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Transformation from Human to Spirit

Particular case of suicide Agree: 20 divider Disagree: 1 divider Open Issues Exist


Both Agreements and DisagreementsAn individual who commits suicide will find after the initial greeting process has been completed that they are in a place darker than in the place of an individual crossing over for any other reason. These individual souls are initially met by angels and guides and they can see the brightness and the light and the love of these guides coming through to them so that they are not left into a complete hole of darkness though they are in a dim world compared to where they would have been under other circumstances.

AgreeAfter those entities who meet us during our homecoming have dispersed, we are ready to be taken to a space of healing...I hear such terms as: chambers, travel berths, and interspace stopover zones, but the most commmon is "the place of healing." I think of the healing station as a field hospital, or MASH unit, for damaged souls coming off Earth's battlefields.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 53, 1996

AgreeIn conclusion, contemporary channeled messages make it pretty clear that suicides are not permanently stuck in some unpleasant hell dimension. They may be in limbo for a time, but eventually are able to leave the lower astral plane and advance spiritually-although this may require more help for them to do so than that which is needed by those who have died from other causes.

Suicide: What Really Happens in the Afterlife, Pamela Rae Heath
pg. 162, 2006

AgreeParticularly when a young, healthy person commits suicide, our teachers consider this an act of gross immaturity and the abrogation of responsibility. Our spiritual masters have placed their trust in our courage to finish life with functional bodies in a normal fashion, no matter how difficult. They have infinite patience with us, but with repeated suicide offenders their forgiveness takes another tone.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 154, 2003

AgreeThe conditions connected with an act of suicide are also important, and the inner reality and realization of the individual. I mention this here because many philosophies teach that suicides are met by a sort of special, almost vindictive fate, and such is not the case. However, if a person kills himself, believing that the act will annihilate his consciousness forever, then this false idea may severely impede his progress, for it will be further intensified by guilt. Again, teachers are available to explain the true situation. Various therapies are used. For example, the personality may be led back to the events prior to the decision. Then the personality is allowed to change the decision. An amnesia effect is induced, so that the suicide itself is forgotton. Only later is the individual informed of the act, when he is better able to face it and understand it.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 160, 1994

AgreeSuicides, as a class, for example, do not have any particular 'punishment' meted out to them, nor is their condition any worse a priori. They are treated as individual. Any problems that were not faced in this life will, however, be faced in another one. This applies not only to suicides, however.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 159, 1994

AgreeSuch is the state of spiritual enlightenment of the earth that in many cases these folk are completely unaware that they have died. That means simply that they have never ceased to live there has been an unbroken continuity of life for them, as indeed there is for all of us. This situation frequently arises among people who pass into the spirit world suddenly and perhaps without warning. Their lack of knowledge of conditions existing in the spirit world produces this state of bewilderment, and if there is added to that ignorance also the fact that, during their earthly life, they never gave any heed to a future life in the spirit world, then their situation becomes a doubly unhappy one. But there is in the spirit world a vast organization of all its immense resources, and it must not be thought that these bewildered souls are left to shift for themselves. They are soon taken in hand by others long resident in spirit lands?as you judge time?who devote their spirit lives to such work. Our task is often a difficult one because it is not always easy for the soul to grasp what has happened. The mental equipment of the individual may cause a reluctance to accept the truth. On the other hand, those who are mentally alert will soon see for themselves the exact situation. If only knowledge of the laws and conditions of spirit life were universally diffused throughout the earth world, what a wealth of difference it would make to each soul as he came to reside in these lands.

Here and Hereafter, Anthony Borgia
pg. Chap1, 1968

Agree The actual process of physical death must be undertaken alone, and in this sense it is a solitary business. But as soon as the spirit body is free then we can begin. So far I have been speaking of people who are destined for the bright realms of the spirit world. Equally, assistance is offered to those whose lives on earth have brought them to the dark realms. It is a safe rule to say that no person passing into the spirit world at dissolution does so unattended. There is always someone there. But in so many cases we are prevented from giving any help by the spiritual state of the soul we are approaching. In fact, approach becomes impossible, and so we can do nothing but watch the soul depart upon its way into darkness. Naturally, if we can perceive the tiniest glimmer of light issuing from such a soul, we do our best to fan it into something more resembling a flame. (from channeled spirit of Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson)

Here and Hereafter, Anthony Borgia
pg. Chap2, 1968

AgreeA suicide may bring about his own death because he rejects existence on any but highly specific terms chosen by himself. If this is the case, then of course he will have to learn differently. Many others, however, choose to deny experience while within the physical system, committing suicide quite effectively while still physically alive.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 159-160, 1994

AgreeSuicides normally do not go back into the body quickly. Usually it is too traumatic. They can't solve the problem that caused them to commit suicide quickly enough to back into the body that soon.

Between Death & Life: Conversations with a Spirit, Dolores Cannon
pg. 128, 1993

AgreeIn suicide cases involving healthy bodies, one of two things generally happens to these souls. If they are not a repeat offender, the soul is frequently sent back to a new life rather quickly, at their own request, to make up for lost time. This could be within five years of their death on Earth. For those who display a pattern of bailing out when things get rough there are places of repentance for a good purpose. These places do not contain a pantheon of horrors in some dark, lower spirit region reserved for sinners. Rather than being punished in some sort of bleak purgatory, these souls may volunteer to go to a beautiful planetary world with water, trees and mountains but no other life.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. , 2003 Source

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Both Agreements and DisagreementsA majority of the time all spirits who have committed suicide eventually move into their rightful place in the spirit world for they are able to see how much love is sent to them from those on earth and from other spirits. Regardless of what they did, they are able then to move into their rightful journey of their spirit self.

