Research Issues: Life on Earth
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Timing of soul development within the fetus
KEY FINDING 196 - When the spirit decides it is going to be that human, the soul begins its development then inside the fetus, even at the beginning of conception. The transformation from spirit to human is the aspect of a new soul, a new personality, a new ego being created. Though spirit is always who you are and is always with you, it is not in a conscious form as your soul is. And your soul is the makeup of your humaness.
Afterlife 101 Section, Chapter 6: Soul creation
Question: You have earlier described when a person crosses over, their soul leaving their physical body and entering in and being absorbed into the spirit. When a baby is reincarnated, is the opposite process underway, namely, a new soul is created and detached from the spirit in order to reside completely within the infant's body?
Spirit Guide: We will try to describe what we think you are asking about. The transformation from spirit to human is the aspect of a new soul, a new personality, a new ego being created. And as this soul is evolving during the pregnancy stage, that is how the humanness is being created. And the consciousness of spirit moving from spirit form into human form, and though spirit is always who you are and is always with you, it is not in a conscious form as your soul is. And your soul is the makeup of your humaness.
Question: And could you describe when the soul enters the infant?
Spirit Guide: When the spirit decides it is going to be that human, the soul begins its development then even at the beginning of conception.
Question: And if you like, it is located inside the fetus, the infant at that time?
Spirit Guide: Yes. For the soul is the beginning of the birth of the human and the spirit will eventually become around, as we have said many times, at two years old--become the subconscious connection to the human but never leaves it.
Journey of Souls by Newton
At some point prior to birth, the soul will carefully touch and join more fully with the impressionable, developing brain of a baby...Depending upon the inclinations of the particular soul involved, the connection may be early or late in the mother's pregnancy. I have had cases where souls timed their arrival at the last minute during delivery, but this is unusual. My findings indicate even those souls who join the baby early seem to do a lot of traveling outside the mother's womb during her term.
Destiny of Souls by Newton
The soul and brain of a new baby appear to begin their association as two separate and distinct entities and become one mind....Although the physical organism of the body will die, the soul who occupied that body never forgets the host which allowed them to experience Earth in a particular time and place.
Destiny of Souls by Newton
When a soul joins with a new baby, I can be fairly sure the partnership will address both the soul's shortcomings and a body-mind who needs this particular soul. The planners choose bodies for us which are intended to combine our character defects with certain body temperaments to produce specific personality combinations.
Seth Speaks by Roberts
Some personalities are drawn to enter at conception...Other personalities who never completely take to earthly existence may hold off full entry for some time, and even then always remain at a certain distance from the body.
Seth Speaks by Roberts
Various methods of entry are adopted. If there is a strong relationship between the parents and the child-to-be, then the personality may enter at the point of conception if he is extremely anxious to rejoin them. Even here, however, large portions of self-awareness continue to operate in the between-life dimension.
The Seth Material by Roberts
The fetus does have its own astral form. Now, this astral form belongs to the individual, the personality as it will be in this life. It is not the astral that existed in a 'previous' reincarnation... There is great energy connected with the fetus, for at no other time in physical life is so much energy utilized so purposefully and so well directed. It is this charge of energy of truly cosmic proportion that allows for the initial breakthrough into matter. The personality is busy transforming literally infinite data. Much of this work has already been done by the third month of pregnancy. As quickly as the new data forms the fetus and physical structure, the self from the previous reincarnation must begin to withdraw its hold. It enters briefly into this process (of birth) but it does not become the new individual. It helps form the new individual and then it must withdraw. The new self unit must be free and not hampered by the demands that could otherwise be put upon it. The new individual has a deeply buried memory of its past lives, but the personal consciousness of the last reincarnated self must not be superimposed upon this new identity. The new personality, in its small astral body, does visit with other portions of the entire identity. It is even given lessons of a kind, but it is very much its own self.
The Book of the Soul by Ian Lawton
As to the timing of incarnation, Newton's subjects report entering the fetus usually from somewhere between five months into pregnancy right up until just before birth, with the onus on the soul itself to choose the timing. Wambach provides considerable details in her survey, finding that eighty-nine per cent of her subjects did not enter the fetus until six months into pregnancy, while thirty-three percent of these delayed until just before or even during, birth. Of the other eleven per cent, quite a few suggested they entered as early as the point of conception. She also found that souls appear to know if a child is going to be born prematurely, and make sure they enter in time, even if in something of a rush. Whitton's subjects report that they enter between several months before birth to as late as just after it, while Cannon's subjects report entering any time from conception right up until some days after birth. Perhaps the most balanced view is Modi's, whose patients describe entering properly at any time between conception and the birth itself, but also suggest that they place a least of their soul energy into the fetus at conception.
Between Death & Life by Dolores Cannon
Cannon: Under normal circumstances, can you tell me at what point or at what time in the progress of the human physical development does the soul or spirit inhabit the body?
Spirit: It is at that point at which the spirit chooses to inhabit. It could be at the precise moment of fertilization or conception, or perhaps some time removed from the birth experience, so as not to have to experience the trauma of birth. It is entirely up to that individual spirit's choice.
Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts
...there is no rule, then, saying that the reincarnating personality must take over the new form prepared for it either at the point of conception, in the very earliest months of the fetus's growth, or even at the point of birth...If there is a strong relationship between the parents and the child-to-be, then the personality may enter at the point of conception if he is extremely anxious to rejoin them. Even here, however, large portions of self-awareness continue to operate in the between-life dimension....If the new personality has not entered earlier to any full extent, it usually does so at birth, in order to stabilize the new organism. It comforts the new organism, in other words.
The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec
When does the spirit unite with the body? Answer: The union begins at conception; it is complete only with birth. From the moment of conception, the spirit assigned to animate a given body is united with that body by the perispirit, which brings spirit and body closer and closer as the moment of birth approaches. When that moment arrives, the infant's cry announces that it is now among the living.
The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec
Is the union between the spirit and the body final from the moment of conception? ... Answer. The union is definitive in one sense: no other spirit can replace the one who has been chosen to inhabit that particular body...
Destiny of Souls by Newton
Souls join their assigned hosts in the womb of the baby's mother sometime after the third month of pregnancy so they will have a sufficiently evolved brain to work with before term...After birth, an amnesiac memory block sets in and souls meld their immortal character with the temporary human mind to produce a combination of traits for a new personality.
Destiny of Souls by Newton
...I have never had a single case where a soul joined the fetus in the first tremester. The reason that souls do not begin their complex merger with a fetus under three months is quite simply because there is not enough brain tissue for them to work with at this stage.
Spirit Guide Commentary
{Still in Planning: Prospective Questions}
Question: 196
In many cases of individuals who have described the circumstances of their spirit's interaction with a human fetus prior to birth during between-life regressions, there was no instance where the spirit entered the body of the developing fetus before the end of the first trimester of growth. Is this typical and, if so, does it relate to the amount of brain material available at various times after conception to work with?
KEY FINDING 232 - On rare occasions, a spirit can replace a spirit in a body with that spirit's agreement to be replaced. This is called a walkin.
Afterlife 101 Section, Chapter 6: Walkins and possession
Question: Do walkins or replacement spirits ever replace with agreement the spirit of humans during their life?
Spirit Guide: If we understand this question, you are asking that, if a walkin comes into another human being, does the human being agree to that? Is that correct?
Question: Well, the real question is, do walkins exist?
Spirit Guide: Yes, they do.
Question: And they can replace a spirit in a body with that spirit's agreement to be replaced?
Spirit Guide: This is true. We will say that this is a very rare thing when it happens but it can and you will begin to see an increase in this happening.
Question: Can a walk-in be sent by loved ones that have passed over?
Spirit Guide: The answer to this question is no. The condition of a walk-in taking place is only between the two spirits that are involved in that process.
Question: Does possession of a human ever take place by an evil spiritual entity?
Spirit Guide: If an individual is in an extremely low energy field and a low vibration, more in darkness than in light in their life, we would have to say that yes, occasionally this can happen. Again, this is not an instance that happens regularly, but yes it can happen and it is an agreement again with both spirits that this happens.
Question: Is there such a thing as a zombie, where very limited human behavior accompanies a state of life, often called the "living dead"?
Spirit Guide: Again as you speak of a zombie it is a three-dimensional image that you upon earth have created. There are many people who are walking around in such states upon your earth because they have not connected to their spirit within them. Many of your people upon earth who have become addicted to drugs and who have very little sense of morality would be more what we would consider a zombie upon your earth for they have lost their connection to their spirit self. We have not said they are disconnected, we have just said they have lost it and they need to find a path back to it. What you are referring to about zombies is often a person's vision of a spirit who has remained upon earth and has not continued their journey to their true spirit self and these are many, many times very confused spirit energies and they are not necessarily negative as the word zombie implies. They are lost and don't know which direction to go. They are still very connected to earth but know that somehow they are not of the earth any more. And oftentimes when they are spirits they need a gentle help and a little love to show them how to continue that journey.
Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth? by Schwartz
And my guides just showed me that sometimes a soul will stage a walk-in. Sometimes, it is an opportunity for a different soul to walk in [to the body] and let the original soul walk out. A detailed discussion of walk-ins is beyond the scope of this book, but it is indeed a real phenomenon. When a soul concludes either that it has learned or will never be able to learn all that had been sought in a particular lifetime, the soul can walk out of the body, meaning that it withdraws its energy from the physical form. Generally, withdrawal of energy results in the death of the body. If, however, another soul feels that its learning is best served by starting an incarnation later in life rather than as a newborn, it can choose to walk into that body. In this way, an exchange takes place.
Between Death & Life by Dolores Cannon
Cannon: Have you ever heard the term "walk-ins"?
Spirit: That is correct.
Cannon: Can you explain that for me?
