The Afterlife
Human form Agree: 6 93 — Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton — Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton — Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton — Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton — Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton — Destiny of Souls, Michael Newton Disagree: 0
You do not move around in your spirit life in the form of a human body though you can take that form when it is time to greet loved ones or if you are going to go and do a spirit visitation with a loved one. You will take that form for that is what the human still remembers you as. But you really are a form of energy light and depending upon your spiritual evolution you vibrate at different energy frequencies and light.
Souls often use their capacity to project former life forms when communicating with each other.
pg. 27, 1996Familiar beings are clustered together in undulating masses of bright light.
pg. 85, 1996Secondary groups of souls are arranged in the form of a community support group which is much less initimate with one another. Larger secondary groups of entities are made up of giant sets of primary clusters as lily pads in one pond. I have never heard of a secondary group estimated at less than a thousand souls.
pg. 87-88, 1996I want to summarize what I have learned about the basic principles of soul group assignments: Irrespective of size, cluster groups do not directly intermix with each other's energy, but souls can communicate with one another across primary and secondary group boundaries.
pg. 105-106, 1996I tend to think of souls as intelligent light forms of energy. Right after death, souls suddenly feel different because they are no longer encumbered by a temporary host body with a brain and central nervous system. Some take longer than others.
pg. 2, 2003I see the soul as intelligent light energy. This energy appears to function as vibrational waves similar to electromagnetic force but without the limitations of charged particles of matter.
pg. 85, 2003