Research Issues: Life on Earth
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Properties of Humans: Soul and the Human Brain
Quote: I consider human ideas and imagination as emanating from the soul, which provides a catalyst for the human brain. How much reasoning power we would have without souls is impossible to know, but I feel that the attachment of souls to humans supplies us with insight and abstract thought. I view the soul as offering humans a qualitative reality, subject to conditions of heredity and environment. Journey of Souls, p.248
Spirit Guide Commentary
Question: When a human is created from both a physical body, namely its physical brain, and also created from its soul, in other words the merger of these two elements, what does each of these two sources contribute to the ability of the human to reason? Is that too complex a question? Should I try to break it down, make it simpler?
Spirit Guide: Yes, please. We would like for you to do that.
Question: Let me ask an associated question. If you take a human such as Albert Einstein, who was an extremely gifted scientist, how much of his capability and contribution would you believe came from the soul within his body and how much came just from the natural gifts from his physical brain? In other words, the spiritual source versus the human source?
Spirit Guide: We believe that those upon your earth who have a very high intellectual aspect to their being are all most of the time ruled by the intellect. The spirit is always there, it never leaves the body that it is in until it is time for the body to close down. But the individual who has such high intellect usually has an experience in their life where the door is opened for them to walk in to be more spirit than brain. And that, generally speaking, because of this high intellect which this individual has, it is much more difficult to leave the intellect behind and work with the spirit mind. If they only knew that they could work with the brain and the spirit mind together, they would learn much more and much quicker. The spirit of being always grows stronger as you turn to that spirit for your life experiences. But the intellect is very, very strong and enters also into every aspect of their thought.
(Editor's note: The spirit guide appears to be using the term "intellect" as a property of the human brain.)
Question: Now, if a soul was not present in a physical body but the brain was functional, would the human still be able to function?
Spirit Guide: The soul is always in the human body. It does not always have the control because the human has chosen not to connect with their soul in that lifetime, even though it has been given many opportunities. If you take people who are mass murderers, evil people who have done evil things to others, its soul is very, very deep within and oftentimes will not overcome the intellect and the mental humanness and therefore it can not have much of a consciousness. It will be vibrating with extremely low energy.
The issue of how much of an individual's reasoning capability is due to his physical brain and how much is due to his soul is a very difficult one to address. It appears to be quite variable from individual to individual, ranging from the extreme gifts of Albert Einstein to the evil of a mass murderer.
A major point made by the spirit guides is that a high intellectual capability of the human brain can make it more difficult for that individual to work with its soul (or spirit) and that extra effort should be made to reach one's spiritual side. Higher accomplishment will result.
Quote: In all my years of working with souls, never once have I had a subject who was possessed by another spirit, unfriendly or otherwise. Destiny of Souls, p.74
Spirit Guide Commentary
Question: Are humans ever possessed by another spirit on earth?
Spirit Guide: Unfortunately, yes, we believe this can happen. This can be done through walk-ins and can be done on a much more negative level when human's energy is vibrating at an extremely low level.
The question of possession, whether by the walk-in or by a hostile takeover of a body by a spirit, is strongly controversial among respected written spiritual sources. One could make the argument that human walk-ins, if they exist, might not be motivated to participate in the between-life regression sessions of Michael Newton or others. In any event, this issue cannot be resolved from available information.
Spirit Guide Gender Relative to Human Gender
Quote: As to gender assignments, I find no consistent correlation of male or female subjects to masculine or feminine appearing guides. Journey of Souls, p 110
Spirit Guide Commentary
Question: When spirit guides appear to have gender, does that gender generally correlate with the gender of their humans?
Spirit Guide: Not always. No. There can be times where there is a confusion when you let the person's body it was born into and what its mind thought its gender would be, so there is not always agreement.
Question: But in terms of the spirit guide--for example, as you know, I am a male. I don't believe I have ever asked you whether you as my spirit guide are male or female gender if that is appropriate. What gender are you, if you have one that you would care to share?