Spirit: As we mentioned earlier, there are more souls waiting to incarnate than there are bodies to accommodate them. Sometimes there comes a time in an individual's life when he finds that he truly no longer wishes to be in the physical. He has reached a point where the physical weights and cares have dragged the soul to a level from which it cannot sustain itself. And so the individual is given the option to pass over to the other side. There is then made available the opportunity for an individual on the spirit side to come and inhabit that body. So there would be a mutual exchange of places, so to say. This is very beneficial for both. For you can see the original soul is released to his true home. And that individual on the spirit side is then allowed a vehicle on which to work karma.
Strangers Among Us by Ruth Montgomery
[The Guides began to write]: "The so-called Walk-ins are superior souls who have gone on after many earthly lives, and some of them need not return but are doing so in order to help others. They wish to avoid returning as babies, and enduring the childhood state in which valuable time would be wasted, so they do indeed take over, with permission, the bodies of discouraged or willing souls who are ready to depart. Some are able to go directly to the purpose of their earthly return and have become philosophers and research scientists, while some are as yet unaware that they were not always in the bodies they now inhabit. They make up a small but brilliant portion of today's society..."
Strangers Among Us by Ruth Montgomery
[The guides wrote:] "Depending upon the condition of one's body and the readiness to depart, a few months at most are required by the Walk-in to study the akashic records of the departing soul, determine how to master the body, and understand the best ways for solving the dilemma in which the Walk-out has found himself."
Strangers Among Us by Ruth Montgomery
...the Guides stressed that help from discarnates is required to make the substitution of one entity for another. "They arrange receptive channels and vibratory levels, and tune into the receptive one to help arrange a peaceful substitution. They are insurance policies, so to speak, against a takeover by the wrong entity or by one whose vibrations are of a different wavelength than the one who wishes from his body. Theirs is a skilled operation, as you might phrase it. They are specialists in their work, and highly evolved."
Destiny of Souls by Newton
Not once, in all my years of working with subjects in regression, have I ever had a walk-in soul...To give another soul permission to come in and take over your karmic life plan defeats their whole purpose of your coming to Earth in the first place!
The Wisdom of the Soul by Ian Lawton
Can a soul vacate its adult body so another soul can walk in? ....So what did our sources make of this issue? They were, once again, unanimous that walk-ins do not take place....The soul has chosen that body, and it couldn't leave without the body dying as well. The bond between soul and body is too strong, and this would have the potential to destroy the body. What would be the purpose of that? A soul can only join while the baby is in the womb, and it takes the full time in the womb to make the connections between the soul and the body. So it cannot be done at any other time. And if a soul walks out, the body dies.
Life Between Lives by Michael Newton
The probing by the soul begins gently, carefully following the neurotransmitters of the brain while matching their own energy vibrations with the mind of the baby. Just imagine the shock to the adult human mind for one soul to substitute the energy of its immortal character for another in mid-life. I believe this would lead to either insanity or death.
Spirit Guide Commentary
{STILL IN PLANNING: Prospective Question}
Question: 232
In every case of individuals who have described their lives on earth during between-life regressions, there have been no instances of there being a "walk-in" where another spirit replaces the original spirit and the human body lives on. Do "walk-ins" really exist and, if so, under what circumstances does this exchange take place?
This is the time to carry forward our knowlege of the creator-created dynamic and what makes a complete human, our knowledge of the strength of love and forgiveness and the opening of heart. All this ancient yet new-to-us insight is pyramiding around us even as chaos mounts in equal measure. Surely this wild polarity makes ours the most interesting and exciting of times, perhaps the most potent and open-ended period yet in our human venture, particularly because, from our created end of the dynamic, it is up to us to ensure that out of the chaos of our collapsing culture the foundation of a new and positive reality emerges. The Biology of Transcendence, p.244
Groups of people in various cycles of reincarnational activity have met crisis after crisis, have come to your point of physical development and either gone beyond it, or destroyed their particular civilization. Seth Speaks, p.213
Spirit Guide Commentary
Is our current state of physical development likely to result in a destroyed civilization or will we be able to create the foundation of a new and positive reality to our culture?
Theories of Evolution: Darwin,The Bible, & Consciousness
Seth had this to say about Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution He spent his last years proving it, and yet it has no real validity. It has a validity within very limited perspectives only; for consciousness does, indeed, evolve form. Form does not evolve consciousness...evolved consciousness forms itself into many different patterns and rains down on reality. Consciousness did not come from atoms and molecules scattered by chance through the universe, or scattered by chance through many universes. Consciousness did not arrive because inert matter suddenly soared into activity and song. The consciousness existed first, and evolved the form into which it then began to manifest itself. Now, if you had all been really paying attention to what I have been saying for some time about the simultaneous nature of time and existence, then you would have known that the theory of evolution is as beautiful a tale as the theory of biblical creation. Both are quite handy, and both are methods of telling stories, and both might seem to agree within their own systems, and yet, in larger aspects they cannot be realities...No - no form of matter, however potent, will be self-evolved into consciousness, no matter what other bits of matter are added to it. Without the consciousness, the matter would not be there in the universe, floating around, waiting for another component to give it reality, consciousness, existence, or song. Seth Speaks, p.309
Spirit Guide Commentary
Do theories of earthly evolution, such as those of Darwin or the Bible, require the additional contribution of creative consciousness to more accurately reflect the path of human development?