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Reincarnation of spirit guides
Key Finding 123,256 - Once a spirit has obtained the actual level of a spirit guide and teacher they no longer make the transitions to and from the nonspirit world.
Afterlife 101 Section, Chapter 4: Specialists in heaven
Question: What are the various specialists, if they exist, among spirits in heaven?
Spirit Guide: We would like to have you clarify that question. Do you mean as you as individuals that cross over as spirits, or are you talking as spirit guides and teachers? Could you please help clarify how you would like us to answer that?
Question: Well, I am perhaps not smart enough to properly ask the question but it has to do with, for example, people who may specialize in saving souls that have have been left here on earth without crossing over, or people who are specialists in science, or in leadership, or some other form?
Spirit Guide: In response to that question, we would say yes to both. There are specialists as spirit guide teachers and there are individuals who cross over who have achieved a higher consciousness that come and help as in spirit form other than an ordinary spirit life. They are spirit guides in training, so to speak. Those who come from a three-dimensional or other universal living experience and cross over into spirit experience, what their lives have consisted of in the other non-spirit form is often what they will help do and learn to assist spirits of lesser consciousness in the spirit world. Once a spirit has obtained the actual level of a spirit guide and teacher they no longer make the transitions from nonspirit world. But those individuals who are working to achieve higher levels of consciousness do help on the other side and they can be teachers, they can be doctors, they are almost always individuals not necessarily who have attained high educational and intellectual levels but individuals who have had many past lives and who have always been either leaders with a knowledge, whether it be conscious or not conscious, of the other life and they tend to be working towards becoming that type of a spiritual teacher and guide on the other side.
Question: Are inventions created in heaven and telepathically transferred to individuals on earth?
Spirit Guide: All thought process is created through the one Creator. If you choose to say that the thought you have comes from heaven, you are accepting that there is a power greater than you, that you are becoming the coCreator with God. In answer to that question, yes, many people have many ideas and think that they are personally responsible without understanding their connection as a co-Creator in the process they are going through.
Question: Would there, however, be a case where someone in the spirit world who was studying scientific matters and made a finding or invention and have that transferred to someone on earth who would think it was their thought?
Spirit Guide: As you know from your past experience in your professional life you would often get many ideas and, as you were thinking out these thoughts, these designs, and this creative energy, you had spirit guides who were working and helping you evolve these thought processes that were coming to you. But even through the spirit guides the thought process all come from one Creator and, as with spirit guides and with yourself, you are all one as a coCreator with the one power. But you often have teachers and guides who will be assisting you in your thought process on another consciousness level.
Question: This may relate closely to the previous questions. But is the work spirits do permanent for each of them over many lives, is this the work spirits do both in the afterworld and while incarnated on earth?
Spirit Guide: Your wife has always had the ability to understand and accept other worlds other than the three-dimensional one that the majority of earthlings expect there is, when she crosses over she is able to help those who come with confusion and fears. These are the individuals that have the most difficult time adjusting for she is able to communicate the earth experiences as well as their new spirit experiences to bring them comfort so that the transformation works with more ease and understanding. As many people are involved in earth they again find themselves involved in the spirit world and have the majority of times in incarnations always had the same level of consciousness, the same avenue of consciousness as it continues to be raised.
Key Finding 256
Generally, angels or spirit guides do not reincarnate in a physical body on earth. There have been a few individuals that have come from spirit guides, such as Buddha or Jesus, but the sole purpose in their lifetime was for those teachings to follow through for centuries and centuries.
Afterlife 101 Section, Chapter 6: Evolution of spirit guides
Question: Where do spirit guides come from? Are they all from spirits that have incarnated on earth or are they separately created?
Spirit Guide: Spirit guides are highly evolved forms of energy. Generally, as with everything, we are all created by one Creator. Highly evolved spirit guides can come from many evolutions of a spirit, humanoid spirit. This does not mean it has to be an earth spirit but spirits that come from other worlds, other than earth, who have been created as highly evolved spirits initially and have lived many lives evolving through human experiences--or through not-necessarily-human experiences but through other planet experiences. This is quite an in-depth and very complicated question to be able to answer and we would like to be able to go back to that at another time. But there are essentially two forms of highly evolved spirits, those that are energies that have been created by the Creator and are never in a humanoid form and those who have been in a humanoid form but were put on these various planets by the Creator in these advanced forms to help those who are not so advanced become more evolved. Again, this is extremely complicated and we would like at some point to return to it.
Question: Could I ask about my personal spirit guide? Have you ever had life as a humanoid on this or another planet? One or multiple times?