Spirit Guide: The guides are all generally a combination of both energies--for you, as a being returning to earth, can be a male or can be a female. Spirit guides, just as it is not necessary to have a name, do not have to be of one particular gender.
Question: So in your opinion, in the great mass of people who have some idea of who their spirit guide is and what gender they may have, you don't necessarily believe that human males will perceive male spirit guides and female humans will perceive female spirit guides. You don't feel that this is necessarily the case.
Spirit Guide: No, but as you know with people of earth it is very important for you to have clear vision and understanding, so the majority of the people of earth will determine the gender of their own spirit guide and will not question it or maybe at that time they may need the male guidance or maybe they need the acceptance and love and forgiveness a female guide can help them to proceed and project. But we would say it is not necessary for the average person's spirit guide be one or the other. It can be both.
The spirit guides agree with Michael Newton's sources that there is generally no correlation between the apparent gender of human individual and their spirit guides, and also make the case that gender can vary in successive human reincarnations and that gender is not fixed
Spiritual Evolution of the Family Group
The social dynamics of intimate human contact are so powerful that in most of my cases the roles souls play in our life and we in theirs directly bears on a group's karmic lessons. Destiny of Souls, p.277
Each life is a piece of fabric which makes up the whole tapestry of our existence. If a family member or friend is harsh and uncompromising, or perhaps weak and emotionally distant toward us in life, we are only seeing an external portion of the entire true character of that soul. Role assignments in life all have purpose. Destiny of Souls, p.285
Spirit Guide Commentary
Question: Let's suppose that I had a father who used to beat me and treat me in a very bad fashion as his child and let's suppose that he was a member of my spiritual family on the other side. Would him acting in that negative fashion, would that assist in my personal spiritual evolution under these circumstances?
Spirit Guide: We would say that what happens in your physical life gives you the opportunity to continue your consciousness growth or the choice of saying I don't know any differently, I will do the same. You are given a choice when you both go back to your spirit family. Those things that the human part of that life, the pain and the anger and the suffering, do not follow you into your spirit family. But you are given the ability to continue to grow from those challenging experiences in a very positive way. And upon earth it is just a hardship for you to endure, a challenge for you to endure, and it is your choice how you will handle the results of that challenge, whether you will follow in your father's footsteps or you will overcome that and become a very loving, compassionate, understanding and forgiving individual. When you are back in your spirit life, you do have that towards the spirit that treated you that way, that compassion, that forgiveness. But the challenges such as that will always affect your spirit being and how you will continue as you reincarnate again.
The spirit guides are in general agreement with the quotations from Destiny of Souls. They stress the importance of the growth opportunity a human has from experiencing bad treatment from another human who happens to be a member of the same spirit family. One's free will determines whether one will achieve this growth opportunity, which was the larger intent of the negative actions of another spirit family member who reincarnated simultaneously. The latter individual will also receive spiritual growth from taking the "bad" role in his or her human life.
Quote: William Blake noted that the man who doesn't believe in miracles makes certain he will never experience one. The Death of Religion and the Rebirth of Spirit, p.185
Spirit Guide Commentary
Question: What is a miracle and should humans expect them to occur?
Spirit Guide: Miracles occur upon your earth, many, many hundreds times a day. Some are very well known and seen and others are totally unknown and unseen. A miracle is a intervention of an event that is going to take place that will change the outcome of your life on earth very dramatically. This can be something that you are very aware of or something that you are only aware of in your very deepest consciousness. A miracle is an event that changes your life forever. They can be large or they can be small but they take place every day upon your earth.
Question: Who causes these miracles to occur or do they just occur spontaneously as an accident?
Spirit Guide: We believe that these miracles are caused by the higher power through His angels, through His spirit guides. Or we could say through Her angels or Her spirit guides. It doesn't matter because we are all one, but, miracles are gifts from the most highest consciousness there is.
