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Death Experience for Adults

Changes before and upon death Agree: 2 divider Disagree: 18 divider Open Issues Exist


Both Agreements and DisagreementsThere is not a silver cord or some other physical attachment means between the soul and the body which is severed at the moment of death and departure of the spirit soul.

AgreeLet us begin, then, by briefly sketching the operation of physical death. The spirit body exactly coincides with the physical body, and during waking hours the two are inseparable. When sleep takes place the spirit body withdraws from the physical body, but the former is attached to the latter by a magnetic cord. I call it a magnetic cord for want of a better name. It is a veritable life line. Its elasticity is enormous, since the spirit body can travel either throughout the earth during sleeping hours, or throughout the spirit world subject to special conditions and limitations. However vast the distance between the sleeping physical body and the temporarily released spirit body, the magnetic cord can span the distance easily and perfectly and without any diminution of its active agency, which is to sustain life in the earthly body. The life line will, as its length increases, become exceedingly fine and almost hair-like in appearance. Just so long as the magnetic cord is joined to the earthly body, just so long will earthly life remain in the physical body. But the moment that dissolution takes place the life-line is severed, the spirit is free to live in its own element, while the physical body will decay in the manner which is perfectly familiar to you upon earth. The death of the physical body, then, is simply the severance of the magnetic cord, and as far as the physical body is concerned it is closely akin to ordinary sleep. There does not seem anything very dreadful about this straightforward process if a little thought is given to it. I have already spoken to you concerning my own passage to this world of the spirit. It was easy and comfortable, and I was certainly not aware of any distress when the actual moment arrived for the magnetic cord to break from my physical body. As far as I was concerned there was no shock or struggle, no unpleasant circumstances of any description. (from channeled spirit of Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson)

Here and Hereafter, Anthony Borgia
pg. , 1968

Agree In speaking of the magnetic cord, I mentioned that during sleep the spirit body sometimes visits other places either on earth or in the spirit world. It is not everyone, however, that travels during sleeping hours. It depends entirely upon individual circumstances. When no visiting takes place the spirit body is content merely to linger in the vicinity of the sleeping physical body until such time as the resting period is ended. With some people a desire to visit other parts of the earth is 'uppermost? in the mind of the sleeper. The reason for doing so will vary according to his tastes or circumstances. Visits to the spirit world are frequently made for some more important purpose, because there is so much useful work that can be done upon such visits. These visits are usually made by people who are conversant with spirit truths, and who are eager to add to their knowledge. While these visitations are in progress they can meet and converse with such of their relatives and friends who have passed into spirit lands before them. Old relationships are renewed indeed, it would be more accurate to say that they are continued since they have not been interrupted. The visitor can gain useful help and guidance upon his earthly affairs from people who, from their superior position in the spirit world, are able to offer assistance. (from channeled spirit of Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson)

Here and Hereafter, Anthony Borgia
pg. , 1968

AgreeDeath always seems to the beholder of it to be such a solitary business, as perforce, it must be to some extent. But our help is always at hand, though help comes usually after the severance of the magnetic cord when the spirit body is free from the earthly body. The severance will take place in a perfectly natural manner, just as the leaf will fall from the tree. It is then that the moment comes for us to step in and offer our assistance. I say offer assistance because we do not force our services upon anyone. However, in all our experience so far, our offers of help have never been scorned. On the contrary, people are only too glad to leave themselves entirely in our hands.(from channeled spirit of Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson)

Here and Hereafter, Anthony Borgia
pg. , 1968

AgreeD: We've heard a lot about what is called the silver cord. Is there any such thing? S: This is, as you might perceive it, a lifeline to your body which is very real in nature. In an energetic sense this is the cord which maintains a lifeline with your energies to your body. It is indeed a real device. D: Then at the point of death this cord is severed? S: That is accurate.

Between Death & Life: Conversations with a Spirit, Dolores Cannon
pg. , 1993

AgreeWhen my subjects have relived the death experience, they pass through the white light, the barrier. At that point the energy is so intense that it severs the silver cord, the umbilical that attaches the spirit to the physical body. When this occurs the spirit cannot cross back through the barrier and enter their body again. The two have been forever separated. Without this connection to its life force (the soul or spirit) the body quickly begins to deteriorate.