AgreeAfter those entities who meet us during our homecoming have dispersed, we are ready to be taken to a space of healing...I hear such terms as: chambers, travel berths, and interspace stopover zones, but the most commmon is "the place of healing." I think of the healing station as a field hospital, or MASH unit, for damaged souls coming off Earth's battlefields.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton
pg. 53, 1996

AgreeIn conclusion, contemporary channeled messages make it pretty clear that suicides are not permanently stuck in some unpleasant hell dimension. They may be in limbo for a time, but eventually are able to leave the lower astral plane and advance spiritually-although this may require more help for them to do so than that which is needed by those who have died from other causes.

Suicide: What Really Happens in the Afterlife, Pamela Rae Heath
pg. 162, 2006

AgreeParticularly when a young, healthy person commits suicide, our teachers consider this an act of gross immaturity and the abrogation of responsibility. Our spiritual masters have placed their trust in our courage to finish life with functional bodies in a normal fashion, no matter how difficult. They have infinite patience with us, but with repeated suicide offenders their forgiveness takes another tone.

Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton
pg. 154, 2003

AgreeThe conditions connected with an act of suicide are also important, and the inner reality and realization of the individual. I mention this here because many philosophies teach that suicides are met by a sort of special, almost vindictive fate, and such is not the case. However, if a person kills himself, believing that the act will annihilate his consciousness forever, then this false idea may severely impede his progress, for it will be further intensified by guilt. Again, teachers are available to explain the true situation. Various therapies are used. For example, the personality may be led back to the events prior to the decision. Then the personality is allowed to change the decision. An amnesia effect is induced, so that the suicide itself is forgotton. Only later is the individual informed of the act, when he is better able to face it and understand it.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 160, 1994

AgreeSuicides, as a class, for example, do not have any particular 'punishment' meted out to them, nor is their condition any worse a priori. They are treated as individual. Any problems that were not faced in this life will, however, be faced in another one. This applies not only to suicides, however.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 159, 1994

Agree The actual process of physical death must be undertaken alone, and in this sense it is a solitary business. But as soon as the spirit body is free then we can begin. So far I have been speaking of people who are destined for the bright realms of the spirit world. Equally, assistance is offered to those whose lives on earth have brought them to the dark realms. It is a safe rule to say that no person passing into the spirit world at dissolution does so unattended. There is always someone there. But in so many cases we are prevented from giving any help by the spiritual state of the soul we are approaching. In fact, approach becomes impossible, and so we can do nothing but watch the soul depart upon its way into darkness. Naturally, if we can perceive the tiniest glimmer of light issuing from such a soul, we do our best to fan it into something more resembling a flame. (from channeled spirit of Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson)

Here and Hereafter, Anthony Borgia
pg. Chap2, 1968

AgreeA suicide may bring about his own death because he rejects existence on any but highly specific terms chosen by himself. If this is the case, then of course he will have to learn differently. Many others, however, choose to deny experience while within the physical system, committing suicide quite effectively while still physically alive.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Jane Roberts
pg. 159-160, 1994 Source

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Both Agreements and DisagreementsYou on earth play a very big role in being able to help those on the other side no matter how they cross over, no matter what the circumstances are. But you on earth are able to help them move forward by the love and the forgiveness and releasing of them.

AgreeQuestion 936. What effect does uncontrollable grief of surviving relatives have on newly departed spirits? Answer: Spirits are touched by the sustained memory and deep regret of their loved ones. However, persistent and excessive grief causes them considerable distress. They see in it a lack of faith in the future and confidence in God. The survivors' grief could even prevent the departed spirit from a peaceful adaptation to its new reality.

The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition, Allan Kardec
pg. 348, 2003

Agree[in relation to helping suicides] Prayer appears to be a universal method of assistance that can be used by the living or those already in spirit.

Suicide: What Really Happens in the Afterlife, Pamela Rae Heath
pg. 162, 2006

AgreeSome of the statements made by those whose death was enforced are similar to those made by men who died naturally (e.g. (1) they felt little, if any, physical pain; (2) the shedding of the body caused no more than a momentary coma, "blackout", etc.; (3) the fact that they had permanently vacated the body ('died') was often unrealized for some time; (4) many saw their own bodies; (5) they suffered from any undue grief on the part of still-embodied friends; (6) they could not make (non-psychic) mortals see or hear them and (7) some at first wondered if they might be dreaming.

The Supreme Adventure: Analyses of Psychic Communications, Robert Crookall
pg. 21-22, 1974

AgreeAs Walter sat in a chair...his grandmother appeared standing behind him and the chair. She came to take him over to the spirit side although he had not wanted to go...After some coaxing, he did go into the light as we say, and home with his grandmother.

The Messenger, Denise Lescano
pg. pg. 99, 2014 Source

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Know that this universe is nothing but a dream bluff of nature to test your consciousness of immortality

—Paramahansa Yogananda