Research Issues: Death Experience for Adults
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Collective death of many after an accident
Key Finding 10 - Those who have crossed over with many other spirits all at one time are greeted in their collective place of confusion and lack of understanding, not only by loved ones, but by many guides and angels to help them make this transition. They remain together for a small amount of time before beginning their individual spirit journeys.
Afterlife 101 Section, Chapter 1
Spirit Guide: we would say that those who die suddenly in a mass amount of people, some are prepared for what is going to happen and others again have had an energy cross their path that interfered with what they thought was going to be a normal cycle of life for them.
All initially feel a sense of confusion--even those who most quickly realize that this was their life path. But the sense of confusion comes from so much energy all of a sudden being released immediately. And the lack of understanding of what's happening to each one of these individuals creates sort of a whirlwind of activities by both sides, the earth side as well as the spiritual side. We feel that those who have crossed over with many other spirits all at one time are greeted in their place of confusion and lack of understanding, not only by loved ones, but are greeted by many guides and angels to help them make this transition, because many times there are so many mixed levels of consciousness and ethnic understanding.
In reality, oftentimes loved ones do not gather with the individual spirit initially but those who have just crossed over are all held together by a bond of suddenness of soul transfer and therefore have many teachers, guides and angels to help them all with this sudden mass encounter of being spirit self rather than human self. Because there is no time in heaven, we cannot tell you how long this happens. It could be an instantaneous thing and then they are put together with family members immediately so that they can know that they are not alone for that is often the initial fear of such spirits. They feel they are alone, regardless of what their religious upbringing has been, but almost instantly realize that they are all part of this large group of individuals who have suddenly left their human bodies and are all making this transition together.
There are many angels, spirit guides and counselors with them. So this initial feeling of sudden darkness and aloneness is vanished almost before it has begun. There is a great deal of love and connectiveness within this group of new spirit souls. Though they have become aware of their own loved ones they do not unite with them immediately. It is important that as a group they understand why and what has happened to them and the role their crossing over plays with everyone who remains on earth. There is an understanding and acceptance of the new spirit souls of the need for them to remain together as a group for what we on earth would consider a small amount of time to be guided through this sudden change of events which many were not pre-programmed to experience.
Once this has taken place each individual spirit soon finds itself connecting with their own loved ones and then begins their own individual spirit journey. At a future time we would like to discuss how these changed events affect the spirit souls' new journey from how it would have been had they been allowed to continue the original human life journey they had expected before crossing over so suddenly. So you see, not only does the human life's journey change by this interference of energy, so does the spirit soul journey change.
The Spirits Book-Modern English Edition by Kardec
Kardec discussion: In cases of collective death, in which many persons have died in the same catastrophe, it has been observed that they do not always see one another immediately afterwards. In the confusion that follows, each spirit goes its own way or concerns itself only with those in whom it takes an interest.
Spirit Guide Commentary
Question: After multiple sudden death from an accident, do the participants who have crossed over ever go their separate ways in the spirit world without initially gathering as a group?
Spirit Guide Commentary (9/3/08) We still believe that when a large group crosses over unexpectedly together, they remain together for a short period of time even though their loved ones, and spirit guides, are also there, there are angels and other spiritual entities there to help them with this shock of crossing over so suddenly and unexpectedly. Because these people all came together in a group prior to the accident, again we say for a short period of time, before they separate and go off with their own spirit guides and their own spirit families they are all there working together trying to bring calm and peace and understanding of what happened. Though this is not a long length of time they are together we still believe and from our knowledge say they stay together as a group for a short period of time.
Followup Question: Are there ever cases where smaller groups of souls of the larger soul group that collectively died will stay together for a short period while some individuals of the larger group will go off on their own?
Spirit Guide Commentary (9/3/08) There can always be those who just feel the need to go off and be with their own but generally speaking they are all trying to bring a sense of peace and a sense of calm from the frenzied energy that had just taken place as they all crossed over. Each individual has in their own right to choose as they did right when they were living their life on earth to choose which step they want to take. Generally, they stay together but again there can be some individuals who want to go off and who are trying to explore what just happened on their own.