It is difficult to identify miracles which have taken place in our civilization in recent years. The most obvious is perhaps the life saving which took place when a passenger aircraft ditched unexpectedly in the Hudson River. Some might feel that it is time for the angels and spirit guides to redouble their efforts to cause a raising of the collective human consciousness on earth, which would certainly be the highest form of a miracle.
Evolution: Consciousness vs Science & Technology
We assume that technology and science are the highpoints of evolution. But evolution has been involved with the development of greater neural structures of the brain and the subsequent human capacity to move beyond the limitations and constraints of the lower animals. It has nothing to do with the objective, physical devices brains create for altering their environment. A rocket to the moon does not represent an evolutionary expansion. Reaching Steiner's higher worlds, Sardello's exploration-expansion of soul, a discovery of humans' immunity to fire and cold or our freedom from having to eat food-these are clear cases of evolutionary expansion. Our move beyond violence, war, and hatred would be a high-water mark of human evolution. The Death of Religion and the Rebirth of Spirit, p.178
This is the time to carry forward our knowlege of the creator-created dynamic and what makes a complete human, our knowledge of the strength of love and forgiveness and the opening of heart. All this ancient yet new-to-us insight is pyramiding around us even as chaos mounts in equal measure. Surely this wild polarity makes ours the most interesting and exciting of times, perhaps the most potent and open-ended period yet in our human venture, particularly because, from our created end of the dynamic, it is up to us to ensure that out of the chaos of our collapsing culture the foundation of a new and positive reality emerges. The Biology of Transcendence, p.244
Groups of people in various cycles of reincarnational activity have met crisis after crisis, have come to your point of physical development and either gone beyond it, or destroyed their particular civilization. Seth Speaks, p.213
Seth had this to say about Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution He spent his last years proving it, and yet it has no real validity. It has a validity within very limited perspectives only; for consciousness does, indeed, evolve form. Form does not evolve consciousness...evolved consciousness forms itself into many different patterns and rains down on reality. Consciousness did not come from atoms and molecules scattered by chance through the universe, or scattered by chance through many universes. Consciousness did not arrive because inert matter suddenly soared into activity and song. The consciousness existed first, and evolved the form into which it then began to manifest itself. Now, if you had all been really paying attention to what I have been saying for some time about the simultaneous nature of time and existence, then you would have known that the theory of evolution is as beautiful a tale as the theory of biblical creation. Both are quite handy, and both are methods of telling stories, and both might seem to agree within their own systems, and yet, in larger aspects they cannot be realities...No - no form of matter, however potent, will be self-evolved into consciousness, no matter what other bits of matter are added to it. Without the consciousness, the matter would not be there in the universe, floating around, waiting for another component to give it reality, consciousness, existence, or song. Seth Speaks, p.309
Spirit Guide Commentary
Question: Human civilization has significantly evolved in the last 10,000 years. In your opinion, has this evolution been caused by what clearly has taken place, advancement in science and technology over the many hundreds and thousands of years involved, or secondly, growth in human spiritual consciousness and our evolution as spiritual beings? Are both of those very important or has our spiritual evolution allowed us to become a much more evolved civilization over that period?
Spirit Guide: We believe both are very important for advancement. You cannot have a scientific higher development without it being balanced by the consciousness and spiritualness. They both bring mankind together and they both help to balance each other. When it becomes unbalanced, you have seen results and will continue to see results.
Question: You do believe then that as a race of humans we are more spiritually evolved now than we were as a race which lived in caves?
Spirit Guide: Without a doubt we believe in that. And we believe that evolution has taken place because of man's desire to make life better on earth for himself and for spiritualness and gentleness and the love to balance out the evolution of your scientific advancement as well.
Question: Do you believe that our human civilization will evolve further in the future or is it likely in your opinion to cause its own destruction?