Spirit Guide: Yes, we have. We have not been upon your earth. We are higher evolved forms from many, many, many thousands of years ago from other living planets. We still have many levels of consciousness, as you on earth would call it, which we continue to evolve into even as spirit guides. Now, we will never return to a three-dimensional form again but we will continue to move at our own consciousness and continue to move into higher vibrational energy forms.
Question: Do spirit guides sometimes take the appearance of someone you really like to make you feel more comfortable when they get in touch with you, even if they know that you would be very disappointed if you would realise it is not the person you hoped for but a guide?
Spirit Guide: We could never understand how you would be disappointed in knowing that a guide was there and not the person you were looking for. But you must be quite careful in assuming how you perceive spirit guides and if they are truly spirit guides. We often ask you to question your image, your answers even, and to verify those. Many individuals have various ways, when they receive an answer, and are not certain of that answer, of how to validate the answer or to validate the vision or to get a very direct answer and knowing that is coming from higher spiritual beings.
Question: Do you ever, for example, in interaction with my wife, do you ever take the form, the image, of someone that she might know, other than yourself?
Spirit Guide: No, we do not with your wife. Oftentimes there will be individuals who are in her life who say or do something that are teachers that, from an earth point of view, a spirit guide has used to teach her something. But generally we do not take the form of someone you know, yet there can be experiences that happen between individuals that are of higher consciousness or a form of teaching, but as far as a spirit itself moving into the body of someone you know to teach you something, this generally is not the case.
Question: Do angels or spirit guides ever reincarnate in a physical body on earth?
Spirit Guide: We would generally say no to that question, though you have had many highly evolved teachers who we believe were spirit guides who were the chosen ones to come and continue to be teachers on this earth. And they come with such a knowing of their abilities and unlimited power that you know they are not a direct reincarnation of a most recent human being. You have many teachers on your earth, you have Buddha, you have the teachings of the Tao and the Koran, you have the teachings of Christ Jesus, you have many individuals who have been able to cross over and live beyond the earth restrictions. Those that do come to earth in that form at that high conscious evolution without any restrictions in their knowledge of what you can create, what you can be, and how you can help--we would say, yes, there have been a few that have come from spirit guides but that sole purpose in that lifetime was for those teachings to follow through for centuries and centuries. This is not a normal reincarnation experience.
Question: Was Mary, the mother of Jesus, the reincarnation of an angel?
Spirit Guide: We leave that to you as earthlings. If your religious philosophy is a strong Christian philosophy and you see Mary as the woman she was projected as, you would say yes. If your religious philosophies are of a different belief, you would most likely say no. We believe that this is an earth decision-making process for those of you who are on a spiritual journey.
Destiny of Souls by Newton
In my work, guides are sometimes described as guardian angels, although our personal teachers are beings who have incarnated in physical form long before graduating to the level of guides. An intimate soulmate in discarnate form can also come to the gate to comfort us in times of need.
Seth Speaks by Roberts
Those who choose to leave this system, whose reincarnational cycles are finished, have many more decisions to make.
Seth Speaks by Roberts
When the [reincarnational] cycle is finished, therefore, you have complete knowledge of your past lives. The information, experience, and abilities are at your fingertips. When the time of choosing comes, therefore, the choices available are far more diverse than those offered or possible to personalities who must still reincarnate. There is always the opportunity to teach if you have the inclination and the capabilities, but multidimensional teaching is far different than teaching as you know it now, and it demands rigorous training.
Seth Speaks by Roberts
The teachers, for example, are themselves within a cycle. The more advanced ones have already encountered the systems of reincarnation and probabilities, and are themselves deciding upon the 'future' nature of their own experience. Their choices, however, are not your choices.
Seth Speaks by Roberts
Some, finished with reincarnation, may choose to reenter the cycle acting as teachers, and in such cases some recognition of higher identity is always present.
Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth? by Schwartz
Spirit: With any lesson, it is one thing for you to learn, but it is like reading a book and keeping the information to yourself. What we souls learn, we teach others by being guardian angels and spirit guides for them. In the personality, what is learned must be left to others, be it one person or a book that reaches the whole world.
Journey of Souls by Newton
Once the duties of a guide are fully established for the advancing soul, it is necessary for these entities to juggle two balls. Besides completing their own unfinished business with continued (though less frequent) incarnations, they must also help others while in a discarnated state.
The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec
Question: Could a spirit guide incarnate itself in order to accompany us more closely in our earthly life?
Spirit: That sometimes happens. But more often they will entrust this mission to a trustworthy person on earth.
Spirit Guide Commentary
{Still in Planning}
Question: 123,256
Are there any cases where a spirit guide may choose to reincarnate back on earth?