It seems probable that groups of individuals who cross over collectively as the result of an accident do tend to stay together for a short period on the other side but there may be a few who elect to proceed independently. The differences defined here are not substantial.
Key Finding 20 - There is not a silver cord or some other physical attachment means between the soul and the body which is severed at the moment of death and departure of the spirit soul.
Afterlife 101 Section, Chapter 1
Question: Is there a silver cord or some other attachment means between the soul and the body which is severed at the moment of death and departure of the soul?
Spirit Guide: You on earth have to have these visualizations of all experiences to justify whatever is taking place. There is always a connection between the human body and the spirit soul but to say that there is a cord that is severed in the physical sense — it does not exist. But you do have a connection to your earth life and those surrounding you. That connection is not immediately broken at the time of death. Are we talking about a physical connection or an emotional spiritual bond? There is nothing physical that connects you to your earth life from your spirit life. You are connected to both of them right now without any sense of physical connection such as magnets or silver cords or spiral links. You are connected at a heart level of love. This love moves with you when you move out of your physical body and that bond continues to be with you forever in spirit life. As you move forward in your spirit life that bond becomes less earthly as you become more spirit. And this is a process that each person experiences, as they move from human into spirit and spirit begins its disconnection and evolution, its disconnection from its human body into its evolution of its spirit body.
Agreement (None)
Here and Hereafter by Borgia
Let us begin, then, by briefly sketching the operation of physical death. The spirit body exactly coincides with the physical body, and during waking hours the two are inseparable. When sleep takes place the spirit body withdraws from the physical body, but the former is attached to the latter by a magnetic cord. I call it a magnetic cord for want of a better name. It is a veritable life line. Its elasticity is enormous, since the spirit body can travel either throughout the earth during sleeping hours, or throughout the spirit world subject to special conditions and limitations. However vast the distance between the sleeping physical body and the temporarily released spirit body, the magnetic cord can span the distance easily and perfectly and without any diminution of its active agency, which is to sustain life in the earthly body. The life line will, as its length increases, become exceedingly fine and almost hair-like in appearance. Just so long as the magnetic cord is joined to the earthly body, just so long will earthly life remain in the physical body. But the moment that dissolution takes place the life-line is severed, the spirit is free to live in its own element, while the physical body will decay in the manner which is perfectly familiar to you upon earth. The death of the physical body, then, is simply the severance of the magnetic cord, and as far as the physical body is concerned it is closely akin to ordinary sleep. There does not seem anything very dreadful about this straightforward process if a little thought is given to it.
Here and Hereafter by Borgia
In speaking of the magnetic cord, I mentioned that during sleep the spirit body sometimes visits other places either on earth or in the spirit world. It is not everyone, however, that travels during sleeping hours. It depends entirely upon individual circumstances.
Here and Hereafter by Borgia
Death always seems to the beholder of it to be such a solitary business, as perforce, it must be to some extent. But our help is always at hand, though help comes usually after the severance of the magnetic cord when the spirit body is free from the earthly body. The severance will take place in a perfectly natural manner, just as the leaf will fall from the tree. It is then that the moment comes for us to step in and offer our assistance. I say offer assistance because we do not force our services upon anyone. However, in all our experience so far, our offers of help have never been scorned. On the contrary, people are only too glad to leave themselves entirely in our hands.
Between Death & Life by Dolores Cannon
Cannon: We've heard a lot about what is called the "silver cord." Is there any such thing?
Spirit: This is, as you might perceive it, a lifeline to your body which is very real in nature. In an energetic sense this is the cord which maintains a lifeline with your energies to your body. It is indeed a real device.
Cannon: Then at the point of death this cord is severed?
Spirit: That is accurate.
Between Death & Life by Dolores Cannon
Cannon: When my subjects have relived the death experience, they pass through the white light, the barrier. At that point the energy is so intense that it severs the "silver cord", the umbilical that attaches the spirit to the physical body. When this occurs the spirit cannot cross back through the barrier and enter their body again. The two have been forever separated. Without this connection to its life force (the soul or spirit) the body quickly begins to deteriorate.
