action.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 170, 2007

AgreeQuestion to Channeled [Valerie's] Higher Self: You mentioned earlier that a physical incarnation provides a way to learn that cannot be accomplished otherwise. As I understand it, there are many beings who choose never to incarnate. If incarnation is the only way to learn certain things, why do some beings choose not to have physical lifetimes? Ans: The human experience does not encompass every experience that is important for a being's growth. There are no words to explain some of the concepts that can be learned when a soul never incarnates on Earth or in a human personality.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 231, 2007

Agree[In answer to someone arguing against reincarnation, Seth replied] You will reincarnate whether or not you believe that you will...It is much easier if your theories fit reality, but if they do not, then you do not change the nature of reincarnation one iota.

The Seth Material, Jane Roberts
pg. 146, 2001

AgreeQuestion: When we leave the physical body, where do we go?, the minister asked. Ans: You go where you want to go, Now, when your ordinary, waking conscious mind is lulled in the sleep state, you travel in other dimensions. You are already having experiences in these other dimensions then. You are preparing your own way. When you die you go into these ways that you have prepared. There are various periods of training that vary according to the individual. You must understand the nature of reality before you can manipulate within it well. In physical reality you are learning that your thoughts have reality, and that you create the reality that you know. When you leave this dimension, then you concentrate upon the knowledge you have gained. If you still do not realize that you create your own reality, then you return, and again you learn to manipulate, and again and again you see the results of your own inner reality as you meet it objectified. You teach yourself the lesson until you have learned it then you begin to learn how to handle the consciousness that is yours, intelligently and well. Then you can form images for the benefit of others, and lead and guide them. Then you constantly enlarge the scope of your understanding.

The Seth Material, Jane Roberts
pg. 144-145, 2001

AgreeConsciousness is an attribute of the soul, a tool that can be turned in many directions. You are not your consciousness. It is something that belongs to you and to the soul. You are learning to use it. To the extent that you understand and utilize the various aspects of consciousness, you will learn to understand your own reality, and the conscious self will truly become conscious.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 283, 1994

AgreeSpirit is love. The universe is love. We are love. When we look beyond the personality to the eternal soul within, we recall who we really are. The temporary loss of that identity and its subsequent rediscovery-and the contrast between the two-give the soul a more profound self-knowing and self-appreciation. For the soul, this kind of stark contrast cannot be obtained or understood without a physical incarnation.

Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?, Robert Schwartz
pg. 56, 2007 Source

People are where they are because that's exactly where they really want to be...whether they'll admit that or not.

—Earl Nightingale