Between Death & Life: Conversations with a Spirit, Dolores Cannon
pg. , 1993

AgreeD: I have been told that there is a cord that is supposed to connect the spirit to the body. S: Yes, and when you go through that bright light it severs the cord because you are going through an intense energy field. The cord that connects the astral body to the physical body is a type of energy. And when you go through the energy barrier, it is dissolved.

Between Death & Life: Conversations with a Spirit, Dolores Cannon
pg. , 1993

Agree"I was dimly conscious of figures moving round the bed. Then I saw that I was not lying in the bed, but floating in the air, a little above it. I saw the body, stretched out straight. My first idea was that I might re-enter it, but all desire to do this soon left me -the tie [=the 'silver cord'] was broken. I stood on the floor...Close to me was my father's father;he had been with me all through. I also saw my relatives still in earth-life. I spoke to them. They took no notice." (Helen Alex Dallas, Human Survival and Its Implications, 1930, pg.32)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. , 1974

Agree"I began to feel a heavy weight. Gradually I realized that this weight was slipping away from me-or, rather, I was sliding out from it, as if someone were drawing his hand out from a wet glove. Then I began to feel free at one end, so to speak, and then I began to see again. I saw once more the room and the people in it. Then I was free! I saw myself lying stretched out on the bed, and from my mouth came, as it were, a cord of light. It vibrated for a moment, then snapped. At that moment someone said, "I think he has gone"...Then the room seemed to fade away. I was in the most exquisite scenery imaginable..." (S.M Ward, Gone West, 1917, pg 28)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. , 1974

Agree"I came to consciousness with my new body resting parallel over my old one and about a yard away, immediately above it...A cord from the solar plexus linked me to my old body. I remained floating and swaying, realizing that I was still bound...Then something seemed to snap, and I began to take an upright position. Then I saw that the cord had snapped. I was free, a new man in a new body. I was surrounded by all the dear ones...born again!" (F.T. Robertson, Celestial Voices, pg 265).

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. , 1974

Agree"Without dreaming, without delirium, I actually saw 'J.' and she spoke to me. It was a dreamy consciousness, for I was affected by the exhaustion of my Physical Body. I felt a connection with it [=the 'silver cord'], severed as I was. The mourners around my bed wept. I seemed to feel the force of their grief and I longed to assuage it. Unconsciousness then came. I awokd on a wonderful plain." (Anon. (King's Counsel'), Bear Witness)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. , 1974

Agree'Felicia Scatcherd', communicating, said: "I felt myself a kind of buoyant mist. Those who came to me said they must slowly help me out of my body-breaking those threads. I kept very quiet...all the threads broke easily and naturally. I got quite away from my body and was not half-caught, as some are." (

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. , 1974

Agree'A.L.E.H.' was promised, "I shall be able to free your spirit from the many tiny threads that bind it to the body...Then you will be able to leave this cast-off garment and will not hang about it as so many do...Last of all the silver cord of life is severed."

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. , 1974

Agree'Abraham Ackley, M.D.' of Ohio, was quoted by Mrs. de Morgan thus: "In most cases there is little or no...suffering; even when there is a struggle, it is only an effort, painless in character, by the spirit to burst the bonds that have bound it to the physical body. This was my own experience...I learned, after my spirit was free from its connection with the external body, that these were produced by it in its attempts to sever this connection which in all cases is more or less difficult...Like many others, I was unable to leave the form at once. I could feel myself gradually raised from my body and in a dreamy...state. It seems as though...I was separated into two parts, and yet...there seemed to be an indissoluble connecting-link.