Spirit Guide: As we see your world today, we see a great unbalance. It is why we believe the people should become more involved and not let go of their responsibilities. We do not believe that enough consciousness, enough caring about one's neighbors, has been that important. And one's power and wealth and control in the last 60 years has almost ignored the importance of one's consciousness towards both man and earth. We believe that that is why you are all on such a destructive pathway.
The spirit guides believe that recent human evolution has been both in the areas of spiritual as well as scientific/technologicy advancement. They caution, as have other sources, that recent human conscious evolution has been insufficient and our overall civilization is potentially in jeapordy.
...these prophecies [Second Coming of Christ] were given in terms of the current culture at that time, and therefore, while the stage has been set, the distortions are deplorable, for this Christ will not come at the end of your world as the prophecies have been maintaining. He will not come to reward the righteous and send evildoers to eternal doom. He will, however, begin a new religious drama. A certain historical continuity will be maintained. As happened once before, however, he will not be generally known for who he is. There will be no glorious proclamation to which the whole world will bow. Hw will return to straighten out Christianity, which will be in a shambles at the time of his arrival, and to set up a new system of thought when the world is sorely in need of one.
By that time, all religions will be in severe crisis. He will undermine religious organizations - not unite them. His message will be that of the individual in relation to All That Is. He will clearly state methods by which each individual can attain a state of intimate contact with his own entity; the entity to some extent being man's mediator with All That Is. Seth Speaks, p.328
Spirit Guide Commentary
Questions: Will the second coming of Christ take place, and if so what events will be associated with it?
Spirit Guide: We believe the second coming of Christ will take place. When Christ returns for the second time, it will of course be a global event. We do not believe it will take place necessarily in the form and in events as the bibles say. It will come in the form of another man, but more than just a man. He will be taking care of events throughout your world that might be happening simultaneously and causing much damage and destruction. As he is here he will not be announced as the second coming of Christ but will be known as a very powerful man. He will not return as a child. He will return as a grown mature man at about the age, perhaps a little older than the age, at which he died the first time. And yet when he does return, there will be many people who understand that it is him, that it will not be a big fanfare event. It will be very natural. He will form his 12 disciples, from people who are currently on earth, together. They will begin to make some very major spiritual changes upon earth. This will go on for some time and there will be the presence and the help of those other than earth people. There is a large, dense, evil energy upon your earth. It is felt by many every day now. When Christ returns it will be much a battle of good and evil but not in the sense of a war battle. Many people will turn to Christ. Even though they do not hold themselves Christians they still believe in Christ and that he was the highest being ever to walk upon earth. And they believe in him as a teacher, as a spiritual leader, as one who has reached human understanding more than anyone has. The Christians will be surprised at how many non-Christians believe in the way of Christ and will become a part of the changes. It will be very beautiful.
The spirit guides appear to be in general agreement with the quote from Seth and in addition they provide more detail on what appears to be one of the major upcoming events in human history, the second coming of Christ. There probably are a great proportion of the humans now living on earth who would like this return to take place relatively soon. It is interesting that the spirit guides project that extraterrestrial entities will also be involved.
The Nature of Time and Alternate Lives
Though it seems to you that reincarnational existences involve past and future events, they are existences parallel or adjacent to your own present life and consciousness Seth Speaks, p.358
...I mentioned alternate presents on several occasion, and reincarnational lives are indeed alternate presents. There is interaction between you and your reincarnational lives constantly. Those selves are not dead, in other words. Your understanding of this must be limited because you automatically think in terms of one life experience at a time, and in linear patterns of development. In your terms, reincarnational self can be aware of your environment, and interact sometimes through your own relationships. In quite other terms, however, the reincarnated personality, while interacting with or through you, can still be having other kinds of experience at other levels. Because time is open-ended, as you think of it, you can also affect what you would think of as past reincarnational selves, and at times react in and to their environment. Reincarnation, as it is usually explained, in terms of one life before another, is a myth; but a myth enabling many to partially understand facts that they would otherwise dismiss - insisting as they do upon the concept of a continuity of time. Seth Speaks, p.393
You and your reincarnated selves, or personalities, are not imprisoned in time. There is a constant interchange going on between what you think of as your present self, and your past and future selves...Each personality is free. Time has open ends in all directions or such a thing as probabilities would not exist. Therefore, actions that you make now can help a so-called past personality; and a so-called future personality may step in and help you along your weary way. Seth Speaks, p.409
...realization can cure even illnesses that are related to past lives. Since Seth says these existences are actually lived spontaneously, then these "parallel" selves exist in us now, and we can reach them through therapy. The Seth Material, p. 173
Spirit Guide Commentary
Question: Is there a way for humans to understand the real nature of time and how one's past and future lives are really taking place simultaneously, if they are?