Between Death & Life by Dolores Cannon
Cannon: I have been told that there is a cord that is supposed to connect the spirit to the body.
Spirit: Yes, and when you go through that bright light it severs the cord because you are going through an intense energy field. The cord that connects the astral body to the physical body is a type of energy. And when you go through the energy barrier, it is dissolved.
Spirit Guide Commentary
Question: Is there some kind of connection between the soul of an an individual and his or her body, often referred to as a silver or magnetic cord, which exists in some energy form or dimension, not necessarily the 3D material world of earth?
Spirit Guide Commentary (9/8/08): For many it is important for them to see a connection of their body and their soul together so that they will not have the fear of never being able to connect with their soul. Though we feel that this cord is not necessary for everyone, there are many who feel it is. But we see as you humans do not see — we see a field of electromagnetic energy between the body and the soul. Those who have a soul connection upon earth do not need the silver cord and know they are connected through the electromagnetic fields. But those who are new at connecting with the spirit soul who do not have enough understanding or those who are being taught by others still feel the need for the connection. They too eventually will not have to have this physical cord sense of connecting that many others do. It moves from a believing with a silver cord to a knowing and not needing a silver cord for you know your body and your soul are connected together as one in this lifetime.
Followup question: For those to whom it exists, is its severance associated with the death of the individual concerned and is it also used to link the soul to the body during astral travel as a part of sleep?
Spirit Guide Commentary (9/8/08): When one becomes involved with astral travel, especially in the beginning, one must be extremely cautious. It is wise for beginners of astral projection to visualize this cord. Again, for those who have the knowing, their connection is still there but they do not require the presence of a silver cord. When one is reaching the point of separation from the human body to the soul that cord again is there for those who still have not yet grown into the knowing and it is a means of security throughout their physical life to have it there. But as they move from their body and look down upon this body, which will no longer carry their soul, they realize at that point that they have disconnected from the silver cord and their body.
The spirit guides have provided an answer as to why many messages from spiritual sources refer to the existence of a silver cord or something similar. They believe that it is a means of establishing security about the relationship of the body and the soul, a belief that is replaced by the knowing that this tie does not exist. This seems to be a reasonable hypothesis.
Greeting after arrival in heaven by a major religious figure
Afterlife 101 Section, Chapter 1 - Key Finding 26
Question: Greeting by religious figures- Does Jesus ever greet new soul arrivals and, if so, is this an appearance which is simultaneously repeated for numerous arrivals?
Spirit Guide: The answer to both of your questions is yes. The reason that someone feels that they are being met by Jesus is that they have a very strong Christian belief on earth. They do not understand, they accept Jesus as the man and do not accept that Jesus is not just the man but is the Christ energy that is within them. But, because that is what their very strong earth-bound belief is, they feel that they are met by Jesus the man. This is an energy that they have the consciousness of and, because each individual has their own consciousness when they make their crossing over, the appearance of Jesus the man is able to come to all of these individuals in their own personal way. Thus it follows in all religions on earth as a person crosses over.
Question: Speaking of Jesus, I seem to recall in some of my readings that when Jesus does greet a new soul arrival it is almost as if it was an image of Jesus without the true personality because very little conversation gets spoken, perhaps just a ceremonial gesture and word of welcome on the part of Jesus which makes me think that its not really Jesus but it is some sort of image of Jesus that is provided these people that arrive.
Spirit Guide: This we agree with very much so and that is what we were trying to say about their own individual consciousness. They do not accept the fact that the Christ spirit that the man represented is actually within them. They are too connected with the image of the man and not what the Christ consciousness of the man was about.
Question: But I presume that there is a spirit who was in his most recent incarnation in the body of the person known as Jesus and that that spirit exists today in a heavenly realm.