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. , 1974

Agree'Myers', communicating through Geradine Cummins, stated: "During sleep, the soul exists within the double while the body is recharged with nervous energy...The double is the exact counterpart of the physical shape. The two are bound together by many little threads, by two silver cords. One of these makes contact with the solar plexus, the other with the brain...Death occurs when these two principal communicating lines are severed...Life occasionally lingers in certain cells of the body after the soul has fled. There is a simple explanation for it. The double still adheres to the physical shell by means of certain threads which have not yet been broken. The newly-dead man has, thereby, a greater awareness of the immediate surroundings of his physical body...power to perceive his friends wherever his physical body liles. As a rule, however, he obtains complete freedom...within an hour, or a few hours, of death." (Geradine Cummins, The Road to Immortality, 1932).

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. , 1974

Agree'Heslop" affirmed: "The act of dying is absolutely painless. The contortions frequently witnessed are purely muscular: the dying man does not feel them as pain...The process begins at the feet and ... emerges from the head. Occasionally, the spiritual counterpart, when released, assumes a perpendicular position, but more generally floats horizontally above the dying form. It may remain some time in this position for it is attached to the body by a fine filmy cord. Death does not take place until this cord has been severed. In most cases...beloved arisen friends of the one who dies come about him at the last to break this cord and bear him away... (F. Heslop, Life Worth Living, pg 26)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. , 1974

AgreeThe Rev. J.W. Potter's communicator indicated two differences between natural and enforced death: in the former, "there is a cord between spirit and body for a short time"; in the latter, the cord "is instantly snapped" and sleep "is long in coming". (From Beyond The Clouds, 1927, pg 430)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. , 1974

AgreeGradually I found that my real self was being separated from my body, until I was floating in the air above it. I tried to free myself from the cord [= the silver 'cord'] that still held me to my useless body, and it became gradually thinner until at last it snapped...I succeeded in assuming an erect position, floating in the air just above the ground. I spoke to a man but he did not hear me. Then I saw friends who had been dead some time. I lost consciousness and woke to find myself in hospital. I was puzzled, having no idea I had been killed. (Margaret Vivian, The Doorway, 1941, p 15)

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. , 1974

AgreeWe remain tethered to our bodies by a cord of light that is severed only with the death of the physical body, at which time we are then released from this life and able to fully move on to life on the spirit side.

The Messenger, Denise Lescano
pg. , 2014 Source

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Both Agreements and DisagreementsWhen the spirit leaves the body there is something almost physical that drains from the heart and as this leaves the heart there can be, it appears, a minute change in the physical body. Source

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Both Agreements and DisagreementsAn early cremation does not hamper the process of arriving into the spirit world.

Agreetheir physical body is a vehicle for their spirit body while upon earth. When the time comes for them to leave the earth world, and with it their earthly body, the latter is treated as something that is for ever done with. It has become utterly useless to them. It has been cast off, and our friends are never sorry to cast it off! What then becomes of it they are not the least bit concerned. They have no reverence for it. But so many people enshroud this cast-off body with a holy solemnity to which it is not entitled. The 'dead', it would be asserted, should have a proper respect paid to them the ?dead' body should be similarly respected. Let us put the matter in another light. Who is there upon earth who has any deep respect and reverence for some old, useless, worn-out, shabby garment? It is finished and done with. Away with it, and let us see no more of it. In the spirit world we have a new garment, fresh and lovely it fits us perfectly, and it seems to our eyes faultless in form, color and mode. It suits us now as no other garment possibly could. We have fashioned it ourselves from imperishable material and by comparison with it our earthly garment was dull, drab, and dreary in color, coarse in texture, ill-fitting, perhaps, in places, and although it served its purpose among surroundings that comported with it, we have now something infinitely better. In some such words would we describe our spirit attitude to the physical body that is 'dead'. (from channeled spirit of Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson)

Here and Hereafter, Anthony Borgia
pg. Chapt1, 1968

AgreeSeth had often told us that when we're finished with our lives here, we're actually anxious to leave this existence. When the body is worn out, we really want to get rid of it. The instinct for survival is served quite well, because the inner self knows that it lives beyond death.

The Seth Material, Jane Roberts
pg. 141, 2001 Source

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Do not struggle. Go with the flow of things, and you will find yourself at one with the mysterious unity of the Universe.

—Chuang Tzu