Spirit Guide: Time has always been, and always will be, based upon the moon and the sun. Your current time has not always been but has been established many thousands of years ago. For one to understand time, one only needs to understand some of the astronomy of earth and other surrounding stars in the sky.
One's past lives are always with them. If one wishes to return to an event in a past life, one is able to do that and when they do that, simultaneously those events of past and current present times are taking place together. It is not just a memory that one will be experiencing but the actual time it was taking place. When one returns from an altered state, such as they were in to experience those past events, one often has carried all that information with them, but it is not taking place. It is information that has been stored and one is able to return to all that information in all past lives.
Question: Does time exist in heaven?
Spirit Guide: There is no such thing as time in heaven. As for future lives, there are times when individuals are given events that will be taking place. They are not happening in parallel. They cannot always be fully predicted because of all the changes one event can be altered by, from the smallest to the most major. When one is given information about the future, it cannot always have the same results because there are too many other energies taking place at that time which could interfere with and change the whole event. That one must be very aware when they are given times of events taking place for as they are given that information the individual is opening up their higher states of consciousness. And though the event might not be exactly as was told there is a reason for an individual being shown those to perhaps consciously change the outcome, physically change the outcome. So it is important for one to understand that it is difficult to give a time when something will take place but still to continue to be aware of it to see if they can consciously help whatever that situation will be in the future.
This is a profound subject. Humans have a difficult time understanding that they may have lives occurring simultaneously in the past and in the future as opposed to a linear sequence of lives leading to the present and possibly the future. The spirit guides insist that past lives are actually taking place simultaneously with one's present life, separate from a recollection of these past lives which may have been revealed, for example, in regression sessions.
The only example of this experienced by the editor of these spirit guide sessions was the assertion by Dolores Cannon, author of the Nostradamus series, that communication was conducted with Nostradamus living in his time, as opposed to communication with the spirit of Nostradamus existing now in the spirit world.
The spirit guides differ in an important way with the messages from Seth. They hold that the possession of free will by humans, perhaps the interaction of many, can make any firm definition of the future impossible. This lack of a rigid future would appear to be a much more satisfactory result for humans trying to overcome difficulties and achieving spiritual growth depending upon their efforts.