Spirit Guide: This is very much so as many of the spiritual teachers such as Buddha and others who walked your earth, who have left earth as a human being, who have a spirit consciousness. But, if you had thousands of persons every minute that expected to see Jesus, it would be a terrible imposition on the spirit of Jesus to have to be able to greet and interact with all those people. And that is what we're saying, that is not truly what happens. They are greeted, as we said to you, on their own individual consciousness of what Jesus was. They are not greeted by the actual spirit of Jesus but their consciousness of who they believe Jesus to be or Buddha or whatever their spiritual connection was on earth.
Seth Speaks by Roberts
Seth: Christianity has believed in a heaven and a hell, a purgatory, and reckoning and so, at death, to those who so believe in these symbols, another ceremony is enacted, and the guides take on the guises of those beloved figures of Christian saints and heros. Then with this as framework, and in terms that they can understand, such individuals are told the true situation. Mass religious movements have for centuries fulfilled that purpose, in giving man some plan to be followed. It little mattered that later the plan was seen as a child's primer, a book of instructions complete with colorful tales, for the main purpose was served and there was little disorientation. In periods where no such mass ideas are held, there is more disorientation, and when life after death is completely denied, the problem is somewhat magnified.
Life Between Lives by Michael Newton the initial contact with their guide, a devout Christian client might exclaim, "Oh, I see Jesus!" A variation of this theme could be a statement to the effect of "An angel has just come to meet me." There are clients with firm theological convictions who tend to believe their session is a religious rather than a spiritual experience. Thus, conscious preconceptions toward religious doctrine are manifested here....They soon realize this preeminent being is their own personal teacher who has been assigned to them from their beginnings rather than a great prophet from one of the world's major religions.
Between Death & Life by Dolores Cannon
Cannon: Some people believe that the form of Jesus' spirit will contact you to guide you at the time that your spirit leaves your body.
Spirit: It is entirely possible; however, not mandatory or in all cases. It is sometimes done if the individual crossing over requests or desires to see this Jesus energy, and so it is in fact the Jesus energy which would manifest itself...
Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton
In all my years of research, I have never had a single subject who was met by a major religious figure such as Jesus or Buddha. There has been no instance where individuals have reported during between-life regression sessions that they have actually been met by a major religious figure such as Jesus.
Spirit Guide Commentary
Question: Under what circumstances, if any, would such a greeting appear to be made to an individual crossing over?
Spirit Guide Commentary (12/8/08 and 12/21/08) It is our understanding that those who believe in Christ, those who believe that they will see Christ when they cross over, as we have said before, they will see the essence of Christ. That is what they had prepared themselves for. As far as others saying they never encountered or heard of this before, does not mean that it is not so. It is not just the Christ consciousness that comes to someone who has crossed over. If they believe in Islamic religion, Jewish religion, Buddhism, whatever and whoever their spiritual leader is, they too can meet with the consciousness of such leaders when they cross over. So this is just not something for those who are of the Christian beliefs but for those of any spiritual belief who have a leader and a higher consciousness and who are crossing over will meet with that consciousness.
Followup question: If an individual perceives an energy of Christ consciousness, from where is this energy coming from--from one's own conciousness, from one's spirit guide, from the spirit of Christ, or from God and what does this energy represent?
Spirit Guide Commentary (9/8/08 and 12/21/08) The energy represents the oneness, the power that we all have within us to change immediately, the ability to move closer to understanding total unconditional love, the ability to carry that thing unknown on earth and then, when one crosses over, to see and feel the essence of all of that spirit of the Christ they knew. This is for any religion that someone has the faith and belief in, not just Christian religions.
Followup question: So this energy is coming from one's own consciousness?
Spirit Guide Commentary (9/8/08) This is true but they will meet the Christ consciousness,the one consciousness that is within all of us to one degree or another. There are just some who carry a bit more and have a deeper faith in knowing. It is not anything that is mysterious. It is just the way we evolve on earth.
It is not possible to resolve the difference that Dr. Newton has noted with his regressed patients with respect to perception of a Christ-like figure upon crossing over. The spirit guides speaking in Afterlife 101 strongly emphasize the existence of a Christ consciousness within all individuals with Christian beliefs, and similar consciousness associated with other earthly belief systems.