The nature of All That Is can only be sensed directly through the inner senses, or, in a weaker communication, through inspiration or intuition. The miraculous complexity of such reality cannot be translated verbally. Seth Speaks, p.228
"The purpose is, quite simply, being as opposed to nonbeing. I am telling you what I know, and there is much I do not know. I know that help must be given one to the other, and that extension and expansion are aids to being. " "Now-and this will seem like a contradiction in terms-there is nonbeing. It is a state, not of nothingness, but a state in which probabilities and possibilities are known and anticipated but blocked from expression. " "Dimly, through what you would call history, hardly remembered, there was such a state. It was a state of agony in which the powers of creativity and existence were known, but the ways to produce them were not known. " "This is the lesson that All That Is had to learn, and that could not be taught. This is the agony from which creativity originally was drawn, and its reflection is still seen. " "All That Is" retains memory of that state, and it serves as a constant impetus-in your terms-toward renewed creativity. Each self, as a part of All That Is, therefore also retains memory of that state. It is for this reason that each minute consciousness is endowed with the impetus toward survival, change, development, and creativity. It is not enough that All That Is, as a primary consciousness gestalt, desire further being, but that each portion of It also carries this determination." "Yet the agony itself was used as a means, and the agony itself served as an impetus, strong enough so that All That Is initiated within Itself the means to be." The Seth Material, pp.240-241
If- and this is impossible-all portions but the most minute last 'unit' of All That Is were destroyed, All That Is would continue, for within the smallest portion is the innate knowledge of the whole. All That Is protects Itself, therefore, and All That Is has and is and will create. When I speak of All That Is, you must understand my position within It. All That Is knows no other. This does not mean that there may not be more to know. It does not know whether or not other psychic gestalts like It may exist. It is not aware of them if they do exist. It is constantly searching. It knows that something else existed before Its own primary dilemma when It could not express Itself. It is conceivable, then that It has evolved, in your terms, so long ago that It has forgotten Its origin, that It has developed from still another Primary which has-again, in your terms-long since gone Its way. So there are answers that I cannot give you, for they are not known anywhere in the system in which we have our existence. We do know that within this system of our All That Is, creation continues and developments are never still. We can deduce that on still other layers of which we are unaware, the same is true. The first state of agonized search for expression may have represented the birth throes of All That Is as we know It. Pretend, then, that you possessed within yourself the knowledge of all the world's masterpieces in sculpture and art, that they pulsed as realities within you, but that you had no physical apparatus, no knowledge of hot to achieve them, that there was neither rock nor pigment nor souce of any of these, and you ached with the yearning to produce the. This, on an infinitesimally small scale, will perhaps give you, as an artist [this was addressed to Rob, of course]., some idea of the agony and impetus that was felt. Desire, wish, and expectation rule all actions and are the basis for all realities. Within All That Is, therefore, the wish, desire, and expectation of creativity existed before all other actuality. The strength and vitality of these desires and expectations then became in your terms so insupportable that All That Is was driven to find the means to produce them. " In other words, All That Is existed in a state of being, but without the means to find expression for Its being. This was the state of agony of which I spoke. Yet it is doubtful that without this 'period' of contracted yearning, All That Is could concentrate Its energy sufficiently enough to create the realities that existed in probably suspension within It. The agony and the desire to create represented Its proof of Its own reality. The feelings, in other words, were adequate proof to All That Is that It was." The Seth Material, pp.241-242
Question 11: Will we ever be able to comprehend the mystery of God? Answer: When human beings have advanced sufficiently - that is, when they have overcome the yoke of matter - they will be better able to comprehend God. The Spirits Book-Modern English Edition, p.35
Question 14: Is God a being distinct from the universe or, as some people believe, the result of all the forces and intelligences of the universe? Answer: The latter view makes God an effect and not a cause. But, as we have stated, God is the First Cause, and it is impossible to be both cause and effect at the same time. But do not doubt God's existence. This is the one essential point. To go beyond it is to lose yourselves in a maze. Nor in the end will such explorations make you better persons. They might, in fact, do harm by adding to your pride and leading you to believe, incorrectly, that you know something others do not. Don't waste your time on these theories. You have enough to think about in the here and now, beginning with yourselves. Study your own imperfections, and try to get rid of them. This course is far more profitable than trying to penetrate the impenetrable. The Spirits Book-Modern English Edition, p.36
Question 18: Will we ever be able to penetrate the mystery of things we don't understand now? Answer: As you achieve purification, this veil will be lifted. But in order to understand some things you need faculties you don't yet have. The Spirits Book-Modern English Edition, p.39
Spirit Guide Commentary
Question: Will humans ever be able to understand what God is?
Spirit Guide: As humans continue to evolve, they will get a much greater sense of the Creator and they will become closer and their views of what God is, who God is, where God is, will become clearer and the individuals will become less and less frightened. Will humans ever get the total concept of God? We believe few have the concept of God. Until humans make their spiritual growth consciousness one of the most major events of their life they will continue to learn at a much slower, slower pace until they realize that finding God is finding who God is, is finding who they are.
The spirit guides suggest that understanding what God is is a search conducted by humans which can achieve progress but which will be completed by few. The Afterlife 101 book has the following description of what God is:
You are asking the question that every person upon their journeys who ever encounters the word God will ask. God is each and every item, each and every animal, each and every rock and tree, each and every individual being. God is in everything and everyone. The connection and the journey of you as humans is to begin to understand that God is this force of energy that is in everything and that you all are. As you move in your spiritual connection, you move closer and closer to this energy of total-ness of everybody. Everything on earth is just an individualized expression of who God is but the actions that individuals take are not who God is. That is the actions of the ego and personality of the individuals. As an individual crosses over once again into the spirit world they are part of the oneness that they feel more and more. It can be just the connection with the oneness of their spirit family that they have and as a group that is often the case. There is a non-individual but a oneness within.
Question 8: What about the view that the creation of all things resulted from chance combinations of matter? Answer: Another absurdity! Can any thinking person regard chance as an intelligent agent? What is chance? Nothing. The Spirits Book-Modern English Edition, p.34
Question 21: Has matter, like God, existed from all eternity, or was it created at some specific point in time? Answer: God only knows. Nonetheless, there is an essential point to consider, God, the eternal fountain of love, must never have been idle. No matter how far into the past you reach, you can't imagine a single moment when God wasn't active. The Spirits Book-Modern English Edition, p.40
Question 25: Is spirit independent of matter, or is it only one property of matter, as colors are a property of light and sounds a property of air? Answer: Spirit and matter are distinct from one another; but the union of spirit and matter is necessary to give intelligent activity to the latter. The Spirits Book-Modern English Edition, p.40
Question 26: Can spirit be conceived of without matter, and matter without spirit? Answer: Certainly, as objects of thought. The Spirits Book-Modern English Edition, p.41
Question 27: There are, then, two general elements of the universe - matter and spirit?
Answer: Yes. Above them is God, the Creator of all things. These three - God, spirit, matter - are the essence of all that exists, the universal trinity. We should also add here the Cosmic Principle which is an intermediary between spirit and matter as you know it. Earthly matter is too dense for the spirit to act upon directly. Yet you can distinguish the cosmic principle and the matter found on earth by their properties. You should understand that if the Cosmic Principle were simply classified as an element of matter, the spirit would necessarily have to be defined as material, too. This Cosmic Principle is, however, intermediate between spirit and matter; its essence is imponderable; it is the irreducible and fundamental constituent of all matter. Under the guidance of spirit and in combination with denser matter, the Cosmic Principle can be used to produce an infinite number of things about which you now know very little. As the agent used by spirit in acting on matter, the Cosmic Principle is the force without which matter would remain in a perpetual state of division. Without it, matter would never acquire the properties given to it by gravity. The Spirits Book-Modern English Edition, pp.41-42
There are indeed universes composed of such faster-than-light particles. Some of these in your terms share the same space as your own universe. You simply would not perceive such particles as mass. When these particles are slowed down sufficiently, you do experience them as matter. Seth Speaks, p.303
Spirit Guide Commentary
Question: Has matter, like God, existed from all eternity, or was it created at some specific point in time?
Spirit Guide: Matter is nothing but a form of energy. And depending upon the density or the lightness of matter our energy depends upon what the matter is. Matter exists in every form on earth and in other planetary worlds.
Question: And has matter always existed, just like God has always existed? Or was there some point in time where perhaps God, or some other agency, created matter that exists throughout the universe?
Spirit Guide: Matter has always existed in various forms of energy.
Question: Are spirit, matter and God the essence of all that exists?
Spirit Guide: Yes.
The spirit guides seem to essentially agree with the spiritual sources of the Spirits' Book and extend the view of matter to be a form of energy. This is consistent with the understanding of modern physics.